Expected US Release: Feb 3, 2023
Expected International Release: Feb 10, 2023
Expected Federal Release: Feb 17, 2023
With this release, we’ve created a DOJ Production Protocol Template, added support for editing predictive coding models, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.
Improvements in this release:
- DOJ Production Protocol Template (Antitrust)
- Edit Predictive Coding model name and criteria
- Support for all metadata fields and freeform codes in data visualizer
- Modify or repackage production based on configuration changes
- Produce datetimes with customized time zone
- Upload level summary report
- Display configuration of cloud uploads
Visual updates in this release:
- Updated display of native data upload configuration
- Improved ability to rename production protocols
- Additional visual updates
Improvements in this release:
DOJ Production Protocol Template (Antitrust)
Everlaw now offers a standard DOJ Production Protocol template that you can use when producing to the DOJ. The default settings in the template will create a production that matches the specifications for file and metadata formatting laid out in the Standard Specifications for Production of ESI and/or Hard Copy as Images and Text by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (2019).
To access the DOJ Production Protocol template or use it as a starting point, you should navigate to the production protocol creation wizard and select the DOJ template from the menu.
However, please note that Everlaw is not able to satisfy all DOJ production requirements automatically. Users must still ensure that their documents are in the correct file format with the necessary metadata, separately provide passwords for encrypted data, ensure that the correct information has been redacted, ensure that filenames include only allowed characters, and so on. This template is only intended to be used as a starting point for producing to the DOJ; users will still need to independently verify that their production has met the specifications.
Just like all other production protocol templates on Everlaw, you can choose the DOJ template as a starting point, make any desired changes, and then save your protocol under any name.
This new DOJ template includes additional special metadata fields that can be accessed all at once by selecting the DOJ template and clicking the “Use DOJ defaults” button or individually from the “Load File Fields” section of the standard load file building dialog.
Two of the newly added fields are the Search Terms (SEARCHVALUES) and DOJ EDoc Properties (EPROPERTIES) fields. The Search Terms metadata field displays the terms to which the document is responsive from a selected Search Term Report. The DOJ EDoc Properties metadata field encompasses the following values: Record Type, Privilege, Translation, and Other Notations.
Learn more about the DOJ Production Protocol Template.
Edit Predictive Coding model name and criteria
You can now edit the name and criteria of predictive coding models! To quickly edit the name of an existing model, you can click the name at the top of that model’s page, rename, and then press Enter on your keyboard.
If you want to edit the criteria of an existing model, you can click the pencil icon on the model’s page to open the predictive coding model wizard and edit the criteria for relevant, reviewed, and excluded documents, as well as the model’s name.
Edits that include changes to your model's criteria for reviewed, relevant, or excluded documents will trigger a model update. Upon confirmation, all prediction scores and historical performance associated with your model’s previous criteria will be unrecoverable. Once the update is complete, new prediction scores will be generated if the review threshold according to the updated criteria has been met.
Your ability to edit predictive coding models depends on your project permissions. For example, you can edit models that you have created if you have Create permissions but you can edit all models in your project if you have Admin permissions. Learn more about accessing predictive coding models and configuring project permissions.
You can view your model's edit history by clicking the activity icon.
Learn more about creating and editing predictive coding models.
Support for all metadata fields and freeform codes in data visualizer
You can now visualize and filter against all metadata fields and freeform codes in your project! Prior to this release, only a subset of non-number type metadata fields and freeform codes were available for visualization.
To support these new fields, we’ve added an “Other” category to the data visualizer sidebar. This category holds fields that could not otherwise be categorized into the existing “Review”, “People”, “Document”, “Dates”, or “Predictive Coding” categories.
In addition, we’ve also improved the navigation of the sidebar by making the search/filter box more prominent and moving it below the Dashboard.
Finally, the Custodian visualization has been updated to allow users to toggle between visualizing either the “Custodian” or the “All Custodians” field.
Learn more about Data Visualizer.
Modify or repackage production based on configuration changes
When a change is made to your production’s configuration, you will now be prompted to modify and re-produce a subset of documents or repackage your production. After a change is made to an existing production’s configuration, the Share button will transform into a Modify or Package button based on the edits made. Clicking the Modify button will direct you to select a subset of documents to re-produce, while clicking the Package button will repackage your production.
Learn more about Production Modification Tools here.
Produce datetimes with customized time zone
You can now produce DateTime metadata fields in non-UTC time zones! This functionality is available on the “Load File Metadata Fields” stage of the production wizard. To change the time zone for the production when creating or editing a production protocol, you should select your preferred time zone in the Time Zone selector box, and then toggle “Show time zone” on.
Changing the time zone will affect all date-time metadata fields in the loadfile, privilege log, and metadata endorsements for this production. When “Show time zone” is toggled on, the abbreviated time zone will be appended to any Everlaw Date Time fields in the load file, privilege log, and production stamps. By default, all DateTime fields are produced in the UTC time zone without an appended time zone indicator.
Learn more about load file metadata settings.
Upload level summary report
You can now download a CSV summary report of all the native uploads in your project! This report contains detailed identification, configuration, and processing information.
You can access the report from the “Download reports” dropdown on the native uploads page. Two options will be presented, one for the new upload-level report and another for the existing document-level report.
The uploads contained in this report will reflect those responsive to any name, date, or custodian filter (newly added) that you apply.
The new custodian filter will also affect the existing per-document upload report. If you are filtering by a custodian value, the per-document report will only include documents from the responsive uploads that have that particular custodian in either the “Custodian” or “All Custodian” field.
Learn more about uploading native data to Everlaw.
Display configuration of cloud uploads
Everlaw now saves your collection configuration when performing native cloud collections (currently Microsoft 365 and Slack)! Source files from cloud uploads are grouped together and the configuration of cloud uploads is now displayed on each group of sources. For example, in a Slack upload, you will be able to see information about the custodians, workspaces, channels and date range of your collection.
To view the configuration of a cloud upload, you can click on the right arrow icon below the upload source and click on “Show cloud configuration” to view the cloud collection configuration. The configuration shows the selections the uploader made while using the cloud upload wizard such as the custodians collected and the date range of collection.
Note that performing another cloud collection with the same configuration is not guaranteed to collect the same files since the cloud files may have changed in the meantime. For example, if OneDrive files have since been deleted, they might not be collected if you perform a subsequent collection with the same parameters.
Each cloud upload has its own configuration saved separately. The cloud collection configuration shows the details for a single cloud collection. Multiple cloud collections can be done within one upload card by adding more sources to a single card.
The collection configuration will not be visible for cloud collections done prior to this release. To learn more about adding files to an upload, visit the native uploads article.
Visual updates with this release:
Updated display of native data upload configuration
Everlaw is improving the display of upload configurations from native data upload cards. To see the upload configuration of a native data upload, click on the 3-dot menu on the top right of a native data upload card and select “View configuration.”
Learn more about viewing the details of your upload.
Improved ability to rename production protocols
You can now rename your production protocols directly from the Protocols page. To rename your production protocol, simply click the pencil icon next to the protocol’s name.
Additional visual updates
This release also includes a few small visual changes:
- We have updated the “Withholding or Privilege Rules” warning to more accurately communicate that all documents will be produced if no withholding rules are created.
- The buttons for clearing the load file fields and selecting an Everlaw default load file configuration have moved to the right side of the Load File Metadata Fields page.
Learn more about Production Protocols.
- The text of the Native Production Information section of the production protocol wizard has been changed to reduce ambiguity. It now states:
- “These will always be produced in natives with an image placeholder:
- Documents with redactions in the native view (e.g. spreadsheets)”
- “These will always be produced in natives with an image placeholder:
- A warning dialogue now appears when attempting to remove a user’s Database Administrator permissions. This dialogue asks the user to confirm that they wish to remove all database permissions, and notes the user and database affected by the action.
- The text used to explain conditional coding rules has been updated to improve clarity regarding the definitions of Requirements and Conditions.
- The Requirement step instructions now read:
“Define Requirement
Users must first apply this:” - The Condition step instructions now read:
“Define Condition
In order to then apply this.”
- The Requirement step instructions now read:
- In the Custodians tab of the Legal Holds page, if a user clicks a custodian that has no legal holds issued, then the tab “Legal Holds (0)” will be greyed out and inaccessible; previously this tab could be clicked and opened, but no actions could be performed and no information was present.
- When viewing a legal hold, rows of the custodians table will turn yellow when a user hovers the cursor over the row; this allows the user to more easily see which element they will interact with if they perform a mouse click.
- “Privilege Log” is now referred to as “Privilege Log/Disclosure List” in production protocols to improve the discoverability of this functionality for users in legal markets where Disclosure Lists are used in lieu of a Privilege Log (e.g. United Kingdom).
- If a user sends an Everlaw message with no content, the message and any related email notifications will read “No message.” Previously the string “[Empty message]” was used.
- The PDF-text link-icon is now more easily visible when a user hovers over the PDF or Text view selectors.
- In the Predictive Coding score distribution table, the legend to display Reviewed and Unreviewed documents has been changed to two toggleable options; users can check or uncheck either option to change the set of documents displayed. Previously these documents were only distinguished through the use of color.