March 3, 2023 Release: Zoom Connector, Database Fields, and more!

Expected US Release: Mar 3, 2023

Expected International Release: Mar 10, 2023

Expected Federal Release: Mar 17, 2023

With this release, we’ve added support for uploading data from Zoom, created database fields, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.

Improvements in this release:


Upload data directly from Zoom 

You can now upload Zoom data directly into Everlaw through the cloud! Note that only users with the role of Owner or Administrator in their Zoom will be able to create and run uploads using the Zoom connector on Everlaw. Once you authenticate and log in to your Zoom accounts, you will be able to choose which custodians from your organization you would like to collect from, as well as specify a date range of collection. 


You can upload any associated meeting data, user profiles, and data from Zoom cloud recordings, such as video, audio, transcripts, in-meeting chats, and closed caption files. 

Uploading data directly from Zoom is currently not available yet for federal instances. 

Learn more about uploading data directly from Zoom and uploading via cloud-based apps

Database Fields  

Organization Administrators will now be able to store important information about databases in database fields! You can access these fields by clicking on a database’s row in the Projects and Users tab of the Organization Admin page. DBLabelsPanel.gif

Organization Admins can see existing fields, create new fields, and edit existing fields by navigating to the Database Fields tab under Projects & Users on the Organization Admin page. This page will list all existing fields, along with their field type, if they are a required field, and what the visibility settings are. You can create a new field by clicking Add new field in the top right corner.


When creating a new field, you can specify the name, the visibility options, the field type, and if the field requires a value. 

Visible to

A field can be visible to all users, visible to Database and Organization Administrators, or visible to Organization Administrators only. Note that Database Admins and project users will only be able to see these fields if they are pinned, which is covered below.

Field type

A field’s type will dictate what values that field can take on. The options for field type are Date, Multi-select drop down, Number, Single-select drop down, and Text. Multi-select drop down fields allow databases to take on multiple values from a preset list. Single-select fields allow a single value from a preset list. When creating a Multi or Single select field, you will be asked to populate the preset list that users can choose from. Text fields can take on freeform text.

Required field

Checking the Required field box will require this field to be set when creating a new database in this organization. If databases already exist and you edit a field to make it required, no changes can be made to the existing database field values until this required field is set.

To edit the field values for a given database, navigate to the Projects & Users tab on the Organization Admin page. Click on the row of the database you would like to edit and select Edit custom field data. 


Organization Administrators will be able to pin important fields to display their values wherever the database name is displayed. 


Users on a project will see any field values that are both pinned and that have their visibility settings set to All users. These field values will be displayed underneath the project name on the project selection drop down.

To pin a field, you can navigate to the Database Fields tab and click the pin icon next to the field. A preview of the pinned fields will be shown at the bottom of the screen. You can pin up to three field values. You can modify the order in which the fields are displayed by dragging and dropping the order in which the database fields are displayed in the list.


If you would like to bulk update the field values for multiple databases at once, you can choose to import a CSV with your desired field data. Clicking on “Import custom field data (CSV)” in the top right corner of the Projects & Users tab will take you to the Import field data screen.

This page offers a CSV template to give you an easy way of editing database fields en masse. The CSV template will contain a list of all databases in your organization, with a column for each database field populated with existing field values. Note, the importer will not create new database fields, nor will it create new single and multi choice field options. Please ensure that all fields are created before importing.

Lastly, the Database Sizes tab of the Organization Admin page will be filterable by database field values. Fields do not need to be pinned in order to search across them. Additionally, you can view this table based on a database field. This will sum the size of all databases with a particular field value and show a breakdown of size by field value.


Learn more about database fields and Organization Admin functionalities

Store decrypted version of encrypted native files  

For encrypted documents with passwords provided, a decrypted version of the document will be stored on the platform. By default, the decrypted version of the document will be displayed in the Native view in the review window. For documents where native redactions can be applied, such as spreadsheets, all redactions will be applied to the decrypted version of the document. Additionally, you will also have the option of exporting, downloading, and producing the original encrypted or decrypted version of the document. This can be done through ZIP and project exports, downloads in the review window, and through the Redactions, Natives, and Text options in productions. Note that for any documents with native redactions applied, the decrypted version of the document will always be produced in order to preserve redactions. 


Learn more about decryption keys

View codes by category in Data Visualizer 

Codes by category

A new view for codes arranged by category has been created in Data Visualizer! You can now view codes grouped by categories. The current “Codes” view has been renamed to “All Codes”, and the new view “Codes by Category” will now visualize the top level categories. 

To drill down and visualize the counts of each code within a category, you can click on the name of the category in blue to expand a category into the codes within that category.

To return to the categories view, click on “All code categories” in the header.

Individual categories can now be pinned to the dashboard from the drill-down view by clicking on the pin button next to the category or pressing the keyboard shortcut ‘p’.

Filters applied on categories will reflect as filters on the results table column of “Coded under”, previously called “Categories”.

It is possible to make selections of both categories and codes at the same time by selecting categories on the top-level view and then drilling down into various categories and selecting individual codes in categories. When adding multiple types of filters, separate filters will be created for categories and codes. This is shown by two separate filter labels being created when applying filter selections of both categories and codes. 

Not coded value

A new option for displaying the number of documents with no values in the “All codes” and the top level “Codes by category” views of data visualizer has been added! You can optionally view the number of documents with no codes applied to your view by clicking the checkbox named “Show docs with no code values”. This makes a bar showing the number of documents with no codes applied visible and selectable as a filter. The (No Value) filter in data visualizer mirrors the current functionality of adding (No Value) to the Coded column on the results table.

Filter selection disabling behavior

Everlaw will automatically disable adding of some selections to filters in data visualizer for codes and categories. This is done to prevent filter selections that will always result in 0 documents remaining. 

UI changes for coded/ coded under

Filters on categories are now named “Coded under” and codes are now “Coded”. This reflects both in the results table column names as well as the filter labels above the results table and the data visualizer.

Learn more about Data Visualizer

Flag deletion tasks with a warning if started within day of billing period ending  

Document set deletion tasks started within a day of the billing period (end of the month UTC) will now show a warning message showing the time remaining till the end of the billing month. 

Document set deletions refer to subsets of the entire database being deleted. This includes deletions of upload cards, productions and batch deletions of documents from the results table. These deletions may take some time to complete (deletion speed is roughly one million documents a day) and large document set deletions started close to the end of the billing period may complete after the end of the month. If this happens, a message will be sent to you detailing how much data was deleted after the end of the billing period since that can affect the billable data size for the subsequent month. You should be able to monitor the progress of your deletion task in the corresponding Batch Action card under the Batches & Exports column on your homepage. 

Note that deletion of entire databases on Everlaw continues to take immediate effect on billable data sizes.

Learn more about timing your document deletion

Updated criteria for text extracted email metadata  

Everlaw already lets you enable a setting to extract email metadata from text, letting you search and view email metadata even when you are provided with little or no metadata. With this release, Everlaw is improving the criteria for when documents are eligible for text extracting email metadata. This will cut down on false positives, preventing documents unlikely to be emails from being retyped as emails, while ensuring formats more likely to contain emails are eligible to have email text metadata extracted. 

Now, only documents initially typed as PDFs, Images, Emails, Text, HTML (including MHTML), Unknown, or Other are eligible for text extraction of email metadata. In addition, only documents with at least three extractable email text metadata fields will have any metadata extracted or displayed from text. When a document successfully has email metadata extracted from text, it is retyped as an email on Everlaw. Data produced on Everlaw will never have email metadata extracted from text or be retyped as email. 

Learn more about email metadata

Sharepoint connector for federal instances

Users on federal instances will now be able to access the Sharepoint connector when performing a native upload. To use the connector, navigate to the Uploads page and select Native Upload. Then, follow the instructions for uploading via cloud-based apps listed here.

Learn more about uploading native data.