Expected US Release: Mar 31, 2023
Expected International Release: Apr 7, 2023
Expected Federal Release: Apr 14, 2023
With this release, we’ve added icon updates, the ability to apply custom metadata values and work product during native upload, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.
Improvements in this release:
- Icon updates across the platform
- Apply Custom Metadata Values and Work Product during Native Upload
- Support for Microsoft Access files
- Foreign language translation improvements
- Display document size before export
- Storybuilder date improvements
Icon updates across the platform
Everlaw is rolling out new icons across the platform! These visual improvements will not change the functionality of any icons and will improve platform accessibility by reducing reliance on color to indicate an icon’s state. The updated icons will also introduce more consistency to the sizing and usage of icons across the platform. Hovering over an icon will still display a tooltip that explains what the icon is.
A few notable examples of updated icons include:
- Navigation toolbar icons
- Results table toolbar icons
- File type icons
- View/edit permissions icon
- Three-dot menu and star icons
- Review window toolbar icons
- And many more!
Apply Custom Metadata Values and Work Product during Native Upload
You can now assign custom metadata values, ratings, codes, binders, notes, and other work product while uploading native data. This feature is useful if there are facts about a dataset that should be captured and stored with the documents, like collection dates, vendor job IDs, or collection keywords. It’s also helpful for streamlining workflows that involve tagging or gathering documents for review.
Assigning custom values and work product
A new step called “Additional options” has been added to the native upload wizard. On this step, you can select work product (ratings, codes, binders, notes, freeform codes, and Storybuilder labels) that you want applied to all documents in the upload. Your permissions will determine the available work product.
You can also assign custom metadata values. Custom values can be assigned to any editable metadata field in the project. If you have project admin permission, you will also have the additional ability to create new editable metadata fields from this page.
Work product is only applied within the project you upload from. Custom metadata values, on the other hand, are applied to the documents in each project the documents are uploaded into.
Viewing upload configuration
Applied custom field values and work product are stored as part of the upload’s configuration. To view configuration settings, open the “View configuration” option on the upload card’s 3-dot menu.
Setting default custom fields
Default custom fields are fields that are always shown on the “Additional options” step of an upload. This functionality is useful if certain fields should be highlighted during the native upload process. For example, administrators may want to encourage uploaders to supply vendor job ids or collection date information, if available. Note that uploaders are not required to fill out a default field.
Users with upload, database admin, or org admin permissions can set up default fields from the Advanced Settings tab of the uploads page. Any editable field in the project can be made a default field. Project admins can additionally create new editable metadata fields from this area.
Default fields are a per-project setting. If there are multiple projects in a database, each will maintain its own list of default fields.
Default field settings can also be copied to new projects by checking the “Custom metadata fields” option under the new “Upload settings” category when choosing settings to template.
Learn more about native uploads.
Support for Microsoft Access (.accdb and .mdb) files
Everlaw now provides support for Microsoft Access (.accdb and .mdb) files. The tables in these files will be extracted to CSV files, then converted to XLSX files. The XLSX files will be stored as attachments to the original Microsoft Access file and will be viewable as spreadsheets through the native spreadsheet viewer. This spreadsheet view will support images and allow users to open and review these files like other spreadsheets.
The original Microsoft Access file will be labeled as the container file, and you will be able to view its tables as spreadsheet attachments. All of the file’s attachments can be found in the File Path Explorer tab in the context panel. Clicking on any of the listed XLSX files will open the selected spreadsheet in the review window.
If the attached spreadsheet links to any tables in the database file, they will be listed under “Outbound Links” -> “Related table” in the Linked Documents tab in the context panel. To view the linked table in the review window, click on the related spreadsheet in the context panel.
Learn more about supported native data types.
Foreign language translation improvements
Foreign language translations on Everlaw now process larger sections of text at once, improving translation quality. This allows for more context aware translations, with better transitions from one sentence to another. Previously, when translating sections of text, Everlaw would separate those sections by looking for space characters or newlines. Now, Everlaw provides better translations for languages that do not utilize the “space” character delimiting the boundaries of words, for example Japanese and Chinese.
Learn more about translating foreign language documents.
Display document size before export
You can now see the total size of documents in the export dialog before starting an export. When exporting to ZIP from the Results Table and when exporting a project from Database Settings or the Org Admin page, total document size (uncompressed) will be displayed below the file selection checkboxes.
Total document size (uncompressed) includes the sizes of natives, images, and text files before compression. It excludes the sizes of load files and review work product. Selecting and deselecting the three document files will update the total document size displayed. For example, if you want to know the size of just the native files in your export, you can deselect the checkboxes next to image and text files. Note that if the export includes documents that have not completed processing, the size of their natives will be included in total document size but the size of their image or text files may not.
You can also see the total document size (uncompressed), as well as the compressed export size, after the export is complete by clicking “See details” on the export card on the homepage.
Learn more about exporting to ZIP.
Storybuilder date improvements
Within Storybuilder Depositions and Drafts, you now have two additional ways to sort your documents: by Date (old to new) and Date (new to old). These sorting options are available in the Evidence tab of Depositions and Deposition Transcripts, as well as in the Documents tab of Drafts. Additionally, the Timeline sort in Storybuilder will be defaulted to Date (old to new) for new Stories; existing Timeline sorts will not be impacted.
Learn more about drafts or depositions.