Expected US Release: May 26, 2023
Expected International Release: Jun 2, 2023
Expected Federal Release: Jun 9, 2023
With this release, we’ve added the ability to generate clusters based on search criteria, improvements to the results table, and more! Read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.
User-facing features in this release:
- Generate clusters based on search criteria
- Batch remove notes from results table
- Results table improvements
- Support for Microsoft Teams HTML
- Improvements to PDF uploads without load file
- Filter Platform Time and Review Activity by user and group
- Native uploads are now associated with legal hold custodians instead of legal hold notices
Generate clusters based on search criteria
You will now be able to generate clusters for documents based on specified search criteria! By using search criteria to generate clusters, you can focus your Clustering visualizations on specific documents of interest and exclude any irrelevant data. For projects that do not yet have Clustering generated, you can specify their criteria from the Clustering landing page. You can only set or edit clustering search criteria if you have Clustering Admin permissions.
For projects that already have a Clustering visualization, you can specify search criteria in the Settings dialog in Clustering. From here, click the Edit button under ‘Current clustered search’ to change the criteria. All existing Clustering visualizations have ‘All docs’ as the default clustered search.
The Clustering settings dialog contains additional information on the documents that have been included and excluded from Clustering, as well as the count of new documents that now fit the Clustering search criteria but were not included in the last recluster.
Editing the current clustered search will recluster the visualization based on the new criteria. As with reclustering, changing the current clustered search will change clusters and their IDs. Any searches previously created using Cluster IDs will no longer yield results.
You will still be able to overlay a filter onto their Clustering visualization by selecting the ‘Filter’ button from the Clustering toolbar.
Please note that this button previously read ‘Create Search.’
Learn more about Everlaw Clustering here.
Batch remove notes from results table
You can now batch remove notes applied to documents from the batch modification panel of the results table.
Once you have selected to remove notes from the documents, you are given the option to remove all notes or specific notes. For either option, only document-wide notes can be batch removed. Notes applied to highlights and redactions cannot be batch removed.
You can find a specific note you are looking for by typing the note’s content in the textbox. Although the dropdown displays notes across the entire project, the batch task will only remove the specific notes applied to documents selected in your results table, not across the entire project. Hovering or selecting a note in the dropdown will display a count of how many documents in the selected set contain that note.
To select a note for removal, you must click on the note in the dropdown and then click “Select.” Only notes that are selected in the dropdown will be removed. Notes containing similar content that are not affirmatively selected in the dropdown will not be removed.
After confirming the selection of specific notes or all notes for removal in the dialog, select “Apply” from the batch modification panel to confirm the removal. You can track progress and undo the removal through the batch action card on the homepage.
Learn more about performing batch actions from the results table.
Results table improvements
Share selected documents from the results table
You can now share selected documents from the results table. Previously, the entire search results table would be shared regardless of whether documents were selected in the results table. You will now have the option to share just the selected documents or share the entire search with the recipient.
Match order of CSV export fields to results table
The order of fields in a CSV export will now match the order of the fields in the results table. Previously, the fields were ordered alphabetically. Fields added to the CSV export that are not displayed in the results table will be listed after the table fields in the order that they are added to the export.
An exception is that the Bates/Control # fields will be first in the CSV export, regardless of whether they are in the results table, and the Row # field, when in the results table, will be before the Bates/Control # fields. The order of fields in the CSV export is displayed in the Export to CSV dialog above the export name.
Download natives from results table in ECA projects
To troubleshoot processing errors in ECA projects, you can now download natives from the results table in ECA projects. Native files can be exported individually by clicking on the file type icon in the second column of the results table or batch exported to ZIP by clicking on the export icon in the results table toolbar.
Learn more about Everlaw’s search results table.
Support for Microsoft Teams HTML
Everlaw now supports HTML-based Teams exports generated through Microsoft’s Purview tool. These exports include chat data in HTML format, as well as attachments. For the data to be properly processed, two criteria must be met:
- The export folder must contain the Microsoft-generated CSV load file(s) with a name that begins with “Export_Loadfile_”
- The export folder must be compressed into a zip for native upload
Everlaw uses the load file(s) to identify chat files and attachment relationships. Chats are processed such that individual conversations are divided into separate documents, with a maximum of 1000 messages per document. Besides the chats themselves, we’ve also implemented basic support for displaying the content of various types of cards that may be attached to Teams messages. Non-Teams chats (such as Yammer files) that appear in your export will be processed as code files, not chat files.
Exports may also include information about errored files. Please note that because Everlaw ignores these files during processing, they won’t appear in your project. Since this export format is new, and there are a variety of cards and objects that can be attached to Teams chats, if you notice areas where we can improve our support for Teams exports, please let us know by sending feedback to support@everlaw.com.
Learn more about uploading Microsoft teams data.
Improvements to PDF uploads without load files
You will now be able to retrieve unfinished uploads when uploading PDFs without a load file. You can click “Back to uploads” at each step of the uploader to return to the upload page and save the progress and Bates numbering configurations of your upload.
The upload card of unfinished uploads will display the latest upload step. You can click “Configure upload” to return to the most recent step of the upload.
Additionally, you will now be able to view errors that occurred during the upload after the upload has been completed by clicking “View Results” on the upload card and navigating to the “Skipped due to errors” tab. An error report is also available for download in CSV format.
Other updates include the ability to detect duplicative upload names at the beginning of the upload, a new banner when there are no Bates prefixes detected in the uploaded documents, and changing the error report at Bates numbering and Summary steps to a CSV file for better readability.
Learn more about uploading PDFs without a load file.
Filter Platform Time and Review Activity by user and group
On the Platform Time and Review Activity tables of the Project Analytics page, you will now see a new User Group column that will display all of the user groups that a user belongs to. You will also be able to filter by User and User Group in addition to filtering by Date using the existing Date Range filter. For both filters, you will be able to type in text to search for specific User Groups or Users, and you will be able to filter by Users within the User Groups they have selected.
Learn more about platform time and other user analytics.
Native uploads are now associated with legal hold custodians instead of legal hold notices
You no longer need to specify a particular legal hold notice in order to associate a native upload with a legal hold custodian. Instead, all users with Upload permissions can now select any legal hold custodian that is on an active or released hold notice from the custodian dropdown in the upload wizard.
Learn more about Legal Holds.