Expected US Release: Jun 23, 2023
Expected International Release: Jun 30, 2023
Expected Federal Release: Jul 7, 2023
With this release, we’ve added Asana, Jira, and Zendesk connectors, improved email threading visualization, and more— read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.
User-facing features in this release:
- Zendesk cloud collection
- Jira cloud collection
- Asana cloud collection
- View inclusive emails only in the context panel
- Option to include deduplicated documents in “Uploaded” searches
- Support for RSMF Chat data
- Export improvements
- Increased review and production video quality up to 1080p
- SAML SSO library update
- Coding presets and Storybuilder section included in all coding panels
Zendesk cloud collection
In addition to the existing ability to upload Zendesk XML exports, you can now use the native uploader to upload Zendesk tickets if you have Zendesk Support Admin permissions and Database Upload permissions on Everlaw.
Uploading via cloud uploader provides greater control over which tickets to collect and will preserve important contextual information, such as ticket attachments and events. You can select which users you would like to collect from and filter by a date range.
Zendesk tickets uploaded with the Zendesk cloud connector are automatically processed into a readable format with ticket requester, assignee, dates, type and priority combined into the header. Additionally, attachments are collected and grouped, and linked problems/ follow-up tickets will be included in the Linked Documents section of the review window context panel. A new “Support Ticket” file type has been created, which can be used in the search builder under Type.
Learn more about the Zendesk cloud connector here.
Jira cloud collection
If you have an Atlassian account with access to a Jira site and Database Upload permissions on Everlaw, you can now use our Jira cloud connector to upload Jira data directly into Everlaw. Specifically, you will be able to collect Jira issues and associated attachments from a given Jira site for ingestion and processing.
You can specify the projects, users, and date range of the Jira issues to upload. For each Jira issue uploaded with the Jira cloud connector, Everlaw creates a project-management-typed document displaying information about the Jira issue. Any attachments associated with a Jira issue will be included in the review window context panel.
Learn more about the Jira cloud connector here.
Asana cloud collection
You will now be able to collect data straight from Asana Workspaces for ingestion and processing. In order to use the Asana connector, you must:
- Have access to a valid Asana service token, which is only available on Asana Enterprise accounts
- Be part of an organization on Everlaw that has access to Org Admin features, and
- Have Database Upload permissions on Everlaw
The Asana connector allows you to import Asana objects from a workspace (messages, tasks, or teams) for review in Everlaw.
Everlaw creates the following documents for review based on the exported Asana objects.
- Teams: A profile-typed document displaying information about a given team
- Messages: A chat-typed document displaying information about a given message
- Tasks: A project-management-typed document displaying information about a given task, and
- Projects: A project-management-typed document (one for each unique project identified in the dataset) displaying information about a given project
The linked documents context is used to capture any relational links between objects in your dataset. For example, this context can be used to see tasks associated with projects, dependent and dependency tasks, and parent projects or teams.
Learn more about the Asana cloud connector here.
View inclusive emails only in the context panel
We’ve updated the display of email threads in the context panel of the review window to make threads visually easier to distinguish, and added an option to view inclusive emails only.
To view the email thread for a document, open the document in the review window and select the email icon in the context panel. In this view, emails are represented by cards. The email or other document currently displayed in the review window is highlighted in blue, as shown below.
Each branch of the email thread is represented by a new indented line. To easily trace one of the branches in the email thread, simply hover over one of the emails in the branch. The entire branch will be highlighted in yellow, emphasizing which emails in the thread are part of that particular email chain. Hovering over an email will also cause a pop-out to appear with additional information about that particular email.
To hide the emails in a particular branch, click on the negative number displayed in the corner of the first email in that branch. In the example below, clicking on the “-2” below will hide the two emails from Rich and Julia replying to Julia’s original email. Click on the “+2” to reopen the two emails in the hidden branch.
Inclusive emails are always marked with an “Inclusive” tag. You can view the entire email thread with only inclusive emails by clicking the “Show inclusive emails only” checkbox at the top of the panel.
When paging through multiple documents in the review window, the checkbox setting will be saved. Thus, if a user selects “Show inclusive emails only” on one document and then moves to the next document, the context panel will continue to display inclusive emails only.
Learn more about email threading here.
Option to include deduplicated documents in “Uploaded” searches
You can now search for documents that were used to deduplicate documents during a native upload by using the “Include deduplicated docs” option on the Uploaded search term.
The checkbox is visible if you create a search for a native upload using the Uploaded search term. If the “Include deduplicated docs” option is selected, the search results will include all documents uploaded as part of this upload, as well any documents in the project that were used to deduplicate a document in the selected upload’s original document set. This option is unselected by default.
This functionality is illustrated in the example below:
- Document 1 and Document 2 are uploaded as a part of Upload A.
- Document 1, Document 2, and Document 3 are uploaded as a part of Upload B with Global Deduplication turned on. As a result, Document 1 and Document 2 are deduplicated.
- Searching for Uploaded: Upload B will return only Document 3, as Documents 1 and 2 were deduplicated.
- Searching for Uploaded: Upload B including deduplicated docs will return Document 1, Document 2, and Document 3.
Learn more about deduplication here.
Support for RSMF Chat data
Everlaw now supports Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF), a file format used to store chat data.
With this release, the platform will (1) ignore the outer EML file (which is useful only for backward compatibility reasons within the Relativity ecosystem), (2) process the JSON file(s) into a chat file(s), and (3) extract and link the attachment files. This means that RSMF data will now be properly represented as chats in Everlaw.
To be processed properly, RSMF files must be uploaded in their compressed form, with the .rsmf extension.
Learn more about supported native data types here.
Export improvements
Include Bates numbers and slipsheets when exporting a draft or deposition (with images)
When you export a draft or a deposition (with images), you will now be able to customize the attached documents with a number of different export options. You can now stamp Bates numbers on the images and include Bates separator sheets, annotations sheet, and metadata sheets in their export.
Export events from the Storybuilder timeline
You will now be able to export events from the timeline as a CSV file and select which events and events fields you want included in the export. Events in the CSV will be organized in chronological order by the dates in the Date Range field.
Configure print and PDF configurations separately in the review window
In the review window, you will be able to configure your print and PDF configuration options separately. You can now click the print icon to access the print configuration menu from the dropdown and click the PDF icon to access the PDF download configuration menu from the dropdown.
Export single PDF without a table of contents
When exporting documents from the results table into a single PDF, you will now be able to export without a table of contents by unchecking the new “Include Table of Contents” checkbox on the “Export to PDF” dialog.
Download column has been combined with Type column in the results table
The download column and Type column have been combined into one Type column that will have both the icon and text description of the file type.
The purpose of the changes made to the download column was to clarify the frequent confusion users were experiencing with the file type icons in this column. Previously, clicking on the icons would immediately download the Native of the document, which did not align with many users’ expectations that clicking the icons would open up the review window. With this improvement, you will be able to click on the updated Type column to open up the review window.
Also, prior to this improvement, if a document had a Native, the icons in the download column were darker, and you were able to click on the icons to download the Native of the document. If a document did not have a Native and only had an Image, the icons were lighter, and you were unable to click them for download. The icons in the updated Type column do not have this differentiation as they are no longer able to be clicked for Native download .
We have added a new Native download button in the Quick Review window to replace this functionality and information. If the document you are viewing has a Native, the download button will be darker, and you will be able to click the button to download the Native of the document.
Learn more about exporting documents here.
Increased review and production video quality up to 1080p
Everlaw will now support reviewing and producing videos up to 1080p quality without any change in resolution. This support will only apply to newly processed documents. Previously uploaded videos can be reprocessed for a higher quality review and production experience.
Learn more about media review here.
SAML SSO update
Everlaw will be updating the Single Sign-On (SSO) implementation on the platform to improve the overall security of the platform. Organizations with SAML Single Sign-On currently configured will need to update their configuration. To update the configuration, Organization Admins can follow the instructions in this article. If your organization is impacted by this change, your Organization Administrators will be contacted directly with additional information shortly.
Learn more about updating your organization’s SAML single sign on (SSO) here.
Coding presets and Storybuilder section included in all coding panels
The batch coding panel in the results table, the batch coding panel in the review window context panel, and the coding panel in the classic review window have been standardized. All coding panels now include coding presets and a Storybuilder section.
To access the batch coding panel in the results table, click the Batch icon and select Modify. Coding presets are now displayed at the top of this coding panel (in the same place they are displayed in classic review window coding panel).
To access the batch coding panel in the review window, open the context panel on the left side of the review window and select the "Modify X docs..." button at the bottom left. Again, the coding presets and Storybuilder section are now included here. Learn more about the review window context panel here.
To access the coding panel in the review window, enter classic mode (if you are not already in classic mode) by clicking the "Exit Full Screen" button in the top right. Then, bring up the coding panel by clicking the Up arrow at the bottom of the screen. To learn more about reviewing in classic mode, visit this article.
In all coding panels, users will be able to see the number of documents they are currently modifying.
In addition, users will now be able to create and modify coding presets from any batch panel by clicking the pencil icon next to the presets.
Other functionality in the batch coding panel has not changed. Learn more about the batch coding panel here.