Principal Changes of the September 11, 2013 Release

Note: These release notes may not reflect current Everlaw functionality, as product updates may have changed certain features since these notes were published. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for support articles on current functionality. 

This release adds new messaging features, improves the functionality of the review table, and significantly speeds up searching and sorting.

1. New Messaging Features

We've added a number of new features to the messaging system. You can now forward a message; mark a message as a favorite for quick retrieval later; search for favorite or unread messages; and apply batch actions to multiple messages at the same time.

2. Review Table Improvements

The system now automatically notifies you if there are new or changed results for your current review. As before, you can click on Refresh to view the latest results, or just ignore the message to continue working on the existing documents in your review.

Refresh Search

Furthermore, the review table now displays graphical icons indicating the type of each of the documents in your result set. Your productions must include some sort of file path or extension field for this feature to be enabled.

Doctype Icons

3. Faster Searching and Sorting

We tuned our searching and sorting functionality so that you can find and browse your documents more quickly than ever before.