Principal Changes of the June 26, 2015 Release

Note: These release notes may not reflect current Everlaw functionality, as product updates may have changed certain features since these notes were published. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for support articles on current functionality. 

We’ve been busily working away on tweaks and enhancements to improve your experience of Everlaw. Read on for details on our fifth release of the year:

Clearer Deduplication

We’ve made two modest improvements to the suppression of exact duplicates from searches and result tables. To revisit the underlying behavior, you can use the checkbox in the query builder to indicate whether you’d like to see exact duplicates in your searches or document lists. When unchecked, duplicates remain viewable in the context panel, but will otherwise not slow down your review. To help arm you with options and insight when using this functionality, we’ve made the following changes:

Include Duplicates

First, when building a search, we’ve added an exact duplicate count that will appear within the “include duplicates” checkbox text, so you can see right away how many duplicates appear in your search.

Toggle Duplicate Inclusion

We’ve also given you the ability to toggle back and forth between the inclusion and exclusion of exact duplicates on the results screen, saving you a trip back to the search page if you wish to change the display approach. Simply click the duplication icon to the left of the document count to pull in or strip out exact dupes at any time.

One-Click Redaction Mode

The redaction process also just got easier and more intuitive. We’ve added a separate mode, activated by a click of the redaction icon, to quickly begin redacting your documents. Look for the new redaction button to the right of the highlighting icon within your review window toolbar. Once you’ve clicked that button, drag and drop to redact your documents per usual.

Toggle Duplicate Inclusion

Enhanced Image Interactivity

Finally, we’ve made a big improvement to the “image view” in the review window. If your images are in PDF format, you now have access to hit highlighting and text selection directly in the image view. These are tools that were previously limited to the text and native views. Going forward, PDF will be the standard image format for data we convert, so any documents processed by Everlaw will also enjoy this enhanced functionality.

Toggle Duplicate Inclusion