Principal Changes of the July 18, 2014 Release

Note: These release notes may not reflect current Everlaw functionality, as product updates may have changed certain features since these notes were published. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for support articles on current functionality. 

Sumer is a-cumin in, and so are some nice new platform changes

1. Review QA and Controversial Documents (Beta)

Reviewer QA

Admins now have access to an automated QA workflow that gauges the accuracy of every reviewer on a case.

You can access the QA workflow from the analytics page. Reviewer accuracy is measured by an administrator’s review of documents previously rated by that user: if the admin changes the rating, it’s considered an error, and if not, it’s considered correct.

To provide reliable error reports, we need the reviewer to rate many documents, and an admin to verify a portion of that reviewer’s ratings. The system will indicate if either of those qualifications has not yet been met.

Once a reviewer has reviewed enough documents, it’s easy for an admin to verify a reviewer’s rating from the QA workflow. Simply click the button to view the reviewer’s rated documents and move from one to the next, changing errant ratings where appropriate. Once you have verified enough documents for a given reviewer, you will get a reliable estimate of his or her error rate.

At that point, you can click through to view the erroneous documents.

Clicking on "more ⇢" will expose a wealth of statistics, any of which can be clicked on to view the corresponding documents.

Reviewer QA

The QA workflow also automatically identifies conflicting or controversial documents. Conflicts are documents that were rated differently by two reviewers, by two admins, or by an admin and then a reviewer. View the documents and verify the correct rating to resolve the conflict and remove the document from the conflicts queue.

QA Conflicts

We hope these tool will aid in clarifying review policies and helping reviewers perform more effectively.

We’re excited to share this feature with you in beta, and look forward to your feedback as we refine it to best serve your needs.

2. Search by Document Type

Search by Document Type

 You can now find documents by type, e.g. Spreadsheet, Presentation, etc. This feature is only supported if your case has sufficient metadata or native files for the system to determine each document's type.

3. Results Table Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

 You can now use your keyboard on the results table! Move between documents, pop open previews, select and deselect, batch, and more. It's a great help for lazy people and power users alike.

4. Keyboard Shortcut Help

You may have noticed a nice-looking help dialog in the above screenshot. Turns out a lot of users don't know about our awesome keyboard shortcuts. We've made it a lot easier to see what you can do where. Just type '?' (question mark) on any of the following screens:

  • Results Table
  • Review Window
  • Argument Builder
  • Document Preview

5. Results Table Speed and Usability Improvements

Results Table UI

Yes, the results table got a little more love. Ratings, categories, codes, tags, and users are now displayed in a more visually appealing style. Long metadata entries are truncated with an option to display the entire value. Finally, we've dramatically reduced the time it takes to load the results table for large searches.

6. User Profile Improvements

Organizations in User Profile

Finally, we've added organization information to your user profiles. For large, multi-firm cases, it's useful to know who belongs to what organization and what their role is. Well, you can now update that information from your profile, accessed by clicking on your name in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. To save you time, we've pre-populated the information for as many of our current users as we could; please take a look and make sure your organization is correct. Thanks!