Principal Changes of the April 23, 2014 Release

Note: These release notes may not reflect current Everlaw functionality, as product updates may have changed certain features since these notes were published. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for support articles on current functionality. 

What's new? What isn't new!

1. EasyESI is now Everlaw

Our new name better reflects the broad array of features now available on our platform. Read our blog post about the name change to learn more!

2. Yes, Our Blog

We have a blog! We’ve already posted about all sorts of interesting things, from the ABA Techshow to estimating e-discovery costs. Read more about what we’ll be writing about!

3. New Text Viewer with Hit Highlighting

It’s finally here. The new text viewer lets you search within the OCR or extracted text of documents you’re reviewing.

It supports hit highlighting, so you can easily find the portions of a document that are relevant to your search, or add new terms to explore a document further. It also supports easy language translation. Watch the video below to learn more.

Open the text view by clicking on it in the Image|Text|Native toggle in the upper-right corner of your review window. 

4. StoryBuilder Now Has Real-Time Collaboration and Auto-Tags

You can now work simultaneously with other members of your team when constructing and editing arguments and deposition outlines. Maximize your productivity to make tight deadlines. Watch the video to see real-time collaboration in action.

If you find your collaborators’ edits to be distracting, use the Zoom feature to hone in on just the section you’re currently editing.

By user request, we’ve also added tags that automatically track what documents you’ve added to your Argument or Deposition. You can’t edit these tags directly, but they’re updated by the system as you add or remove documents. You can use these tags to perform searches within an Argument’s document set, or conversely to exclude documents you’ve a lready assigned to your Argument while you’re searching. To enable this feature for a given argument, simply open it up. A tag, “StoryBuilder: [your Argument name]”, will automatically be created, and can be accessed from the Tags table on your home screen, or from the search interface.

5. New Versions Context

We’ve added a new Context to the Context Panel to link together different versions of the same document: a translation, for instance, or the produced-and-Bates-stamped version of a pre-production file. Please let us know if you have such data; we’d be happy to help set up this feature for you.

6. Faster Bates Searches

Searching for Bates ranges, e.g. 1-1000, is very fast in Everlaw. However, sometimes you have to search for dozens or hundreds of distinct Bates numbers. We’ve improved the speed of such searches by more than 10x. A side of effect of the change is that Bates search now match against the Begin Bates number of each document only, rather than the Bates numbers of any internal pages; this is generally what people expect. However, we still allow you to search by internal page Bates numbers by clicking on the “Search pages” option.

We’ve also removed the requirement to separate numbers by commas (though they’re still allowed, and look nice!), so you can now paste lists of Bates numbers from Excel directly into the Bates term.

7. Review UI Improvements

We love your feedback! Here are several UI improvements we’ve made to the Review Window as a direct result of user feedback:

  • You can now batch export all the selected documents in your current context with a single click. Use this feature to export a document and its attachments, or all the emails in a thread, and more. Export Groups
  • You can now pop the metadata table out into a floating pane. Use this feature if the normal table is obscuring a part of the document you need to see while looking at metadata (for instance, to update a user-editable field).Export Groups
  • We’ve updated the native document viewer. Among the improvements: better support for emails; better support for larger files; and faster load times.