Principal Changes of the March 23, 2012 Release

Note: These release notes may not reflect current Everlaw functionality, as product updates may have changed certain features since these notes were published. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for support articles on current functionality.


This release adds support for multiple Attorney Notes and Sticky Notes for each document, the ability to search by which users have viewed a document, manual selection of a subset of search results for batch actions, and a way to view all of a document's metadata directly from the review table.

1. Attorney and Sticky Notes


Each document now support unlimited Attorney Notes (1). Rather than a single shared Notes field, as before, each note is associated with a user and displayed separately. You can access all of the notes by clicking on the new Notes icon i the toolbar (2). Furthermore, the old highlighting mechanism has been replaced with a new Sticky Notes feature: you create a sticky note just as you would highlight before (3), and you can also attach any number of comments to each of your sticky notes. Sticky notes with comments are orange instead of yellow. The Notes panel also allows you to quickly see and jump to all of the Sticky Notes in the document (4). All notes are fully searchable. 

2. Search by Viewed By

You can now search by who's viewed documents. As with our other search selectors, clicking on a user twice finds documents not viewed by someone. A common usage of this search functionality is to find documents that you have not yet seen. 

3. Manual Selection for Batch Actions and Metadata View

The review table has two new features. Normally when you apply Batch actions (Batch Code, Batch Rate, Export, etc.), they are applied to all the documents in the review. You can now manually choose which documents apply. By default, all of the documents are selected; to toggle between selecting all and selecting none, click the checkbox in the title row. Finally, to quickly select or deselect multiple contiguous documents, click and drag your mouse up or down over the checkboxes. Once you have made your selections, click on the "Batch" button to apply batch actions to only those documents you have selected. 

On the right-hand side is a column of buttons. Rather than right-clicking on the title row to selected new columns to display one at a time, you now click on the "Add.." button to select all the metadata columns you'd like to see. Clicking on the "..." button for any particular document displays that documents's metadata without having to open it in the review window.