Principal Changes of the December 12, 2016 release

Note: These release notes may not reflect current Everlaw functionality, as product updates may have changed certain features since these notes were published. Please refer to our Knowledge Base for support articles on current functionality. 

In our biggest release of the year, we’re giving you the power to upload and produce documents directly in the platform. Now, you can add new data into your case and generate productions whenever you want. We’re also leveraging the power of the cloud to ensure that processing and productions happen quickly across all cases. Productions will be available immediately in all cases. Uploads will be rolled out incrementally - please reach out to Everlaw support ( to find out when your case will have access to the uploads feature.

In addition, we made some smaller changes to existing features and interfaces that will improve your day-to-day experience. Review on Everlaw has never been easier or more efficient. 



Our production system is flexible and robust. You can create, save, and reuse an unlimited number of production protocols for your case. Production is as easy as identifying the documents you want to produce and selecting which protocol you want to use.

For each production protocol, you can specify:

  • Which Bates prefix you would like to use, as well as the minimum number of digits you want to reserve for the Bates number
  • What image types you would like to produce to
  • Bates and endorsement text stamping on the imaged documents
  • How redactions are shown
  • Which privileged documents to withhold
  • Which documents to produce a native file for
  • Which documents to produce an image placeholder for
  • Which metadata fields to produce, and the order and names of those fields
  • The naming of folders in the produced file structure

Productions will be generated as a zip file that can be easily shared with opposing counsel, or made available for direct download through a time-limited shareable link. We produce all three of the most common load files (DAT, OPT, LFP) so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues.

Produced documents will be available with their pre-production counterparts in the ‘versions’ area of the Context Panel, or by grouping in the results table. 

We also added new search terms to help you locate documents by production and production status.

For more information about productions, please visit our production help article.



The uploads feature accepts both native and processed data. Native data will automatically undergo all the essential processing steps, from de-NISTing and deduplication to imaging and metadata extraction.


Native document uploads can be customized in the following ways:

  • The title of your upload
  • The custodian value(s), down to the sub-folder or individual file level
  • Deduplication, either across the entire case or just within custodians
  • Which documents to image

Note: With this release, native documents that are uploaded using the new system will have a control number instead of the “EVER” Bates number. The prefix for these documents is "#". We’ve also added search terms to help you easily locate documents by upload and upload status.

We are making uploads available on a rolling basis. Please reach out to Everlaw support ( to find out when you'll be able to use uploads in your case. You can also visit the uploads help article for more information.


New admin navigation:

We’re giving case administrators a better way to access key features. The “case settings” icon on the navigation bar has been replaced with the “admin” icon. Clicking on the admin icon will display navigation links to the case settings, assignments, search term report, chronology, uploads, and productions pages.


Improved search term reports, with ability to export to a binder:

A couple of months ago we released Search Term Reports, a feature that allows you to run multiple searches simultaneously.  Search Term Reports now runs at four times the speed to help you assess and triage your documents faster.  We’ve also made small UI tweaks to make your experience more intuitive and consistent.

You can also export the results from a Search Term Report to a binder.  Simply click the “binder” icon in the top right-hand toolbar of your report. You can add the results to an existing binder, or create a new one directly from the Search Term Reports page.



Enhanced StoryBuilder chronology functionality:

In your chronologies you can now:

  • Display events that are independent of any document
  • Add a free-form description and annotation of relevance to events
  • Hover over the timeline to view the description and relevance of events

The ability to view events that aren’t tied to documents allows you to create more comprehensive case timelines. For example, if you learn of key events for which you don’t yet have any related documents, you can add them to fill in gaps in the case’s chronology or as a reminder to search for documents that reference those events.


If you have any questions or comments about this release, please reach out to