Principal Changes of the October 12, 2018 Release


Expected US release: October 12, 2018

Expected AUS/CAN/EU release: October 19, 2018

We have some major updates for you this release. Create and publish exhibit lists from Outlines, gain more freedom and flexibility with an Outlines upgrade, visualize file structures in Data Visualizer, and export Data Visualizer reports with the click of a button. In addition, we’ve got lots of smaller updates to help make your life on Everlaw easier! Read on to learn more.


StoryBuilder Exhibits

In this release, we are introducing the Exhibits view in Outlines. Exhibits allows you to sync your document references from Outlines and maintain a cohesive narrative in preparation for depositions. The Exhibits view displays your Outline’s documents as a list of titled and numbered exhibits. Your exhibit list can then be exported to CSV or published to PDF, alongside a table of contents and the documents themselves.


Read more about Exhibits.

StoryBuilder Outlines update
This release also includes our largest update to Storybuilder Outlines, our narrative-building collaborative tool. Outlines has undergone a series of improvements. Notably:

  • You can now type freeform text into the body of Outlines
  • Bulleted, numbered, and Roman numeral lists provide flexible options for formatting, whether you’re creating internal case strategy documents or detail review protocols.
  • You can use rich text formatting tools: rich text (bold, italicize, underline), indentations, formatting removal, and headings.
  • We have replaced the concept of “zooming” and “collapsing” with a navigation panel, which allows you to jump to any part of your document that includes list formatting or a heading.
  • Improved Word imports: if your Word document includes formatting that is available in Outlines, that formatting will be preserved upon import.


Read more about StoryBuilder Outlines.

File Path view in Data Visualizer

Exploring your documents’ file paths is now available in Data Visualizer. Use the File Path view to explore the underlying file structure of your project’s documents, providing a top-down view of your data across your project or within a search. As with other views in Data Visualizer, you can click the purple bars in the visualization to add filters to your search. In the File Path view, however, you can also explore different levels of directories and subdirectories in your data.


Watch this video to learn more:


Export hits in Data Visualizer

Export any visualization in Data Visualizer as a report of document hits matching your search and filter criteria.


Learn more about Data Visualizer.

Transfer persistent highlights

With this release, creating persistent highlights is easier than ever. You can not only export and import persistent highlights between projects, but you can also create persistent highlights directly from search term reports!


Processed uploads updates

We’ve added a couple new features to make it easier to search through and perform processed uploads. It’s now possible to search for uploads across all uploads, all processed uploads, and date ranges from the query builder.


Additionally, organization admins can now associate processed documents that have been uploaded to the platform with their processed source card(s) on the project upload page. Read this article for more details.

Customize privilege log metadata based on privilege type and redactions

Sometimes, privilege logs must include different metadata fields for documents depending on the reason they were withheld. This is especially relevant for disclosure lists in the UK, but is also useful for some protocols in the US. If you have more than one privilege rule and/or if you need to customize metadata for non-privileged or redacted documents, you can now specify the metadata for each type of document. Read more in our productions article.


Automatic refresh of results table documents

For sets of documents accessed outside of search cards (e.g., binders, assignments, predictive coding results), you no longer need to manually refresh your results table to get the most up-to-date documents. Now, any set of documents accessed outside of a search card will be automatically refreshed each time it is accessed. For example, every time you access a binder, the results table will show all documents that are currently part of the binder, regardless of what the results table looked like when you last opened the binder.

Clicking on a search card (from the homepage or a message) will continue to reflect the documents present when the search was last accessed. If the documents fitting the search criteria have since changed, you will see a notification alerting you to the changes, at which time you can refresh your search results.


Incorporation of revision overlay into production load file

In order to streamline productions, revision overlays—which contain any added or removed metadata fields in a production modification—will no longer be available as a separate downloadable option for productions. If a production modification changes a production’s metadata, those changes (which were formerly accessible by a downloadable revision overlay) will be reflected directly in the production’s load file. Removed metadata fields will contain blank values, and added fields will contain new values.