July 10, 2020 Release: Project size reporting, homepage folder filtering, and more!
Expected US release: 10 July 2020
Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: 17 July 2020
With this release, we’re improving our reporting on billable sizes, introducing multiple improvements to folders, and more—read on for more information about the features coming out this month!
- [Organization Admin] Improved project size reporting
- [Organization Admin] Upload and view processed data from a project
- [Organization Admin] Allow users to belong to multiple organizations
- Homepage folder filtering
Improved project size reporting
With this release, Organization Admins can see how much billable data is being hosted on Everlaw much more easily! We now display the active and suspended sizes used for billing at the top of our revamped Database Sizes tab (formerly Project Sizes) of the Organization Administrator page.
Each database is displayed as a row that can be expanded into component projects. You can export both the database sizes and project sizes.
We now also display deleted projects during the months where they affected the billable size; this will make the billing reporting clearer. To read more about how billing works on Everlaw, check out this article.
Upload and view processed data from a project
With the continued improvements to processed data uploading, Organization Administrators can now access the processed uploader from within a project! This will allow Organization Admins to better understand all processed datasets created across a database. Processed upload cards will only be displayed for the database associated with the project and will only appear in complete projects. You can access the Processed Data tab from the Data Transfers page.
You can read more about how to upload processed data here.
Allow users to belong to multiple organizations
In order to provide better cross-organization support, users can now be added as members of multiple organizations! Organization Administrators can now also add users to their organization directly via email from the Projects & Users tab.
To learn more about the functionality of the various tabs on the Organization Administrator page, check out this help article.
Homepage folder filtering
Users now have the ability to filter folders by name. To do so, navigate to the Homepage and type your search in the filter bar under Folders. You can also now hover over folders with long names to see the full name of the folder.
Folders shared with you are now easy to differentiate from the ones you’ve created. Shared folders now display a user badge with the initials of their owner, and clicking on a badge will also allow you to send that user a message.
To dive deeper into how to manage folders on Everlaw, check out this article.