"All text" and "All dates" search terms, add review criteria in the assignments wizard, and more!
Expected US release: 07 August 2020
Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: 14 August 2020
With this release, we’re adding new “All Text Fields” and “All Date Fields” search terms, adding review criteria to the assignment wizard, and adding Other Bates values to Advanced Bates searches — read on for more information about the features coming out this month!
- “All Text Fields” and “All Date Fields” search terms
- Review criteria in the assignment wizard
- More reliable audio transcription
“All Text Fields” and “All Date Fields” search terms
You can now search across all text metadata and contents at once with the new “All Text Fields” term, and all date metadata with the “All Date Fields” term. When you need to cast a wide net with your search, just jump to the metadata section of the search and look for the lightning bolt icon showing these new “smart” terms. You can learn more about “smart” search terms here.
Review criteria in the assignment wizard
You can now set the review criteria for a new assignment in the creation wizard immediately after naming your assignment. You can learn more about administering assignment groups here.
More reliable audio transcription
We’ve improved our audio transcription to be more reliable, robust, and accurate, particularly for a wider variety of English accents. You can learn more about Everlaw audio transcription here.