September 11, 2020 Release: Save and share results table views, Organization Administration design improvements, and more!

Save and share results table views, Organization Administration design improvements, and more!

Expected US release: 11 September 2020

Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: 18 September 2020

With this release, we’re adding the ability to save and share particular views of the results table! We’ve also updated the production wizard to allow appending codes and metadata to filenames, streamlined our authentication interface, and added Organization Administration design improvements.

Read on for more information about the features included in this release.



Saved views in results tables

New in this release, you can save views of the results table and return to them in the future. 

You can share your saved views with other users or groups, so everyone on your team can view the same information on the results table. Additionally, whenever you share a search, you can choose to share the current results table view along with it. Project administrators can create a project default view that will be the first view users see when opening a search. 

Each view includes the selected set of results table columns, as well as their placement and sort order. (Remember that settings for duplicates, sampling, and grouping are part of the search configuration. They’ll be shared when you share a search, but are not saved as part of a particular results table view.)


Learn more about saved views in results tables here.

Append codes and metadata to native production filenames

Now you can append Codes and metadata to the filenames of native files when creating productions. This native filename endorsement is an option during the Redactions, Natives, and Text step of the production wizard. You can choose to endorse native filenames by Code and by metadata.

Image endorsements are now faster and easier to use as well. You can add entire Categories at once, and endorsement text pre-populates with the name of each Code. Once you’ve built your image Code endorsements, you can quickly copy them with an easy checkbox as native filename endorsements too. 


Learn more about native filename endorsement here.

Updates to authentication interface

This release streamlines Everlaw’s authentication interface: when you need to enter an authentication code, pasting the code that’s been emailed to you onto the login page now automatically logs you in to Everlaw. One less click!


Learn more about multi-factor authentication (MFA) here.

[Organization Admin] Delete metadata on upload

If you are an organization administrator working with processed uploads, you will now be able to delete metadata values using the processed uploader when performing an overlay. If your load file includes a blank column, then by default that column is ignored during the Define Special Columns stage. Now, you can choose to add the column to a new “To Delete” section instead, then map the fields to delete. All of the documents in the load file will have their metadata values removed for the field(s) you select. Any fields whose values you delete will remain in the project.


Learn more about uploading processed data here.

[Organization Admin] Improvements to “Projects and Users” page

If you are organization administrator, the Projects and Users page on your organization admin dashboard has been redesigned to group projects under their respective databases. This allows you to easily collapse and expand databases, as well as suspend or delete all the projects within a database at once.


Learn more about the organization admin dashboard here.