Productions 3 of 3: Initiating and Monitoring Productions

Table of Contents

After going through pre-production QA, you can initiate a production and Everlaw will produce your documents with images, text, and metadata. Each production will be stored on the Productions page as a card, where you can review its details, edit its configuration, access its produced documents on the platform, and even modify productions.

This article will go through creating a production and actions you can take on a completed production.

Initiating a Production

Once you’ve addressed the warnings presented in pre-production QA, or have resolved all issues, you can click Produce.

From there, you can review the details of your production set, such as its documents or the protocol settings. You can name the production, as well as make optional edits before initiating the production.


These are the relevant fillable fields before initiating the production:

Production Name: The name of the production set.

Volume Name: The name of the downloaded production directory, which is by default the same name of the production. If you wish to change this, you can check the checkbox to type in your preferred volume name.

Description: An optional text box to add in any other details or notes of the production set.

ZIP file encryption: Setting the password settings of your production. You can choose either AES-256 or ZipCrypto encryption; AES-256 requires specific applications to unzip the folder, such as 7-Zip or WinZip, so remember to notify the receiving parties if you choose this option.

After you've chosen an option, you can either type the password or have Everlaw generate a random one for you. Your password will be saved in the production configuration. 


Once you click Produce, Everlaw will begin producing and packaging your documents. You can check the progress of the production via the production card that appears in the Productions tab. After initiating a production, you do not need to stay logged into Everlaw, as the production will continue without interruption.

Please note that once you’ve produced your documents, they are by default filtered out of the pre-production QA tool and no longer reported on. This, however, is assuming that you’ve chosen the option to exclude produced documents from your production criteria search, or have some other outer search grouping that would otherwise pull in produced documents.

Production cards

You can find production cards on the Productions home, by clicking “Data Transfers,” then “Productions” on the navigation bar of the platform. 

Each production card presents a production that was created on Everlaw. Production cards display details such as how many documents were produced, the size of the production, and date the production was run. Hovering over the date on the production card will display the time the production was initiated based on your device’s timezone.


The initials of the user who ran the production are shown on the user badge in the bottom right corner of the production card. Clicking on the badge will begin a new message to the user.


If the user is no longer on the project, the badge will display a “U” initial for an unknown user.



Production cards are ordered by the date created. If you want to filter the productions by keyword, date, or prefix, use the filtering options at the top of the page.


If your production has any errors, the production card will have a red outline and display an error icon, as well as an error message.


You can click on “See more” to learn more about the error and to be guided through the suggested resolution. In the example above, clicking the Modify button will take you directly to the suggested resolution. 

If a production has errored documents, the number of errored documents will be listed on the right and the total number of documents will be listed on the left of the card. 

Clicking the green ‘Package’ button will package the production and replace errored documents with a placeholder. You can share and download the production once packaging is complete.

For any questions and additional assistance on productions with document errors, please contact

Reviewing documents in your production

Each production card lists the number of produced documents. Below this number, the card also shows the number of endorsed, redacted, privileged, and placeholder documents in your production set. You can click on each of the numbers to view the documents in the results table.


You can click on the three-dot menu of the production card, and click “View Source Documents” to see the original documents underlying your production. 


In this menu, you can also download the Excluded Native List, which is a CSV that lists natives that were excluded from the production for the following reasons: 

  • Having metadata or PDF redactions
  • Having image redactions but no native redactions
  • Being parents of documents with the above redactions
  • Being parents of withheld or privileged documents
  • Being parents of documents that were not included in the production

You can also download this list through the download options in the Production History as well. For more information on natives that are excluded from production, please see this article on configuring production settings.

Viewing or editing the production configuration

You can view both the production configuration and underlying production criteria search for the production. Clicking the three-dot menu and selecting “View/Edit Configuration” will display the summary of your production criteria and protocol settings.


On the summary page, the protocol used for the production is included below the production name. If the protocol or the production configuration settings have been modified since the production was run, resulting in the production and protocol configurations being different from each other, this difference will be noted next to the protocol name.

If you want to view the documents underlying the production, you can click “Show search details”. This will show the production criteria tied to your production, including any additional operations to remove documents based on your decisions during pre-production QA.

In addition, if you have chosen to include or exclude documents with warnings in your production, the warnings are recorded in the configuration. If you want to keep a record of which documents were removed, you can download a CSV that includes their Bates numbers.


To edit the configuration, you can click the pencil icon to be redirected to the protocol wizard for any changes. At the end of the wizard, you can choose to save the changes to an existing or new protocol.

Modifying productions

If you want to clawback or unprivilege documents, or if you need to change your protocol, Everlaw also allows you to modify and re-run your production.


Full information about how to modify and re-run productions can be found in our article on production modification tools.

Downloading / sharing productions

You can download your production and share it externally via shareable links, as well as keep track of who has downloaded it via access logs.


For more information on how to download and share productions in more depth, please read our help article on sharing productions and production access logs.

Deleting productions

You can delete productions through the three-dot menu on the production card. 


Deleting a production will delete the production card, the produced documents on Everlaw, and all shareable production files. This is irreversible. You will not be able to download or share the production, including the production history. If the production was previously shared through email or link, the recipient will no longer be able to download the production from said email or link. 

Production reports 

If you have production admin permissions, you can export a production report on all productions in the project. Production reports will be in a CSV file format. You can find the option to create an export in the upper right corner on the Productions page.


The following production information can be included in the export:

  • Bates range
  • Number of documents
  • Number of pages
  • Password
  • Production creation date
  • Production description
  • Production name
  • Production size
  • Volume name


In the export, inapplicable fields will be left empty. For example, any productions without passwords will have an empty Password field in the CSV.