March 26, 2021 Release: Clustering (beta) for more databases, accessibility improvements, and more!

Expected US release: 26 March 2021

Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: 2 April 2021

This release includes an expansion of our clustering beta program, accessibility improvements, and more! We’ve also included a number of performance optimizations to ensure Everlaw is lightning fast at scale. A new security settings section of the organization administrator dashboard offers new functionality and a one-stop-shop for handling your organization's security. 

Everlaw will be offering a free live training session to cover the features from the previous two releases on March 31, 2021 at 10AM (PST). To register for the training, please click here.


Clustering (Beta) enabled for more databases


You can now access Clustering automatically on a greater number of databases! In this phase of beta, you’ll see Clustering if your database has  200K documents or less. If you don’t see Clustering available on your database and would like to try it out in beta, we welcome you to reach out to to inquire about enabling Clustering. We are actively working towards the general release of Clustering in the coming months! You can learn more about Clustering here

Section 508 Accessibility Improvements 

Accessible Form Fields 

If you use a screen reader, working in Everlaw just got easier. We’ve added proper labels with alternative text describing expected inputs on high-traffic pages throughout Everlaw. 

Accessible primary colors 

If you noticed our Everblue is a little bit more blue today, here’s why. We’ve updated our primary colors to have more contrast for improved readability, accessibility, and flair! 


Learn more about Everlaw's accessibility.

Performance Optimizations 

Everlaw continues to get faster than ever at scale with each release. You’ll now be able to load new searches in the results table two to three times faster. When you upload, email threading will be three to five times faster. You can load Timelines with a large number of labels two to three times faster, load documents while scrolling in Timeline two times faster, and you can update hit counts in the filter panel ten times faster for large cases. Lastly, Processed Uploaders will be able to more quickly load options to merge an upload with. 

[Organization Admin] Security Settings 

A new security settings section of the organization administration dashboard is a one-stop-shop for ensuring your organization’s data is safe and secure. Your org admins can now configure whether message content appears in email notifications keeping sensitive content out of email inboxes, set multifactor authentication (MFA) settings for your whole organization, and configure other security settings all in one place.


You can learn more about security settings here