April 23, 2021 Release: Improved native production handling, upload Everlaw control #'s, virtual deposition locations, and more!

Expected US release:  23 April 2021

Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: 30 April 2021

With this release, we’re introducing new withholding rules and production options when producing natives, added functionality to our processed data uploader, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! 

If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.


Improved native production handling 

Now, when attachment documents are not included in your productions, the native parents of those attachments will be withheld. For example, if a parent email has a spreadsheet attached, and only the parent email is produced, the email’s native will be withheld. This is because the email’s native would include the attached spreadsheet that was not intended to be produced. The parent email’s image and text formats may still be produced. 

Additionally, if you need to run productions mainly in the native, you have a new project-wide production setting. Project admins can turn this option on to exclude inadvertent attachments when producing native emails. When enabled, all native email files will not include any attachments, including grandchildren. This is one way to produce a native parent email even when one or more of the email’s descendents is redacted, withheld, or excluded from the production. 


Learn more about the “Exclude attachments when producing native emails” setting.

Upload documents with the Everlaw processing # prefix through the processed data uploader (supply new prefix)

Documents with a # prefix can now be uploaded through the processed data uploader, provided a new prefix is supplied. You will be prompted to change the # prefix to a valid Bates prefix to replace the # prefix during the upload process. The resulting documents are considered processed data for the purpose of interacting with them on Everlaw. 


From the Uploads page, start a new processed upload using the ‘Document sets with load file’ option. (Note that you must have database upload permission to perform this action.) In the Identity fields step of the uploader, you can assign a valid Bates prefix. You have the option to use an existing prefix in the database, or to create a new one. 


The document numbering is retained during uploading. For example, if your load file specifies a Bates/Control number of ‘#123.1’ and in the processed uploader you assign the prefix ‘ABC-’, then the Bates number of your uploaded document will be ‘ABC-123.1’. 

Learn more about uploading processed data using Everlaw.

Support for virtual deposition locations

Given the move to largely remote work, you can now associate any URL link with the “Location” field in a deposition! This added feature is especially helpful in the event that your deposition is hosted online.

Learn more about preparing your depositions.

Name changes to work product search terms 


Now when you use review terms with time-based search parameters, you will be able to qualify terms by Current (previously titled Now) and in some instances, At any time (previously titled Anytime). 

Current retrieves documents that are currently rated, highlighted, etc. At any time recalls documents that were at one time coded, viewed, etc. and may or may not be currently.

Learn more about the At any time and Current search parameters.