May 21, 2021 Release: Improvements to viewing and editing object permissions, production download notifications, and more!

Expected US release:  21 May 2021

Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: 28 May 2021

This release adds several exciting new features to all parts of the Everlaw platform! We’re bringing you expanded functionality in viewing and editing object permissions, setting up notifications for production downloads, and linking Custodians and People in Storybuilder!

In addition, this release includes quality-of-life improvements such as reporting on coding conflicts of mutually exclusive codes, speed improvements to OCR processing, and automatically displaying search term hits for family members in Search Term Reports. Read on to learn more!

You can also join us for a live training session to learn more about the features of this release.


Improved ability to view and edit users’ object permissions

With this release, we’ve made it easier for you to quickly understand the object permissions of users on your project and make adjustments as needed. Our updates to the permissions dialogs now not only provide helpful summaries of access by user, but also add the convenient ability to edit those permissions from the same place.

Simply click "View/Edit permissions" on an object to see a clear summary of group and user permissions with multiple access types factored in. From there, clicking "Edit permissions'' will expand the details behind the summary and allow you to make more granular changes to those permissions, such as revoking or granting access.


You can read more about managing object permissions in this article.


Ability to configure production download notifications

If you have admin permission on Productions, you can now set up real-time email and platform notifications for production downloads. Through this you can both track and verify that the recipient was able to successfully access and download the production. 

Navigate to the Productions page and choose Notifications on the left sidebar. Here you can see a newly organized table that displays notification settings for production completion and download by user, group, and organization. Enabling this setting by checking the respective box will then alert those users when a shared production has been downloaded by others.


To enable email notifications, users can navigate to the Settings in the bottom left of the message center, and check the box next to “Production activity.” 


Learn more about production notifications in this article.


Ability to link custodians as People on Storybuilder

We’re always aiming for a more integrated experience and to seamlessly support the lifecycle of the legal process from document upload to trial; this release is no exception! Now when you’re creating a new People profile in Storybuilder, we’ll automatically pull up a list of custodians from the documents you’ve uploaded to the project. You can select from these key people in the matter, or type in another name of your choosing.


Learn more about creating a People profile in Storybuilder here.


Workflow improvements for mutually exclusive coding categories

This release also includes improvements related to mutually exclusive coding categories. On the Project Settings page under the Codes tab, a warning now appears if a category is mutually exclusive and if there are any documents that have multiple codes applied. You can click on the document count in the warning to open a results table of the documents. We will also alert you in the review window if we’ve detected a coding conflict. 

Additionally, we’ve updated the interface for making a coding category mutually exclusive in the first place: when you create coding categories on the Project Settings page, you now have a clear checkbox option to set categories as mutually exclusive. 


Learn more about mutually exclusive coding categories here


Speed improvements for OCR processing

For documents that require lots of OCR (over 100 pages), we now OCR in parallel; this means that extracting text for these documents is now about 19 times faster!


Automatic display of search term hits for family members

From this release onward, we’ve added a new column in Search Term Reports that readily shows the total number of documents associated with a specific search term without the need to additionally toggle to include family members in your count. 


You can also export these numbers side-by-side in a single report.

Learn more about how to understand your search term report results in this article.