Expected US release: July 16 2021
Expected AU, CA, EU, and UK release: July 23 2021
With this release, we’re introducing automatic extraction of email header metadata, new automatically-calculated Primary Date and Family Date metadata fields, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.
- Automatically extract email header metadata from PDFs
- Prioritize date fields across multiple file types with Primary Date and Family Date
- Ability to exclude load files from productions
Automatically extract email header metadata from PDFs
With this release, Everlaw will offer the option to automatically extract email metadata from documents when metadata is not provided by identifying email headers from the text contents during the ingestion process. Text Extracted Metadata will include common email header fields like Subject, Date Sent, To, From, Cc, Bcc, etc. Text-extracted metadata will behave like typical metadata fields, for example in search and Smart Terms for emails.
If you’d like to toggle this setting, navigate to the Metadata section of your project. Your preference will be applied to all projects associated with the database. If you’re setting up a new database, this setting is activated for you by default; for existing databases, this setting can be turned on by any project administrator and will attempt to extract metadata from all documents.
Along with this change, Everlaw will now identify the Source metadata of a document as either TEXT EXTRACTED, LOADFILE, or NATIVE EXTRACTED to help you and your review team understand where the metadata came from. Note that these new designations replace the previously used ‘Original’ and ‘Load file’ toggles.
Learn more about document metadata aliases and editable metadata.
Prioritize date fields across multiple file types with Primary Date and Family Date
You can now use the Everlaw metadata field, Primary Date, to access dates or date ranges that are most relevant to your documents regardless of the document file types. This field will use a document’s file type and metadata to calculate which date field is the appropriate Primary Date field for a document. Primary Date also has its own smart search term, and can be used across the platform in search, production, Storybuilder, and more.
For an example of how Primary Date would be used in practice, Date Sent is at the top of the Primary Date hierarchy for email files and Date Created is at the top for audio files; this means those two Date fields will be the best candidates for Primary Date if they are available. If you created a search for documents with Primary Dates in July 2021, email files with July 2021 Date Sent values and audio files with July 2021 Date Created values would be returned. When documents do not have values for the topmost field in the Primary Date hierarchy, the second field in the hierarchy is used for Primary Date, and so on.
If you’d like to see the hierarchy of fields, navigate to the Metadata Settings tab in Project Settings. If you’re a Project admin, you can drag and drop to adjust the order of the Primary Date date fields in the Metadata tab in Project Settings, or reset the order of all the hierarchies to Everlaw’s recommended default.
You can also use and produce a new metadata field called Family Date that propagates the Primary Date of the top-level attachment group parent to all members of the attachment group. If a document does not have a parent, its Primary Date will be its Family Date.
Note: If your project has a custom metadata field already named Family Date, Everlaw’s Family Date will not appear in favor of your custom field. The same is true for aliases named Family Date. Making your custom field invisible or deleting your alias in Project Settings will allow Everlaw’s Family Date to appear on your project.
Learn more about Primary Date and Family Date.
Ability to exclude load files from productions
If desired, you can now exclude load files from your productions by selecting the “Do not include load files” option from the Load File step in the production protocol wizard.
If you change your mind later and need to add a load file, simply edit the production configuration and modify the production metadata, following the same process you would take for any other production metadata modification.
Learn more about production protocols.