August 13, 2021 Release: Ability to remove Other Bates values, Organization-based Single Sign-On (SSO), and more!

Expected US Release: August 13, 2021

Expected International Release: August 20, 2021

With this release, we're adding the ability to remove Other Bates values from the results table, adding organization-based Single Sign-on (SSO), adding features to ECA, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.


Automatic handling of CSVs as spreadsheets during ingestion

From this release onward, Everlaw will type CSV files as spreadsheets. This will allow you to open CSVs in the spreadsheet viewer and use spreadsheet specific functionality, such as cell redactions. CSV files will now be returned in searches for Type: Spreadsheet. Please note that any existing CSVs will need to be reprocessed to see this change. For more information about supported file types, check out this article.

Workflow enhancements for Early Case Assessment (ECA) projects

If you are a user on an ECA project, you’ll notice increased functionality in the results table. You can now select subsets of documents in a results table and perform all batch actions, including promotion, adding or removing documents from binders, copying document binders to other projects, deleting documents, and reprocessing documents. You can also select or deselect all documents in an ECA results table by clicking the checkbox at the top of the table.


Furthermore, you can now export a CSV from the results table of an ECA project. CSV exports are the only type of export allowed on ECA projects, so clicking the Export button will take you directly to the CSV export dialog.


As before, documents that were produced or unitized in review projects are added to the ECA project automatically. These documents will now receive a “Produced” or “Unitized” code in the ECA project. 


To learn more about Early Case Assessment, head over to this article.

Enhanced uploading of split archives

You will now be notified of any file formatting errors when uploading split archives onto Everlaw! These error notifications include split archives with detected extra files or missing files, archives uploaded as loose files without a container file, and multiple archives with errors that are uploaded at the same time.

Read this article for more information on split archives.

[Org Admin] Ability to remove Other Bates values

If you are an organization administrator, you can now remove Other Bates values directly from a results table. To do so, first open a results table, select documents, and click “Assign or removeOther Bates” under the Batch icon. In the dialog that appears, select the option to remove Other Bates.


The time and date of the change, as well as the previous Other Bates value, is now recorded in the document’s history. To access this information, open the document in the review window and select the History tab in the right-hand panel. 


For more information on assigning Bates, check out this article.

[Org Admin] Organization-based Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication

Previously SSO was tied to the domain of the email address associated with your Everlaw account. We will now direct you to SSO based on your organization. This means a user with any email domain can still be required to SSO to access an organization’s projects if they are added to the organization as a member and SSO is required.

When logging into a project or organization page, you will now be asked to authenticate using a method (SSO or password) set by that organization. This means that a user of multiple organizations may be required to authenticate with several methods in a single session if they are accessing multiple organizations’ data.


You can learn more about Single Sign-On in this article.