Uploading Documents from Slack

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Everlaw supports ingestion of Slack data either directly via the cloud connector or from an exported zip file. 

Everlaw's Slack cloud connector allows you to filter your data by custodian and date range so that you can upload relevant direct messages, public channels, and private channels. 

Uploading data directly into Everlaw from your Slack organization requires Database Upload permissions on Everlaw and Enterprise Grid Org Owner permissions on your Slack workspace. The Enterprise Grid Org Owner must be able to give consent on behalf of your organization for Everlaw to access your data.

If you do not have Enterprise Grid Org Owner permissions, you can upload your Slack data from your local machine. 

To learn more about how Everlaw handles third party data, please consult our privacy policy

Uploading Slack Data from Your Local Machine

In order to process Slack files correctly, the Slack export needs to be in the same format as it was originally exported from Slack. The exported zip file must include:  

  • Users.json
  • Channels.json
  • Message files: [DATE].json
  • Each conversation (e.g. a channel, multi-party message, direct message, etc) needs to be a collection of message files in its own folder, and each conversation folder needs to be referred to by an object in the channels.json file.

Demo Slack Export.png

In this demo export, the message files for the "general" channel are within a folder named "general"

The Slack export cannot be unzipped or altered when you upload it. 

To upload a Slack export, go to the Uploads page and follow the Native Uploads workflow

Uploading Data from Slack

To upload your Slack data directly into Everlaw, navigate to the Uploads page and select Native Upload. From there, scroll down and select Slack under “Collect from cloud application.”


A dialog box will open and you will be prompted to enter your workspace’s Slack URL.


Next, you will be prompted to sign in to your Slack account. Please note that you must be a Slack Enterprise Grid Org Owner in order to upload data directly from Slack into Everlaw.


If you are signed into multiple workspaces or organizations, you can toggle which one you’d like to upload from by selecting from the dropdown in the top right corner of the dialog.


Then, you will need to accept the permissions request.  By accepting this request, you are giving Everlaw permission to view all of your organization’s messages (including all private channels and direct messages), as well as your organization’s files. You will need to accept this permissions request every time you upload data from Slack.


Once you have connected your Slack workspace and Everlaw, the dialog box will close and you will be able to configure your upload in Everlaw. 

An upload wizard will appear and on the Custodians screen, you will see a list of all users in your organization. You can filter this list by custodian name or email. Select a subset of custodians whose data you would like to import, or select all custodians by checking the box at the top of the table.


Selecting a user as a custodian means that you will upload all their direct messages and relevant channel messages. If you have retention settings enabled on Slack, message edits and deletions will also be included. 

After you have selected your custodian(s), click Next to move on to the Date range selection step. On this step, you can choose to only import messages that were created or modified within a certain time frame. If you do not specify a range, all conversations associated with your selected custodians and channels (which you will configure in a later step) will be uploaded. 


Next, select which workspace(s) you would like to upload from.


After you click Next, you will see a list of public channels that your selected custodians were a member of during your selected date range. Please note that deleted channels are permanently removed by Slack after 24 hours and will not be listed. You can filter this list by channel name. Under Status, you can see if the channel is currently active or archived. Select the channels you would like to import, or select all channels by checking the box at the top of the table.


After you select your public channels and click Next, you will be able to select any private channels your custodians were a member of within your selected date range.


The final step in this upload wizard shows you a summary of your choices. This summary will show your selected custodians, date range, workspaces, public channels, and private channels. If you are happy with your selections, click Continue.  


Once you click Continue, you will be taken to Everlaw’s native data upload wizard. Here, you can name your upload, specify deduplications settings, and choose which projects to upload the data to. For more information about these upload settings, read this section of the Native Data Uploads article.


On the Custodians step, you will be able to edit the names of any of your custodians to how you would like them to display in Everlaw.


Your upload will be represented as a card on the Native Data page, as well as in the Document Sets column of your home page. For more information about upload cards, please see this Knowledge Base article on managing native uploads.

Viewing Data from Slack 

The header of each document will include the Slack channel name, purpose, timezone, and chat contributors. Threaded messages will be denoted by a box encapsulating messages in the thread.


Images will be displayed inline and other file attachments will be denoted where they appear with information about the file name, Slack URL, size, and file type.


File attachments will be grouped with the chat document. To see attachments, click the file path explorer icon in the review window.


Everlaw also extracts metadata from chat conversations. The Chat Contributors metadata field is automatically populated with the names of all participants who contributed to that chat during that conversation. Everlaw also populates the Start Date and End Date metadata fields with the date and time of the first and last message of the conversation, respectively.


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