Expected US Release: May 6, 2022
Expected International Release: May 13, 2022
Expected Federal Release: May 20, 2022
With this release, we’ve added platform time tracking, the ability to manage suspended databases and projects, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session.
Improvements in this release:
- Time spent on platform tracking
- Support for eCTD Load files
- Manage suspended databases and projects
- Improve production times
- Auto-OCR PDF transcripts uploaded into Depositions
- Metadata redaction suggestion improvements
- Exclude produced documents from PC training
Time spent on platform tracking
As a Project Administrator, you can now track where your users are spending their time on the Everlaw platform! In addition to review time, Everlaw now tracks and displays time spent in the following categories: Total platform, Review time, Project management, Document analytics, Uploads, Productions, and Storybuilder.
Simply navigate to the “Platform Time” tab on the Project Analytics page to find a table containing all the users on your project and the time they spent performing various activities on the Everlaw platform.
As a Project Administrator, you can also now view the time spent by users during a specific date range and export the data shown in the table.
To track review activity on a project, Project Administrators can click on the “Review Activity” tab on the Project Analytics page and access user statistics including total number of documents and pages viewed, documents and pages viewed per hour, ratings, and percent of documents that were rated hot, warm, or cold.
Learn more about tracking platform time and review activity on the Project Analytics page.
Support for eCTD Load Files
With this release, Everlaw will now provide support for processing eCTD load files! This batch of files is commonly used for the transfer of regulatory information between pharmaceutical companies and government agencies. You can now upload these files by submitting each eCTD "bundle" as native data in a zip or its own directory.
You can also combine and upload multiple eCTD directories inside a container or nested under a top-level directory.
Learn more about uploading eCTD load files.
Manage Suspended Databases and Projects
With this release, we’ve made multiple improvements relating to the management of suspended databases and projects.
With Database Admin permissions, you can now freely suspend, reactivate, and delete databases from the new “Overview” tab on the Database Settings page! Depending on your project and organization-level permissions, you can also fully administer projects in a database on the “Overview” tab.
To access the “Overview” tab, simply navigate to the relevant Database Settings page and click “Overview” in the left-side panel. For suspended projects, you can directly access Database Settings for the underlying database by clicking the caret icon next to the project name on the top left corner of your screen and selecting the relevant project from the dropdown menu.
Notably, you can now export a suspended project from the “Overview” tab. In other words, you no longer need to temporarily reactivate the underlying database to perform project exports!
Finally, as a database admin, you now have access to a new “Admin activity” tab on the Database Settings page, which contains a log of all database administration actions (suspensions, reactivations, deletion, exports, and database permission grants and revocations) for tracking and auditing purposes.
Learn more about database administration and permissions.
Improve production times
Users will experience a speed up in production times due to some efficiency gains created by our engineering team during the packaging stage. Productions containing large documents may complete and be ready for download up to four times faster than previously.
Auto-OCR PDF transcripts uploaded into Depositions
With this release, Everlaw now automatically OCRs PDF transcripts uploaded to Depositions! You can now download the OCRed version of a transcript from the menu bar at the top of a transcript by clicking on the download icon.
Learn more about uploading transcripts into depositions.
Metadata redaction suggestion improvements
When you redact text on an image via text selection or by drawing image redactions, Everlaw automatically detects whether any metadata matches the redacted text. With this release, dates and times are included in metadata redaction suggestions.
Learn more about redacting documents.
Exclude produced documents from Predictive Coding model training
For new predictive coding models created after this release, Everlaw now automatically excludes documents produced in the platform by default. This is meant to prevent redundant training and duplicative document suggestions. However, you also have the option to remove this default exclusion criteria as needed.
Learn more about creating a predictive coding model.