July 1, 2022 Release: New production protocols, view images and spreadsheets in Quick Review, and more!

Expected US Release: 07/01/2022

Expected International Release: 07/08/2022

Expected Federal Release: 07/15/2022

With this release, we’ve added new production protocol templates, the ability to view media and spreadsheets in the quick review window, and more — read on for more information about the features coming out this month! If you would like to learn more about the features in this release, join us for a live training session

Here are some of the features included in this release:

Production Protocol Templates

Everlaw now offers standardized templates for common production protocols. Included in this release are the SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) Production Protocol Template and the Single-PDF Production Protocol Template, with default settings commonly used for public records request productions. A DOJ (Department of Justice) Production Protocol template will be added in an upcoming release.

An Everlaw production protocol template is essentially a set of defaults commonly used for a particular type of production. You can now select a production protocol template as a starting point, make any desired modifications, and save that modified protocol as a custom protocol.

To use an Everlaw production protocol template, navigate to the Productions page and select the New Protocol tab. You will now see the option to start with a blank protocol or one of the Everlaw production protocol templates.


Selecting “Blank” will bring you to the standard production protocol wizard, with the same Everlaw defaults as before. Selecting any of the template options will also bring  you to the standard production protocol wizard, but with new defaults that match the specifications of the selected template.


After reaching the end of the production protocol wizard, you will be asked to save their production protocol using a custom name. Afterwards, this protocol will be accessible through the Protocols tab, same as all other user-created protocols.


The Everlaw protocol template will not be modified. you will be able to create a different custom protocol using the same template as a starting point.

You will also be able to use their own custom protocols as a starting point to create new protocols. To do so, you should navigate to the New Protocol tab and select the option to “Use an existing protocol as a template”. From there, you will be able to select the desired existing protocol from the dropdown.


SEC Production Protocol Template

The default settings in the SEC Production Protocol Template will create a production that matches the specifications for file and metadata formatting laid out in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Data Delivery Standards. 

However, please note that Everlaw is not able to satisfy all SEC production requirements automatically. You must still ensure that their documents are in the correct file format with the necessary metadata, separately provide a cover letter and passwords for encrypted data, ensure that the correct information has been redacted, ensure that file names include only allowed characters, and so on. This template is only intended to be used as a starting point for producing to the SEC; you will still need to independently verify that your production has met the specifications.

Learn more about default settings for the SEC Production Protocol Template.

Single-PDF Production Protocol Template

The default settings in the Single-PDF Production Protocol Template will create a production that combines all images into a single PDF, with no text files, load files, or privilege logs. This production format is often used for DSAR (Data Subject Access Request), FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), and other public record request productions. This template is intended to be used as a starting point; you will still need to independently verify that your production meets the required specifications.

Learn more about default settings for the Single-PDF Production Protocol Template.

Image, media, and spreadsheets in Quick Review

Native image, audio, video, and spreadsheet files are now reviewable in Quick Review, allowing you to preview media files, page through them, and rate and code them without opening the review window.


Audio and video files are playable in Quick Review. The transcripts are also visible in Quick Review, and you can quickly jump forward or backward in the recording.


Spreadsheets can show or hide the grid, and cell contents can be force wrapped. Images and comments can be shown or hidden, and dependent redactions can be toggled. If a spreadsheet has multiple sheets, all the sheets will be visible in Quick Review as separate tabs. 

Learn more about using Quick Review to review search results.

Grouping, deduplication, and uploaded terms in Search API 

Everlaw’s API continues to expand its support for robust and automated data reporting by adding grouping, deduplication, and uploaded search terms to its project search endpoint. You can also now leverage a number of “document” search terms like Bates/Control #, billable size, number of pages, has format, and type. Lastly, this feature supports new project-level endpoints providing information on a project’s Bates prefixes, processed uploads, and native uploads (datasets). 

[Organization Admin] Improve Database Size Reporting 

This release brings improvements to the Database Size report found on the Database Sizes tab of the Org Admin page in the form of additional columns that contain information about the databases and projects in your organization. 


The following columns have been added to this export:

  • Count of Processed Datasets - The number of processed uploads that have taken place on this project/database
  • Count of Native Datasets - The number of native uploads that have taken place on this project/database
  • Count of Produced Datasets - The number of productions that have taken place on this project/database
  • Peak Active Produced Size (GB) - The total peak size in gigabytes of the documents produced in Everlaw that exist on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were produced on other projects and added to this project
  • Current Active Produced Size (GB) - The total size in gigabytes of the documents produced in Everlaw that exist on this project/database. Again note that this includes documents that were produced on other projects and added to this project
  • Last Login - The date of the last login by any user on the project
  • Is ECA - This column has been renamed from “Is Eca.” This displays if the project/database is ECA. This value can be true or false.

For more information about the Database Sizes export, please read the Database Sizes section of our Organization Admin Dashboard Tabs article


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