Uploading data from Zendesk

Everlaw supports ingestion of Zendesk data via a cloud connection. Everlaw's cloud connector for Zendesk allows you to collect Zendesk ticket data directly from Zendesk for review in Everlaw. When these tickets are on Everlaw, the comments, attachments, statuses, and other key information are organized and formatted for review.


Uploading data directly into Everlaw from your Zendesk account requires that you have:

  • The Zendesk Support role of Admin in your Zendesk subdomain
  • Database Upload permissions on Everlaw.

If you cannot use the cloud connector, Everlaw also supports uploading Zendesk XML exports as native uploads. Zendesk XML exports only contain ticket comment data and do not include ticket events or attachments.


The Zendesk connector is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.

Data security and privacy

As part of making the connection to Zendesk and selecting the files, you give Everlaw permission to collect and upload the relevant Zendesk cloud data you have selected. 

To learn more about how Everlaw handles third party data, please consult our privacy policy.

Zendesk data collected through the cloud

Zendesk tickets uploaded through the cloud connector are typed as Support Ticket. Read the section on reviewing Zendesk data to learn more about these files.

Upload Zendesk data to Everlaw

Forming the connection to Zendesk and doing the upload occurs entirely within Everlaw. In the upload wizard, you specify a query and/or date range to identify the ticket data you want to upload. Once you've made these selections, you upload the data through the native upload process.

To start an upload:

  1. Go to Data Transferarrows-data-transfer.png > Uploads. This takes you to the uploads page.
  2. Select Native Upload.  Then select Start upload. 
  3. Under Collect from cloud application, select Zendesk.
    This opens a dialog that will prompt you to identify your Zendesk subdomain.
  4. Enter your Zendesk subdomain. Zendesk subdomains take the format “https://subdomain.zendesk.com”. The subdomain must be specified, since a single user can have multiple accounts across Zendesk subdomains. To find the subdomain, log into your Zendesk account’s view of tickets and then copy the URL from the address bar. Select Continue to move on.
  5. If you are not already signed in to Zendesk, you will be prompted to sign into the chosen Zendesk subdomain. 
  6. On the first Zendesk upload per user and subdomain, you will be prompted to allow the Everlaw application to access Zendesk data.

    Select Allow to grant this permission and proceed with the upload.
  7. On the Filters page, you filter the set of tickets to be collected.

    You can filter by either or both of the following:
    • Creation date range of tickets: Enter the beginning date in From and the end date in To 
    • A search: This search follows the same search functionality as Zendesk Support searches 
    • If you don't specify a query or date range, you will collect all tickets in the Zendesk subdomain 
    • If both a search query and date range are specified, you will upload tickets that satisfy both the specified date range and the search query.
  8. Select Next to move onto the Summary page.
  9. On the Summary page, you can view the expected number of tickets in the upload. To modify your search and date range, select Previous.  If you are happy with your selections, select Continue. 
  10. You are taken to Everlaw’s native data upload wizard to complete the upload. For more information about these upload settings, read this section of the Native Data Uploads article.  After you finalize the upload configuration, Everlaw will upload and process the ticket data from Zendesk for review. Take note of the following for Zendesk uploads:
    • You must create PDF images (the default) as part of your upload configuration so the data can be properly processed for review. create
    • The default custodian for Zendesk objects is the subdomain. On the Custodians step of the upload, you can customize the custodian.
    • The speed of the upload depends on your Zendesk instance's API rate limit, which can vary from 100 requests/min to 2500 requests/min. You can view your instance rate limit from the Zendesk admin center. The connector will use any available API rate-limit bandwidth to upload tickets. If multiple Zendesk uploads are active from the same Zendesk instance, the rate limit will be split between them evenly.


You do not need to keep Everlaw open when performing a cloud upload. That restriction only applies to local uploads.

Review data from Zendesk

As part of uploading Zendesk data, the tickets are processed into a readable format with relevant information and links to related files and tickets.review.png
Here is some additional information about reviewing these documents:

  • Zendesk tickets uploaded through the cloud connector are typed as Support Ticket, which can be used in the search builder under Type.
  • Everlaw automatically adds metadata for Zendesk ticket IDs as well as current tags to the metadata of the native ticket file.  You can use Ticket ID and Tags search terms in the query builder to search for tickets with specific tag values or ID values.
  • The Support Ticket document is the parent document of any attached screenshots, videos, etc. Attachments are grouped with the parent support ticket when you group your search results by attachment, and are displayed as attachments in the context panel of the review window.  
  • When you review a Support Ticket document, the ticket title and Zendesk ticket ID are displayed at the top of the PDF view. A header at the top of the ticket displays the requester, assignee, the date range of the ticket (creation - last update), the ticket type and priority.
  • Every ticket comment and event shown are time-stamped accordingly, with UTC timezones. 
  • Internal ticket comments are indicated with a box around the comment and an “Internal” tag to distinguish  them from public ticket comments. 
  • Everlaw processes and displays changes to tags, type, priority, and status as events, which are displayed in-line with the ticket comments. 
  • If they have been collected in your upload, tickets that are linked problems or follow-up tickets are linked in the Linked Documents section of the review window context panel. 
    Learn more about the Linked Documents section of the context panel.
    • For linked problems, incident tickets are displayed as backlinks to the problem ticket and the problem ticket is displayed as an outbound link on incident tickets. 
    • For follow-up tickets, the prior ticket is displayed as a backlink and the follow-up ticket as an outbound link.