Uploading Data from Jira

Everlaw’s cloud connection to Jira allows you to upload relevant Jira issues and associated attachments through a cloud connection. While using this cloud connector, you can specify the project(s), user(s), and date range of Jira data you would like to collect. 

When the files are on Everlaw, key information about each issue and all the files attached to the issue are organized and accessible for review.


The Everlaw cloud connection to Jira is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.


Uploading data directly into Everlaw from Jira requires that you have:

  • Database Upload permissions on Everlaw
  • An Atlassian account with access to the Jira site that you would like to collect from. 

Data security and privacy

As part of making the connection to Jira and selecting the files, you  give Everlaw permission to collect and upload the relevant Jira data (i.e., Jira issues and any associated attachments). 

To learn more about how Everlaw handles third party data, please consult our privacy notice

Types of Jira files

Jira data uploaded through the connector is organized by Jira issue. For each issue, Everlaw creates a project management type document. See the section about reviewing Jira data to learn more about these files. 

Upload Jira data to Everlaw

To start an upload:

  1. Go to Data Transfer arrows-data-transfer.png> Uploads. This takes you to the uploads page.

  2. Select Native Upload.  Then select Start upload. 

  3. Under Collect from cloud application, select Jira. This opens a dialog to log into your Atlassian account. 

  4. Log into your Atlassian account. This opens a dialog that prompts you to select a Jira site to collect data from.
    To successfully load Jira data, the Atlassian account you use to log in must have access to the Jira site that you want to collect data from. 

  5. Select a Jira site and select Accept. Any Jira site that you have access to through your Atlassian account is available in the drop-down menu. Selecting Accept opens an upload wizard that guides you through the rest of the upload.
    When you select Accept, you authorize Everlaw’s access to the selected site for upload and are giving Everlaw permission to collect and upload the relevant Jira data (i.e., Jira issues and any associated attachments). 

  6. On the Site step, choose the site that you want to collect data from. The site you select lets you choose the projects, users, and dates associated with available Jira issues that you would like to collect from.
    The Jira site that you selected in the previous step and any others  that you have previously authorized Everlaw to access are available to be selected in this step.
  7. Select Next to move onto the Projects step.
  8. On the Projects step, choose which projects to import Jira data from. You must have access to all the Jira issues in a project to be able to select it.  If your Atlassian account does not have access to Jira issues in a project, they are identified with a "NO ACCESS" label and cannot be selected.

  9. Select Next to move on to the Users step.
  10. In the Users step, choose the users whose Jira data you want to upload. Any Jira issues in the selected project(s) that the selected users had a role (creator, assignee, reporter, or commenter) in are collected for upload.
    This step displays a list of total users (active, suspended, removed, invited) associated with the selected Jira site, independent of  the project(s) you selected in the previous step. This means that the user(s) you select do not necessarily have a role in any Jira issues in any of the projects that you selected in the previous step.

  11. Select Next to move on to the Date range step.
  12. In the Date range step, you can choose to only import Jira issues within a certain time frame. Enter the beginning date in From and the end date in To. Jira Issues created or modified within the selected date range are included within the upload.
    If you do not specify a date range, all available Jira issues from your selected project(s) and user(s) will be uploaded by default.

  13. Select Next to move on to the Summary page. To modify your previous selections, select Previous.  If you are happy with your selections, select Continue. 
  14. You are taken to Everlaw’s native data upload wizard to complete the upload. For more information about these upload settings, read this section of the Native Data Uploads article. Here are some additional notes about uploading from Jira:
    •  You must create PDF images (the default) as part of your upload configuration so the data can be properly processed for review. create
    • The default custodian for Jira objects is the selected Jira site. On the Custodians step of the upload, you can customize the custodian.


You do not need to keep Everlaw open when performing a cloud upload. That restriction only applies to local uploads.

Review Jira Data

Jira Issues loaded into Everlaw are typed as Project Management documents, which can be used in the search builder under Type.

A Project Management document contains available information associated with the  Jira issue including but not limited to:

  • Type
  • Status
  • Project name
  • Priority
  • Assignee
  • Creator
  • Reporter
  • Description
  • Timestamps
  • Activity
  • Commenters
  • Watchers
  • Voters
  • Labels
  • Custom fields 

The project management document is the parent document to any attached images, videos, etc. Attachments are grouped with the parent project management document when you group your search results by attachment, and are displayed as attachments in the context panel of the review window.