You can search for documents by their assigned numbers (e.g., Bates numbers, control numbers) on Everlaw.
Table of Contents
Bates/Control Search
Documents that were uploaded natively and processed by Everlaw have control numbers, with the "#" prefix. All other documents (i.e., documents processed off of Everlaw, documents produced on Everlaw) will have Bates numbers. Additionally, some documents may have alternate Bates values in the OtherBates metadata field. To search according to Bates, OtherBates, or control numbers, add the Bates/Control search term into the query builder. There are two parameters that you can specify in the search term:
- Prefix (Bates, #, Any, or leave blank to search for documents with no Bates prefix)
- The specific number or range you want to search for
1) To search for documents that have Bates numbers, choose the associated Bates prefix in the dropdown menu.
To search for documents that were processed by Everlaw (and therefore have control numbers), choose the "#" prefix.
Selecting “Any Prefix” will perform a search across all prefixes in your dataset.
Note: Native uploads that predate the release of the native upload tool were assigned the Bates prefix EVER.
2) You can search for single documents, particular pages, or a range of documents by their Bates number.
To search for a single document, type the begin Bates or control number of the document you are looking for.
To search for a Bates or control number that may appear after the first page of the document (i.e., it may not be the begin Bates or control number of the document), check the “Page Search” option. This will search for the number across all of the pages of your documents.
To search across a range of documents, enter the Bates or control number range separated by a dash. Be sure to check the “Page Search” option if you want to expand the search to include not just the beginning numbers of documents.
To search for all the documents greater or less than a certain Bates or control number, enter the number and a following or preceding dash. For example, to find all the documents in the project, you would enter "1-" across every prefix, which would return all the documents with a Bates or control number greater than or equal to 1. To find all documents with a Bates or control number less than 100, you would enter “-100”.
You may also search for multiple, non-consecutive numbers. To do so, separate the numbers with commas or spaces. The resulting search will find all the documents with any of the entered numbers as their beginning Bates or Control number. To find the documents with the entered number anywhere in the document's range, select the page search checkbox.
If desired, you can cut and paste in a list of doc id numbers and ranges as long as it respects the search conventions.
Note: If the last number you enter is not the last Bates or control number of a particular document, the entire document will still be returned.
3. To search for all documents in your project with any prefix, select "Any prefix" and then type "1-" in the input box.
Searching large lists of Bates/Control numbers
You can also search for a large list of Bates, OtherBates, and control values with different, specified prefixes. Once you include the Bates/Control search term into the query builder, click “Advanced” within the term to enter in the numbers.
Unlike the main Bates/Control search, in the “Advanced” menu, the list of Bates numbers can have any combination of prefixes. Furthermore, the list can include Bates numbers, control numbers, and Other Bates numbers. You must list Bates numbers one per line. You can also import a text file of Bates/control numbers, again one per line.
When you have listed your Bates/control numbers, click “search.” A task will start, and when it is completed, you will get a notification in the bottom right corner of your screen. A dialogue box will also appear with a report about your search.
In the example below, 106 Bates/control numbers of varying types were searched. 104 documents were found, there was one duplicate, and one was not found. You can edit the list of documents searched by clicking “Back.” You can click the download button in order to get a report listing which, if any, documents were not found and which were duplicates. This can help with generating Bates gap reports, for example.
To complete the search, simply select “Add to Search.”
You can also upload a text file of Bates numbers to search. Make sure that your file is plain text (.txt) and follows the same formatting convention as the typed list.
To edit your Advanced Bates search after it has been added to the query builder, simply click “Edit…” on the right side of the Bates/control search term. This will take you back to the dialogue box with the list you searched.
After running an advanced search, you'll see a dialog box displaying three numbers, each representing a different list of documents: documents that match your search, repeated Bates numbers found, and Bates numbers that were not found.
X documents that match your search: Total number of distinct documents that matched your advanced search query
X repeated Bates numbers found: The number of documents whose Bates number referenced a document that was also identified by another Bates number in the search query. For instance, if your search query included both a document's Bates and Other Bates numbers, then you would have found 1 repeated Bates number.
X Bates numbers were not found: The number of Bates numbers in the search query that did not match any documents
Australian Doc IDs
The Australian doc id system has a different number scheme than the American Bates numbering system. Here is an example of an Australian doc ID: ABC.001.001.0001.
To search for this document using the Bates/Control search term, you first select the prefix (in this case "ABC"), then type "1.1.1" into the input box. Notice that you do not need to worry about including the leading zeros for any of the number segments. You can search for all other documents in the same fashion.If you want to expand the doc ID search to include pages within documents, check the "Page search" option in the search term.