Administer Codes for Review

Codes are applied to documents to help your team organize and search for any documents relevant to specific issues in your case. In Everlaw, codes are organized into categories. Every code belongs to a category, as set up by an Admin. 

This article explains how to create and manage categories and codes in Everlaw, from the perspective of an Admin.

To instead learn how to apply existing codes to documents during review, visit How to Code a Document in the Review Window and Use Coding Presets.

Required permissions

You must be a Project Admin or Codes Admin to administer codes. For more information about these roles, visit User Groups and Project Permissions.

Access a project's category & codes

Categories and codes are created and managed at the project level.

To access a project's categories and codes settings: 

  1. Go to Project Management project management icon button.png > Project Settings.
  2. Select Codes to open the Categories & Codes page.
    codes button.png

The Categories & Codes page displays two sections:

  • A Categories section on the left
  • A Codes section on the right

At least one category must exist for the Codes section to appear. 

When you have one or more categories, the currently selected category is highlighted, and only that category's codes are displayed in the Codes section.  

categories vs codes screenshot.png

Create a code category

To create a new category:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Codes.
  2. In the Categories section, select input field, located at the bottom of the table. Enter a name for the new category. Then select Add, or hit Enter on your keyboard.


    By default, the new category appears at the top of the category table. However, if someone on your team has already selected the option to alphabetize categories, the new category is instead inserted into the list alphabetically, or if the categories have been manually reordered, the new category will be inserted at the bottom of the list.

    Regardless of the new categories position in the category list, it is automatically selected and ready for you to add codesnew category created.png
  3. [Optional] If you want the category to be mutually exclusive — meaning only one code from that category can be applied to a document at any given point in time — select the checkbox in the category's Mutually exclusive column of the table.
    mutally exclusive.png


    Making a category mutually exclusive can help prevent errors or inconsistent coding for categories that have conflicting codes. For example, if you have a "Privileged" category with the codes "Privileged" and "Not Privileged," you likely won't want reviewers to code a single document as both "Privileged" and "Not Privileged". Setting the category to mutually exclusive prevents them from accidentally doing this. 

Create a code

To add a new code to a category manually:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Codes.
  2. In the Categories section of the page, select the category you would like to add a code to. If an appropriate category doesn't already exist, create it now.
  3. Type the codes section of the page, select input field, located at the bottom of the table. Enter a name for the new code. Then select Add, or hit Enter on your keyboard.
    type new code.png


    As is the case with categories, each new code appears at the top of the codes table. However, if someone on your team has already selected the option to alphabetize codes, the new code is instead inserted into the list alphabetically, or if the codes have been manually reordered, the new code will be inserted at the bottom of the list.

  4. [Optional] Repeat the previous step for any additional codes that you want to add to the same category.

Each new code automatically becomes available to your team as you create it. 

Category and code management

Once categories and codes are created, there are a number of administrative actions that are available from the same Project Settings > Categories & Codes page. Both categories and codes can be renamed, rearranged, and deleted. Categories can also be set as mutually exclusive. 

Rename a category or code

To rename a category or code:

  1. Select the edit pencil edit icon.png button associated with the category or code.
    edit code.png
  2. This highlights the name in an input box.
  3. Type to edit. Then hit Enter on your keyboard, or click outside the box, to save your changes. 

Rearrange a category or code

The order of categories and codes on the Categories & Codes settings page is reflected in the batch coding panel, as well as all for instances of the query builder (e.g. the search page and production wizard) for all users. This can be useful to keep in mind when considering how you want your team to view codes during review.

Both categories and codes can be rearranged manually or alphabetically.

To manually rearrange the order of categories and codes, drag-and-drop rows from one location to another.

drag and drop codes.png

To organize categories or codes alphabetically, click the associated Alphabetize button. 

alphabetize button.png


The order of categories can be further customized by reviewers in the review window, but the order of codes within categories is determined by project admins on this page.

Delete a category or code

To delete a category or code, select the trashcan trashcan icon.png button associated with the category or code.

delete code.png

Make a category mutually exclusive

You can choose to designate any category as mutually exclusive. This setting means that only one code from that category can be applied to a document at any given point in time. 

Making a category mutually exclusive can help prevent errors or inconsistent coding for categories that have conflicting codes. For example, if you have a "Privileged" category with the codes "Privileged" and "Not Privileged," you likely won't want reviewers to code a single document as both "Privileged" and "Not Privileged".

To make a category mutually exclusive, select the checkbox in the category's Mutually exclusive column of the table.

mutally exclusive.png

If documents have already been coded in a manner that violates mutual exclusivity, you’ll see a warning below the category name. To open a results table with the documents that are in violation, select the link provided in the warning.  

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 12.47.08 PM.png

Manage users coding permissions 

Permissions can be set for codes by user group.

To adjust coding permissions, go to the Project Settings > Permissions. To learn how to set code permissions, visit User Groups and Project Permissions. 

Additional coding options

Create freeform codes

Sometimes you'll have a category of information that want reviewers to specify with a code, but there isn't a clear set of predefined values for those codes. In this case, we recommend creating a freeform code. 

When you create a freeform code,  you as the Admin define the category and code format (i.e. Text, Number, or Datetime). Reviewers can then enter any value that they believe applies to that category as a code. This occurs during review. To learn how reviewers can apply freeform codes, visit the Freeform codes section of How to Code a Document in the Review Window and Use Coding Presets.

To create a new freeform code:

  1. Go to Project Settings > Codes > Freeform Codes.
    Freeform codes page.png
  2. Select + New Freeform Code
    A new blank category entry appears in the Freeform Codes table. 
  3. Enter a category name into the new text box.
    enter new freeform code input box.png


    The format affects the content users can enter as the value for a freeform field and how these values can be searched. The format for a field cannot be changed after the fact. For more information on different formats, visit Searching Metadata.

Structure review with coding rules

You can create rules to ensure structured and consistent coding during review. For more information about coding rules, visit Using Coding Rules to Structure Review.