Production Tools and Redaction Stamps

Production tools allow you to:

  • Add redaction stamps to your redactions
  • Access to a code wizard for creating production-oriented codes for your coding sheet

When production tools are turned on, redaction tools are available in the review window.

Table of Contents

Access production tool settings 

Production tools are enabled by default. To access production tool settings, go to Project ManagementProject Settings > General. On this page, you should see a section for Production Tools.

If Production Tools are enabled, the toggle is blue and a button for the production code wizard will also be visible. The controls for creating custom redaction stamps appears in the section as well.

production tool settings .png

To enable or disable production tools, select the Production tools toggle switch.

What does the metadata redaction toggle do?

show redacted toggle.png

When Production Tools are turned on, your reviewers can redact and apply redaction stamps to metadata as well.

When you produce documents, Everlaw will generate a production load file that includes the metadata you’ve chosen to produce. If you produce a metadata redaction that has a stamp, the metadata will be replaced with the stamp.

If the toggle is on and you produce a metadata redaction that doesn't have a stamp, the metadata will be replaced with the text “Redacted.” If the toggle is off and you produce a metadata redaction that doesn't have a stamp, nothing will be printed in the load file for that metadata value.

Please note that non-text metadata fields, such as fields with DateTime values, will still be left blank.  This ensures that production load files will remain compatible with Everlaw and other platforms by avoiding introducing text into non-text type fields. However, redaction stamps for non-text metadata fields will appear in the production privilege log, which you can create from the Additional Options step in the production wizard.

What is the code wizard?

The code wizard can help you create production-oriented codes, such as privilege, responsiveness, and confidentiality codes, for your project. If production tools were previously turned off and you toggle them on, the code wizard will automatically pop-up. You can also access the wizard at any time by clicking on the Code Wizard button.

The wizard is pre-populated with relevant codes in each category. You can choose to delete or edit the existing codes or add new ones.

You also have the option to make a category mutually exclusive, which means that only one code from that category can be applied at any given time to a document. Making the appropriate categories mutually exclusive can help reduce potential coding errors such as accidentally marking a document both responsive and non-responsive.

production tools coding wizard.png

If you don’t want to add production codes, exit the dialog by clicking the close (x) button..

What are project and custom redaction stamps?

Everlaw has two types of redaction stamps:

  • Project stamps, created by admin users
  • Custom stamps, created by individual users from the review window. 

When custom stamps are enabled in the project, both types of redaction stamps will be visible in the review window to all users with redaction permissions. Users will be able to apply any visible stamp, including custom stamps created by other users.

Create project redaction stamps

To create project redaction stamps, input the text of the stamp into the provided text box. An abbreviation is automatically generated, but you can override this with a custom abbreviation.

project redaction stamps.png

Enable and create custom redaction stamps

To enable custom stamps for your reviewers, toggle on the Custom redaction stamps field. Then input the text of the stamp into the provided text box.

custom redaction stamps.png

Each custom stamp is listed alongside its abbreviation and the user badge of the user who created it.

If you attempt to create a project stamp that exactly matches an existing custom stamp, the existing custom stamp will be promoted to a project stamp.


In order to reduce clutter on the project, any custom stamps that are not presently in use in the project (i.e. applied to a redaction) are automatically removed from the project within 24 hours.

Delete a project stamp

To delete a project stamp, click the close (x) button next to that stamp.

Project stamps can only be completely deleted if they are not currently applied to any redaction on the project. If you attempt to delete a project stamp that is in use on at least one redaction, that stamp will be demoted to a custom stamp instead of being completely removed.