Everlaw AI brings the power of artificial intelligence to core litigation and investigation workflows on Everlaw. Everlaw admins control:
- The cases that have access to Everlaw AI features
- The use of AI credits
- Which features are enabled at the organization and project levels
- Which users are able to use specific Everlaw AI features
Having fine-grained control over who is using Everlaw AI, and what they are using it for, allows you to direct your team's resources toward the workflows that make a difference in your case.
This article describes how to use the following tools to manage your organization's use of Everlaw AI:
- Everlaw AI credits
- The Everlaw AI dashboard, where Organization Admins and Everlaw AI Admins can keep track of credit and feature use for their organization
- Everlaw AI controls in Project Settings, where Project Admins can control feature usage and availability
Introduction to Everlaw AI credits
AI credits are required to use Everlaw AI features. Tasks consume a variable number of AI credits depending on the feature and the scope of the action (ex. number or length of documents analyzed).
Credits are consumed across two states:
- Plan credits: Credits that have been pre-purchased by your organization and are consumable over the applicable contract period
- Overage credits: Credits that enable your team to use Everlaw AI features once plan credits have been exhausted. The dollar-value of consumed overage credits is billed to your organization on a monthly basis in arrears.
The following Review Assistant features require credits to use:
- Description/Summary
- Topics
- Custom Extractions
- Coding Suggestions
The following Writing Assistant features require credits for use:
Evidence Analysis
- Evidence Analysis generations are charged credits upon first insert into the Draft or Depo body. This means you only consume credits on these tasks if you find the output sufficiently valuable to use as a first draft or incorporate into a working document.
Deposition Transcript Analysis
- Note that Deposition Transcript Analysis will remain in beta and will be free to use for customers that have purchased credits or are in a free trial.
Credits are also used for Everlaw Translation, Everlaw AI’s machine translation for non-English text.
Credits are not required to see or use existing generations. Once a generation is created, it is accessible in your project regardless of whether you’ve purchased credits in your current Everlaw subscription period or have remaining credits.
If a task requires more than the available limit of credits (plan or overage), the task cannot run.
To learn more about purchasing Everlaw AI Assistant, please speak to your Everlaw Customer Success Manager or request a call.
Introduction to permissions and control over Everlaw AI credits and features
Admins have comprehensive and granular control over the use of Everlaw AI. There are two categories of controls:
Controls over credit consumption: These controls dictate whether new AI generations can occur by:
- Enabling/disabling credit consumption at the Organization, Database, or Project levels
- When enabled, enforcing limits on the number of credits that can be consumed at the Organization, Database, or Project levels
- Controls and permissions over AI feature usage: Separate from the management of credits, admins can also control the availability of different Everlaw AI features at the Organization, Project, or User Group levels
Control and permission hierarchy
All controls and permissions follow a hierarchical structure of enforcement. The Organization is the highest level, followed by Database, and then Project:
Restrictive controls or permissions imposed at a higher level are enforced at lower levels, without the possibility of override
- For example, if an Organization Admin disables credit usage for the organization as a whole, individual Project Admins cannot then turn credit usage on for their projects
Permissive controls or permissions at a higher level do not constrain more restrictive permissions at the lower levels
- For example, if Coding suggestions is enabled at the organization level, a Project Admin can turn the feature off in a project
Everlaw AI Admin permission
The organization-level AI Management role allows you to give users in your organization admin rights to Everlaw AI without granting them full Organization Admin status; these users can only access the Everlaw AI dashboard on the Organization Admin page.
To grant a member of your organization the Everlaw AI Management permission:
Select the Organization Home
button in the navigation bar to access the Organization Admin page.
- Navigate to the Projects & Users tab for the organization and switch to the Users section.
Locate the user(s) you want to grant this provision to, from the Org admin permissions column dropdown, select the AI Management.
Everlaw AI dashboard: Manage Everlaw AI at the Organization level
The Everlaw AI dashboard allows admins to monitor and control Everlaw AI usage across their organization. The data displayed on this page reflects usage in your current Everlaw subscription or free trial period. From this dashboard you can:
- Track credit usage details
- Control credit usage for your organization and for specific databases
- Control Everlaw AI Assistant feature usage across the organization
- Set up usage notifications
There are two main sections of the dashboard:
- A top section contains a snapshot of total credit usage across your organization and organization-level credit and feature controls
- A bottom table contains granular credit usage data across databases, users, and events, plus database-level controls
Historical data must be exported and viewed off platform. To export historical data, click the export button in the upper right of the page.
View and understand credit usage at the Organization level
Required permission: Organization Admin or Everlaw AI Admin
You can keep track of your organization's credit usage from the Everlaw AI dashboard. All credit usage is for the current subscription period, which is identified in the top right corner of the dashboard.
To view:
Total credit usage: view the Organization usage card, which tells you how many credits your organization has used across plan and overage credits
Usage by month: view the By month card. Use the arrow buttons to toggle between months.
Usage by Database: View the Databases table in the lower section
- Select the caret > to view a breakdown of credit usage by feature
- Use the Search option to filter the table by database name.
Usage by user: View the Users table
- Use the Search option to filter the table by user name.
- Select the caret > to view a breakdown of credit usage by feature
Credit usage events: View the Events table. You can sort and filter Events by any of the columns (date, event type, credits, user)
The possible event types are:-
- Topics
- Description/Summary
- Custom Extractions
- Document Q&A
- Coding Suggestions
- Writing Assistant Memo
- Writing Assistant List
- Writing Assistant Table
- Writing Assistant Outline
Control credit usage at the Organization and Database levels
Required permissions: Organization Admin or Everlaw AI Management
Admins can enable and disable Everlaw AI usage for their entire organization or for individual databases, as well as set credit limits for specific databases.
Credit usage for the organization is enabled by default when the organization starts an Everlaw AI subscription.
To enable or disable credit usage for the entire organization:
In the Everlaw AI Dashboard, select the Settings
button in the upper right.
- Ensure you are on the Credit usage tab in the dialog that appears.
Toggle Organization credit usage on or off.
To enable or disable overage credits:
- In the Organization usage section, look at the overage section. Select Enable and set limit or Edit.
- Ensure you are on the Credit usage tab in the dialog that appears.
Toggle Overage credits on or off. If you toggle overage on, you must also specify a limit on the number of overage credits you are willing to consume. This limit is freely modifiable, but can never be set less than the total number of consumed overaged credits.
Overages are disabled for free trials and disabled by default otherwise.
To enable or disable credit usage for a specific database:
- In the bottom section of the Everlaw AI dashboard, locate the database on the Databases table.
In the Credit usage column, toggle usage on or off.
To enable or disable credit usage for multiple databases at once:
- Select the databases you wish to modify on the Databases table using the checkboxes.
Options to enable or disable credit usage for the selected databases appear at the top of the table.
Select the desired option.
Database credit usage is disabled by default
To set credit usage limits for a single database:
- On the Databases table, locate the database.
- In the Total credits used column, select Set limit or Edit.
In the dialog that appears, enable or disable the limit and set the limit itself.
To set credit usage limits for multiple databases:
- Select the databases you want to modify on the Databases table using the checkboxes.
Select the Edit Setting button that appears at the top of the table.
In the dialog that appears, enable or disable the limit, or set the limit number.
- Select Next.
Control feature usage at the Organization level
The Disabled features table lists the features that are currently disabled.
To enable or disable specific Everlaw AI features across the entire organization:
- On the Everlaw AI Dashboard, select Edit on Disabled features.
- Ensure you are on the Features tab on the dialog that appears.
Toggle specific features on or off.
If you disable features at the Organization level, Projects admins cannot enable those features on individual projects.
Usage notifications and exporting
Organization Admins and Everlaw AI Admins can enable automatic email notifications to keep track of credit usage at the Organization and/or Database level. Additionally, they can export historic credit use for reporting or other needs.
To set or edit email notifications based on plan or overage usage for the entire organization:
In the upper right of the Everlaw AI dashboard, select the Settings
- Ensure you are on the Credit usage tab in the dialog that appears.
In the Email notifications section, select one or both of the notification options and set the trigger threshold.
- Select at least one recipient for the usage notification.
- Select Save.
To set or edit email notifications based on plan or overage usage for a specific database:
- Locate the database on the Databases table.
- In the Usage notification column, click Enable or Edit.
In the dialog that appears, select one or both of the notification options and set the trigger threshold for each enabled notification.
- Select one or more recipients of the notification.
- Click Save.
You can export your organization's event-level credit usage history. To do so:
Select the Export
button in the upper right of the Everlaw AI dashboard.
Choose whether you want to export data for the current subscription period or all historical data.
- Select Export.
- Monitor and download the completed export from the Org Admin > Tasks page.
Example export: Sample AI usage export.csv
Manage Everlaw AI at the Project level
If Everlaw AI is enabled for a specific database (by either an Organization Admin or an Everlaw AI Admin), the Project Admins for projects in that database can control:
- Whether Everlaw AI is enabled in a specific project
- Which Everlaw AI features are enabled
- Which users on the project can access those features
The following two sections describe these controls for both Review Assistant and Writing Assistant. To learn how to manage machine translation for non-English languages at the project level, visit Enable Everlaw Translation.
Control Everlaw AI feature availability at the Project level
Project Admins can choose to enable or disable use of Everlaw AI credits for a given project. If credits are disabled, users in the project will be prevented from creating new generations.
Separately, Project Admins can control which Everlaw AI features are available for us at either the project or user group level.
Note: Projects admins cannot turn credit usage on or enable features if those settings are disabled at the organization or database level.
Project credit usage is disabled by default.
To enable or disable credit usage for a project:
Go to Project Management
> Project Settings to access the Project Settings page.
- Navigate to the Everlaw AI tab.
Toggle Project credit usage on or off.
When Project credit usage is enabled, Project Admins can choose specific features to disable. To enable or disable specific Everlaw AI features in a project:
Go to Project Management
> Project Settings to access the Project Settings page.
- Navigate to the Everlaw AI > Assistant tab.
Select the toggle next to the features you want to enable or disable.
When a feature is disabled, users in the project are prevented from creating new generations and are blocked from viewing or using existing generations.
Control Everlaw AI user group permissions
When Everlaw AI features are enabled, Project Admins can control user access via user group permissions.
Project Admins automatically have full permissions for each feature. Every other user group can have varying levels of permissions, depending on how permissions are configured for the user group they are assigned to.
Learn more about user group permissions in our User Group and Project Permissions article.
To set Everlaw AI user group permissions:
Go to Project Management
> Project Settings to access the Project Settings page.
- Navigate to the Permissions tab and toggle to the user group whose permissions you want to change.
- Locate the Everlaw AI section.
Modify the permissions across the available feature areas as desired. There are three levels of permissions:
- None: No access to features or generated content
- View: View and use existing generations
- Generate: Generate new content and delete, view, and use existing generations
There is an additional Batch permission to enable or disable the ability to perform AI tasks in a batch. Users who have Generate permissions on a feature, but not Batch permission can only create new generations in the Review Window.
Project admins must have Generate and Batch permissions across all Everlaw AI features. Non-admins are given View permissions, and Batch is disabled, by default. In addition, user groups without full document access can have at most View permissions on Writing Assistant.
User group permissions are limited in ECA projects. Users in admin user groups are given Generate permissions and users in non-admin user groups are given View permissions. These permissions cannot be modified.