Homepage Views and Folders

Your Everlaw homepage provides a quick way for you to pull up cards based on their relevance to you. 

Homepage folders allow you to curate and organize cards, either for yourself or as part of a shared workspace with others in the project.  

Homepage views

Homepage views refer to the default spaces available on your homepage. They are as follows:

  • All (default): All cards that you have access to across all columns (e.g. Assignments, Searches, Binders, etc.)


    The All view's Search column is limited to the most recent 50 searches and all favorited searches.

  • Favorites: All cards favorited by you
  • Mine: All cards created by you
  • Shared with me: All cards shared with you

homepage views.png

Homepage folders

Homepage folders allow you to organize your work and create shared workspaces. You can add cards into folders and create nested folders for additional structure. 

The folder section of the sidebar displays all folders you have access to. Pinned folders appear at the top of this section, directly under the filter box. From the sidebar, you can: 

  • Expand and collapse to view nested folders
  • Open folders by clicking on them, and
  • Filter folders by name

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You can also take actions on a folder through the three dot menu icon that appears when hovering over a folder’s name. Available actions depend on your permissions over the folder. 

Create a folder

Folders can be created at the top Folders level or nested within other existing folders. You can create up to four layers of folders, inclusive of the top-level folder. Each folder layer can contain as many folders as desired.

The following instructions show how to create a folder at any level in the folder structure:

  1. Select the create new folder button add new folder button.png found in the Folders section of the sidebar.
    If you already have a folder open, the same button can be accessed from the folder's toolbar.
    Create new folder button locations.png
    Selecting this button opens the Create new folder dialog.
  2.  In the Folder name field, enter a name for the folder.
    Screenshot 2024-08-09 151937.png
  3. [Optional] If you want to nest your new folder under an existing folder, select Nest new folder under existing folder. Then select a parent folder from the listed provided.
    If you opened the Create new folder dialog from inside a folder, this option will automatically be select with the current folder set to be the new folder's parent.


    New nested folders automatically inherit all folder and object permissions from their parent folder.

    create new nested folder.png
  4. Select Create.

View folders

To view a folder, select it from the homepage sidebar. At the top left of the folder view, you can see the folder name and a breadcrumb trail that can be used to navigate to other folders above it in the hierarchy.

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If you have the appropriate permissions, you can rename the folder by clicking on the name and inputting a new name. 

Below the folder name you can find sections for:

  • All nested subfolders
  • Any cards that have been added to the folder
    Just like on the home page, these cards are grouped into columns based on their type. 

Content available in these sections is subject to your assigned permissions.

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The top right of the folder view contains a toolbar where, depending on your permissions, you may be able: 

  • Create new folders
  • Pin the folder
  • Select the cards in the folder
  • Copy the folder
  • Move the folder
  • Message users on a folder
  • Delete the folder
  • Share the folder
  • View and modify folder permissions
  • Search for all documents associated with cards in the folder

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Folder permissions

The folder permissions system allows your to create:

  • Private folders within shared folders
  • Folders with different permissions within the same workspace

Each folder is treated as an island-unto-itself from a permissions perspective. This means that permissions are not synced between folders, even ones that are nested together. With the exception of some one-time permission inheritance or propagation actions, discussed below, one folder’s permissions will never affect the permissions of other folders. 

Descendent folders are all folders that exist below a given folder in a hierarchy. In the example below, Folders 2, 3, and 4 are all descendent folders of Folder 1. Folders 3 and 4 are descendent folders of Folder 2. And so on and so forth. 



Permissions over folders are either granted automatically upon certain actions, or manually through the share option. 

Automatically granted permissions

When a folder is created, the creator is automatically granted Full Access permissions on the folder. As the folder’s “owner”, a creator’s permissions can never be revoked or modified by other users.

When a folder is nested under another folder, either upon creation or move, the folder will automatically inherit permissions from the parent folder it is being nested under. These inherited permissions are not propagated to descendant folders of the folder being nested. 

If there are conflicting permissions (i.e. if a user has different permissions on the folder being nested and the new parent folder):

    • For folder permissions, the highest of the permissions will be granted
    • For object permissions, no inheritance will occur. In other words, if a user has object permissions in the parent folder, but not the folder being nested, the user will be granted the same object permission it has in the parent. If, however, the user already has object permissions in both the parent folder and the folder being nested, it will retain the existing object permission. 

Manually granted permissions

Through the share action, a user with Full Access permissions on a folder can grant new, or update existing, permissions for the folder. The user can optionally propagate these permissions to any nested folders they have Full Access permissions on. 

Note that permissions cannot be revoked through the share action. In practice, this means that if you wish to revoke permissions for a set of folders, you must do so manually, folder-by-folder. 

Folder permission levels

The table below outlines the various folder permission levels.

  Folder Permissions Object Permissions
View Users with this permission can: 
  • See and access the folder, and 
  • Copy the folder, which will also copy all descendant folders that the user has at least view permissions on
Users with this permission are given view permissions over all cards added to the folder. The exact card actions enabled by this permission depends on the card type. 
Edit  In addition to the view permissions, users can also:
  • Rename the folder, 
  • Add new subfolders, and
  • Add and remove cards from the folder
Users with this permission are given edit permissions over all cards added to the folder. The exact card actions enabled by this permission depends on the card type. 



In addition to the edit permissions, users can: 
  • Modify permissions for the folder,
  • Move the folder,
  • Share the folder, with the option to also share all descendent folders the user also has full access permissions on
  • Delete subfolders, only if the user has full access permissions on the subfolder being deleted, and
  • Delete the folder itself, only if the user also has full access permissions on all descendant folders 
Users with this permission are given full access permissions over all cards added to the folder. The exact card actions enabled by this permission depends on the card type. 

View permissions set on a folder

Because of the flexibility of the permission system, users may not have access to all folders in a hierarchy. This has implications for how the folders are displayed to the user. The rule for displaying folders based on permissions is that if a user does not have access to the immediate parent of a folder, the folder will be displayed as a standalone folder for that user

Imagine a scenario where two users have the following permissions over successively nested folders:

User 1 has: 

  • Full Access permissions on Folder 1
  • Full Access permissions on Folder 2
  • Edit permissions on Folder 3
  • View permissions on Folder 4 

User 2 has: 

  • Full Access permissions on Folder 1
  • None permissions on Folder 2
  • View permissions on Folder 3
  • Edit permissions on Folder 4

Because User 1 has at least view permissions on all folders in the group, they will be able to see all folders in the group and the full hierarchy will be displayed in the sidebar. 

User 2, on the other hand, is not able to view all folders in the group. As a result, the hierarchy chain is broken. This means User 2 will see Folder 1 and Folder 3 as separate top-level folders, with Folder 4 continuing to be nested under Folder 3. 

Share a folder

If you have Full Access permissions to a folder, you can share it with other users or user groups.

Sharing can be used to:

  • Grant access and permissions to new users or user groups
  • Update the permissions of existing users or user groups

To share a folder:

  1. Select Share, located in the folder toolbar.

    This opens the Share folder dialog.
  2. From here you can select recipients and their folder and object permissions. By default, the option to also share all descendant folders you have Full Access permissions on will be checked, but can be unchecked if you only wish to share the current folder.
    Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 6.00.23 PM.png
  3. When ready, click Share.


Because you can propagate permission updates to all descendant folders through the share action, folder sharing can be used as a one-time sync to standardize permissions for particular users over an entire group of nested folders. Note however that permissions will only be propagated to descendant folders you also have Full Access permissions on.

Move folders

You can move folders into other folders as long as the maximum depth of 4 levels is not violated. In order to move a folder, you must:

  • Have Full Access permissions over the folder being moved
  • Have at least Edit permissions on the new parent folder (ie. the folder being moved into)

Folders can be moved two ways:

  • By clicking and dragging in the sidebar. As you drag toward the target folder, it will be highlighted in green. To make a folder a top-level folder, drag it to the New folder group area.
    Screenshot 2024-08-09 165742.png
  • Via the move folder button, located in the folder toolbar. This opens a dialog from which you can select the new parent folder to nest the folder under.

Copy folders

If you have at least view permission on a folder, you can copy the folder.

Copying a folder copies all descendant folders that you have permissions over. The logic for which descendant folders are copied mirrors that for displaying folders based on permissions: descendant folders will be copied up until the first break in the chain due to permissions, even if there are folders further down that you have access to. 

Copying a folder only copies the folder structure, not the cards that exist in the folder(s). 

The copy a folder:

  1. Open the folder.
  2. Select the Copy folder copy icon.png button, located in the folder's toolbar.
    This opens the Copy folder dialog.
  3. In the Folder name field, enter a name for the new folder.
  4. [Optional] To nest your new folder under the original folder, select Nest copied folder under existing folder
  5. Select Copy to create your new folder.
    It can be accessed from the Folders list in the page's sidebar.

Move cards into folders 

To add an individual card to a folder:

  1. Select the card's three dot menu.
  2. Select Add to folder.

    This opens the Add to folder dialog.
  3. Choose the folder(s) you want to add the card to.


    Cards can only be added to folders that you have at least edit permissions on.

  4. Select Save.

To add multiple cards to a folder, using multiselect mode:

  1. Select the Select cards  button, located in the homepage toolbar.
    This opens the Copy folder dialog.
  2. Click the cards you want to select, or select Select all.
  3. Select Add to folder.
    This opens the Add to folder dialog.
  4. Choose the folder(s) you want to add the card to.
  5. Select Save.


Cards do not exclusively belong in one view or folder. Moving a card into a folder only means it will now appear in the folder, and not that it will be removed from the folder or view you are currently on. This means cards can appear in multiple folders, including folders that are nested together.