This article contains information about using Project Analytics for high-level project evaluation. The Project Overview, Project Size, and Review Progress tabs in Project Analytics provide opportunities for monitoring your project from a bird's-eye view. You can also combine various metrics to construct custom analytical reports that meet your particular needs.
The underlying data is reaggregated every 15 minutes. To check for fresh data, reload the page or continue to edit your input values.
Table of Contents
Project Overview
Overview provides high level statistics about the progress of review.
- Documents coded: The percent of documents that have been coded in the project.
- Documents viewed: The percent of documents that have been viewed in the project.
- Documents rated: The percent of documents that have been rated in the project, and a breakdown of the distribution of hot, warm, cold ratings.
- Total Documents: The total number of documents in the project, including duplicates.
- Docs Reviewed/Week: The average number of documents reviewed in a week. This metric takes into account the cumulative number of documents that have been viewed on your project; it does not take into account documents that have been given ratings or codes.
ETA to View All Docs: The estimated amount of time it would take to view all the documents in the project given the current review pace.
Project Size
The Project Size page shows you information about the size your project, including:
Data sizes:
- Peak billable size: The billable size for the given month, which is based on the peak sizes of data categories eligible for billing
- Current billable size: The billable size assuming the current data sizes. Useful for understanding what the starting billable size would be for the next month.
- Current total size: and total data size for a given month
- Size data disaggregated into monthly and daily views
- Platform events that resulted in a change in data size
Monthly Summary
The Monthly Summary section at the top of the page displays a snapshot of the peak billable, current billable, and total size of the project, broken down by relevant sub-categories of data. In non-ECA projects, the relevant categories are Native vs. Processed data. In ECA projects, the relevant categories are ECA vs Active data.
In addition, keep in mind that:
- Billable size cards are only available in complete projects or ECA projects
- If you are looking at data from a past month, the end size will be shown instead of the current size
Events Table
Clicking “View events” in the monthly summary section will bring you to a table displaying size change events for a given month, including the event date, the associated user, the event type, and the resulting size change. The events can be further filtered by user or event type.
Events of the same type, by the same user are rolled up by 15 minute increments. For example, if you generate 100 “Processed upload -image” events via a single upload within a 15 minute period, they will all be rolled up into a single event on the table.
Clicking the export icon in the upper right of the table will generate a CSV export of the events for the month being viewed.
Historical Size
The Historical Size section displays interactable and filterable graphs for:
- Billable size at a monthly resolution, if the user is in a complete or ECA project
- Total size at a daily resolution
You can export CSVs with billable (monthly resolution) or total (daily resolution) size data. These options are accessed via the export icon in the upper right of the Project Size page.
Review Progress
The Review Progress page charts the documents viewed and documents rated over the lifetime of the project (for projects that were in Everlaw before analytics was released, the review progress chart begins on that date - 7/13/2012). You may hover your mouse over the graph to see any week since the project was created - the tooltip will show you how many new documents were viewed that week, and how many documents were rated. These two parameters are both cumulative. In other words, over time, the amount of documents that have been rated and viewed should rise, as review activity progresses on your project. (Note that there may not be a one-to-one correspondence between documents that have been viewed and those that have been rated. For example, some documents may have been viewed but not given a rating. Additionally, it is possible to rate documents without viewing them, through batch actions.)
This graph is similar to the Overview Tab, except you are able to see the entire history of the project. You may add or remove parameters, or series, to the graph by clicking the appropriate checkbox in the legend. The checkbox next to the legend title selects or deselects all the series. If only some of the data is selected, the checkbox will appear gray, but is still clickable and will add all the data to the graph.
You may hover over one of the series in the legend to emphasize that parameter in the graph by bringing it into the foreground.
To see the data a little more clearly, click on the Y-axis of the graph. The graph will resize to display the documents as a percent instead of absolute number; this provides a better view of the data. For example, if you have reviewed 4.1% of the documents on your project and viewed 8.4% of the documents, the Y-axis will resize and display units from 0-10%. This will make the current percentage and historical progression of viewed and rated documents easier to visualize. Click on the Y-axis again to return the axis labels to an absolute number. The image below shows a graph that has been resized by clicking on the Y-axis.