Translate Non-English Language Documents


Language translation on Everlaw is provided by Google or Amazon and can help you identify documents with key content in non-English languages. Machine translation is not expected to replace professional translation that might be required for legal proceedings, but can be useful to identify documents that merit such translation.

Table of Contents


Translate using the Language tab

To translate in the review window, Machine Translation must be enabled from the Project Settings. To learn more about translation settings, please read our article on Language Tools

To translate a document, make sure that you have added the Language tab to your review window panel. To do so:

  1. Select Edit on the bottom right of the review panel.
  2. Drag or click the Languages tab to add it to your panel.

Project Admins can identify languages as expected in Project Settings. Text in expected languages is highlighted at the top of the Language panel, along with the number of passages containing each non-English language.

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Select the left and right arrows to jump to different non-English passages.

You can translate non-English text in text-selection mode, even if that language isn't expected in your dataset. To translate, highlight the text in the document. A translation appears in the box in the Language tab.

Note that for audio and video files, Everlaw only supports translation and transcription of English or Spanish.

Translations cannot be exported from Everlaw.

Automatic Translation

In the document's Text view you can automatically translate the entire document, as long as the language is identified in the Expected Languages in Project Settings. To do so:

  1. Navigate to the Text View of the document.
  2. Select Auto Translate to replace all of the detected non-English text with its translation. T
  3. To translate back to the original text, select the Auto Translate button again.
    • Note: Auto Translate is only available for languages identified as expected languages in the Project Settings.

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Spreadsheet Translation

To translate a spreadsheet, navigate to the Text view; spreadsheets cannot be translated from the Native view..

Translate in the classic review window

If non-English text is detected within a document, a Language tab appears under the text view. Select the tab to access the language panel. From here, you can Auto Translate a passage or select the text you want to translate.



Translation services

Non-English documents are translated within Everlaw's secure environment through Google Translate or Amazon Translate. Please follow the provided links for more information on each translation service. 

For information on translation ingestion, please refer to Translation Ingestion Workflow and Best Practices

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