Storybuilder FAQ

To view all of Everlaw's Storybuilder-related content, please see our Storybuilder section

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General SB_Diamond_Digital_NB-01.svg

What’s the quickest way to try out Storybuilder? 

You probably are already working on an offline word document citing evidence right now! It might be a deposition outline, case strategy memo, review protocol, interrogatory responses, table, or simply notes to yourself about the case. Any writing with Bates numbers. Simply import or paste this content into a Draft or Deposition, and all Bates citations to documents already uploaded to your project automatically become drag-and-droppable evidence links. That puts all of your evidence and its associated review work product only a click away when you need to see what’s cited, making it much easier to work with. Click “Exhibit” to instantly view an exportable exhibit list of this cited evidence.

What is the difference between a Deposition and a Draft? 

Both Depositions and Drafts allow you to produce written work product and reference documents within the text body. Both save your work product in real-time, so that you and your team can collaborate. Both Depositions and Drafts can be created within a Story, but only Drafts can be created outside of a Story. 

Depositions include additional functionality for preparing for, conducting, and reviewing deposition work. You can add deposition details (like a deponent and deposition location), time your deposition, chat your colleagues, mark documents as exhibits, and upload a transcript where marked exhibits can be automatically linked in the text. Additionally, you can add and review transcripts within Depositions. Any testimony created from a transcript can be referenced across both Depositions and Drafts, as long as they’re within the same Story. You cannot reference testimony in a standalone Draft.

If you know that you’re preparing for a Deposition, we recommend creating a Deposition upfront. If you have an existing Draft that includes preparatory work, you can import that work upon Deposition creation. You can learn more in this article

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What is “testimony”? 

In Everlaw, testimony is defined as any highlighted text from a Deposition transcript that gets added to the Story. 

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I used to have access to a Deposition/Draft/Story, but when I refreshed the page, I get an error and can’t access it anymore. What might be happening? 

Your permissions on that object, or on Storybuilder objects overall, may have been revoked. If your permissions are revoked, you will not be able to access the objects from the homepage or anywhere else. You can reach out to a Project Administrator, or anyone with Share/Delete permissions on that Story to grant you access again. 

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I can confirm that I still have access to a Deposition/Draft/Story because I see the card on the homepage, but when I enter the card, it says I cannot access it. What might be happening? 

If you still see the card on the homepage, but cannot view the object itself once you click the card, then it’s possible you do not have access to all of the documents within the object. You can learn more about document access management in this help article

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I’m an Organization Administrator, but I can’t seem to edit certain Storybuilder objects or conduct certain actions. What is happening? 

If you are an Organization Administrator who is not on the project itself, then you will have limited functionality in administering and editing Storybuilder objects (for example, you cannot self-assign tasks in Depositions or on the Dashboard). Simply navigate to Project Settings and add yourself to the project. You should add yourself to a group with Storybuilder Admin permissions. 

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Depositions SB_Diamond_Digital_NB-01.svg

Why are all Deposition tasks not showing up on the Story dashboard?

Unless you are a Project Administrator, you will only see tasks assigned to you or created by you across the Depositions you have access to. 

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I have Edit permissions on a Deposition/Draft, but I can’t add documents to it (from the review window or results table). What is going on? 

In order to add documents to a Deposition or Draft, you must have Edit permissions on the associated Story. You can reach out to a Project Administrator, or anyone with Share/Delete permissions on that Story to grant you Edit permissions. 

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I assigned someone a task, and then went to go reassign it and when I clicked on their user badge, it disappeared. What is going on? 

It’s possible that between the time your page was loaded, and the time you went to reassign, that user was removed from the project, or no longer has permissions to that deposition object. The task becomes updated when you click the user’s badge to reflect the latest set of permissions.

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Transcripts SB_Diamond_Digital_NB-01.svg

What is the maximum file size of a transcript that I can upload to my Deposition?

The maximum file size is 200 MB. You can learn more about supported file types and file sizes in this help article

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Can Depositions support transcript testimony promotion? 

Yes. You can annotate, label, and highlight transcript text, which can be exported in a report from the Transcript view. You can add highlighted transcript text to a Story, “promoting” them to testimony. Testimony can be viewed and managed in the Timeline, referenced in other Depositions and Drafts, and exported across Storybuilder. You can learn more by visiting this help article

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Can users on my project view testimony and transcripts without seeing my deposition work product? 

Yes. If a user has Receive permissions on Storybuilder, and has at least View permissions on a Story, then they will automatically have access to transcripts associated with Deposition objects, without being given explicit permissions on those objects. You can learn more in this article

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