Project Statuses

Table of contents: 

Project Admins can navigate to the Statuses page in Project Settings to monitor the status of email rethreading and near duplicate grouping at any time.

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Email Rethreading

After you upload documents, delete documents, run productions, or add metadata overlays, email threads in your database will automatically begin to reindex and update. A reindex may take minutes to hours depending on the size of your database, as all interrupted email threads are reorganized. For more information on email threading, please see this email threading article. 

Near duplicate grouping 

Similar to email threading, near duplicate groups will automatically begin to update after you upload and delete documents, run productions, create text overlays, or unitize. 

Near duplicate groups that explicitly include exact and email duplicates will also undergo regrouping and will update when changes are made to email threading. One example of a change that specifically impacts email threading are metadata overlays. 

By default, all databases include exact and email duplicates in near duplicate groups. Changing near duplicate group inclusion criteria will trigger regrouping. For more information on changing near duplicate group inclusion criteria to exclude emails or exact duplicates, please see this article on administering deduplication settings. Updating near duplicate groups may take hours depending on the size of your database. Near duplicate grouping will also impact which documents are available to view in Difference Viewer



You can turn on notifications in your user settings to inform you that threading and near duplicate grouping  are running. These notifications will appear when taking actions in Everlaw that may be affected by ongoing email rethreading or near duplicate grouping, such as grouping a search by email threads or near duplicate groups. You will be notified with a toast notification on the bottom right of the page. Click the link in the toast notification to be emailed when rethreading or regrouping is complete.

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