Full Screen Review Window Customization

Everlaw supports two variations of the review window:

  • Full screen (recommended and default)
  • Classic

This article covers the (recommended) full screen review window. In this version of the review window:

  • Codes, ratings, annotations, redactions, translations, and other review tools live in a panel next to your document view
    full screen review window.png
  • The panel layout is customizable, so you can add, remove, resize, and rearrange tabs in a way that best suits your workflow
  • Once you've customized a layout, you can save it and share it with other users and groups in your project
  • Your last full screen panel layout is remembered and restored from session to session
  • Assignment group admins can set a saved layout as the default for a particular assignment group
  • Project admins can save a project layout as the default for all users in the project

Customize a layout

You can customize your review window layout by adding and removing tabs and toolbar icons, and configuring individual tabs. To begin, click Edit at the bottom of the panel.


Your user permissions might affect which options are available to you in the review window.

Add and remove tabs

To customize which tabs are included in your review window:

  1. Select Edit at the bottom of the panel.
    Edit layout in review window.png
    This opens a layout editor.  
  2. Make your edits:
    • [optional] To add a new tab: select it from the layout editor, or drag and drop it from the layout editor into your panel.
    • [optional] To remove a tab: select the remove button.
    • [optional] To group tabs: drag and drop a tab from one tab group to another. For example, if you want to have access to metadata but don't need to see it all the time, you can drag and drop the metadata tab to next to the codes tab to create a tab group. You can adjust the height of each tab group, and the width of the panel.
  3. [optional] You can also customize aspects of each individual tab. To do this, see the section below on how to Configure individual tabs.
  4. When you've finished editing your tabs and toolbar, select Done editing, or click Edit again.

Add and remove toolbar buttons

You can include or exclude the following options in your review window toolbar:

  • Zoom to page width
  • Zoom to height
  • Zoom in
  • Zoom out
  • Rotate counter-clockwise
  • Rotate clockwise
  • Undo coding changes
  • Toggle text selection mode
  • Toggle highlight mode
  • Toggle redaction mode
  • Add Stories, Depositions, or Drafts
  • View document access details
  • Share
  • Print
  • Download

To customize which toolbar buttons are included in your review window:

  1. Select Edit at the bottom of the panel.
    Edit layout in review window.png
    This opens a layout editor.
  2. Select Edit toolbar.
    edit toolbar.png
  3. Make your edits: 
    • [optional] To add an item: Select it in the layout editor.


      Some toolbar icons do not apply to the various format views, regardless of whether you've added them. For example, the redaction tool never appears when you are in the text view because you cannot use it in that view.

    • [optional] To remove an item: Select or drag it from the toolbar back to the layout editor, or click the associated remove button.


      You cannot rearrange toolbar icons. They have a predetermined order.

  4. When you're happy with your toolbar, select Back to Tab Layout.
  5. When you've finished editing your tabs and toolbar, select Done editing, or click Edit again.

Configure individual tabs

You can also configure the content of each individual tab.

Each tab is unique in that the components you can include within the tab differ. The table below describes the configuration options available for each tab. 

Tab Configuration Options
  • Notes
  • Highlights
  • Content Redactions
  • Native Redactions
  • Metadata Redactions
  • Binders
  • Coding Categories
  • Coding Filter
  • Currently Applied
  • Everything Else
  • Processing info
  • Rating
  • User fields
  • Viewed by
Coding Presets No configuration options available
History Filter the document history by different kinds of events or information added to the document: All events, View, Rate, Binder, Code, Annotation, Conflict, Upload/Download, Production, Metadata, and Other.
Hit Highlights
  • All hits
  • Search hits
  • Custom hits
  • Persistent hits (will only appear when a persistent highlight appears in that document)
Language No configuration options available
Metadata Individual metadata fields
Predictive Coding No configuration options available

To configure an individual tab:

  1. Select Edit at the bottom of the panel.
    Edit layout in review window.png
    This opens the layout editor.
  2. Select the tab you want to configure. The select its settings button.
    tab settings.png
  3. Rearrange the components within a tab by dragging and dropping them.
    drag and drop code categories.png
  4. When you've finished editing a tab, select Back to Tab Layout.
  5. To close the layout editor, select Done editing, or click Edit again.

Additional customization options

Reorder code categories

You can reorder code categories in your review window layout's Code tab. Reordering individual codes within a category, however, can only be done by Project Admins via Project Settings > Codes

To re-order code categories in the review window's Codes tab:

  1. Select the Show unpinned button.
    show unpinned codes button.png
  2. Drag and drop the code category stack to a new location in the list to reorder.
    drag and drop code in review window.png
  3. Select Hide unpinned.

Keyboard shortcuts

A series of keyboard shortcuts is available in the review window to increase the efficiency of your review process. To access the full list, press the "?" (shift + /) key. A preview of some shortcuts is below. 


There are a few small differences between the shortcuts in the full screen mode and the classic mode of the review window. For example, in the classic mode, the spacebar expands and collapses the coding panel. In full screen mode, it will bring the coding tab forward, as long as the coding tab is in the layout panel.

Manage layouts

You can save multiple layouts to load later and share layouts with other users.

Load a layout

To load a different layout, select the layout name at the bottom of the panel. Then select a layout from the menu. 

If you’ve customized your current layout and want to use it later,  save it before loading a new layout, otherwise it will be overridden.


Loading a layout will replace any layout you’re currently using.

Save a layout

To save a layout after you've customized it:

  1. Select Save at the bottom of the panel.
  2. Select + New layout and enter the new name. Alternatively, select an existing layout to overwrite it.
  3. When you're done, select Save.

If you are a project admin, you can make the layout the project default.  This means any user on that project can access it, though they also retain and can access any other customized layouts they have saved. To make a layout the default layout, select Make this layout the project default when you save it. Users currently working in the default layout will not see this new layout until they reload the project default layout.


Note that if you are a user without project admin permissions, you will be able to edit the project default layout but will not be able to overwrite it. Instead, you can save a copy of your customized layout. 

Manage and share layouts

For other options, click the current layout name at the bottom of the panel. Then choose Manage layouts

Your choices for  managing layouts are:

  • Rename
  • Share
  • Delete
  • Hide a layout from your layouts menu

In most cases, you can only rename or delete a layout if you are the creator. The exception is for Project Admins, who can share and delete any shared layouts created by users that have been removed from the project.  


Note that when you share a layout, pinned metadata fields are not included with that layout. Additionally, any changes that you make to the layout later will not be reflected on the other user's review window.




All new projects (with the exception of a few legacy accounts) default to use the full screen review window. You can switch between full screen mode and classic mode on all projects. Everlaw remembers your preferences, so if you exit the review window while it is in full screen mode, the review window will open in full screen the next time that you open a document for review.