Everlaw's Zoom cloud connector allows you to directly upload data, such as meeting recordings, transcripts, and meeting participants, from Zoom to Everlaw. When you upload via the cloud connector, you can filter your data by custodian and date range so that you can upload relevant Zoom meeting data and Zoom profile data.
Using the cloud connection to upload data directly into Everlaw from your Zoom organization requires that you have:
Database upload permissions in Everlaw
Admin or Owner role in your Zoom organization. Your Zoom organization must have a Zoom Business or higher subscription.
Data security and privacy
As part of making the connection to Zoom and selecting the files, you give Everlaw permission to collect and upload the relevant Zoom cloud data you have selected, such as your Zoom user profiles and meeting data, including meeting recordings.
To learn more about how Everlaw handles third party data, please consult our privacy policy.
The Zoom connector is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.
Types of Zoom files
Everlaw uses information from the Zoom upload to construct documents. Once uploaded, the files for review include:
Profile documents: PDF files that contain the name, email, Zoom profile picture, and a list of the meetings the user was a participant in or a host of. Profile documents are created for each custodian you choose in the upload process.
Zoom meeting data: PDF files that contain basic information on the meeting, such as the name of the meeting, time, participants, and host. Meeting document attachments are the Zoom cloud files from the meeting, including:
- Video
- Audio
- Transcripts
- In-meeting chat
- Closed captioning files
For more information on the documents included with Zoom uploads, please refer to the Review Zoom data section of this article.
Upload Zoom data to Everlaw
Forming the connection to Zoom and doing the upload occurs entirely within Everlaw. In the upload wizard, you select the custodians (meeting host and participants) and date range for the Zoom data you want to upload. Once you've made these selections, you upload the data through the native upload process.
To start an upload:
Go to Data Transfer
> Uploads. This takes you to the uploads page.
- Select Native Upload. Then select Start upload.
Under Collect from cloud application, select Zoom.
This opens a dialog that will prompt you to sign into your Zoom account. -
Sign in to your Zoom account. To sign in, you can use email, SSO, Apple, Google, or Facebook.
You must be a Zoom Admin or Owner of your Zoom organization in order to upload data directly from Zoom into Everlaw.
Select Allow to accept the associated Everlaw permissions request for your Zoom account. This moves you to the Zoom upload wizard.
By accepting, you are giving Everlaw permission to collect and upload the relevant Zoom cloud data you have selected, such as your Zoom user profiles and meeting data, including meeting recordings.
On the Custodians step, select the custodians to collect from. You can select individual custodians or select all custodians on a single page by checking the box at the top of the table.
Custodians are the users in your Zoom organization. You can filter this list by custodian name or email.
For each custodian you select, you will upload their Zoom user profile and all the Zoom meetings they have been a host or participant of.
If you are only interested in the meetings a specific person took part in, you can choose only that custodian to upload all meetings that they took part in or hosted.
Additionally, the users you select will be labeled as the Custodian in the metadata of the associated meeting files. For example, if you only select one custodian, then they are listed as the Custodian for all the meeting documents that they hosted or took part in.
If multiple users participated and/or hosted a Zoom meeting, the user listed as the Custodian will be the first user based on Zoom’s order of participants; please see Zoom's documentation on the order of participants for more information. All other custodians will be listed under All Custodians.
- Select Next to move onto the Date Range step.
In the Date range step, select the time range of Zoom data you'd like to upload. Enter the beginning date in From and the end date in To.
If you do not specify a range, all Zoom meeting data associated with your selected custodians from the past six months will be uploaded.
Due to Zoom limitations, only data from the last six months is available.
- Select Next to move onto the Summary page.
The Summary page displays your selected custodian and date range. If you are happy with your selections, select Continue. Otherwise, select Previous to edit your choices.
You are taken to Everlaw’s native data upload wizard to complete the upload. For more information about these upload settings, read this section of the Native Data Uploads article. Here are a couple notes about uploading Zoom data:
- Zoom data cannot be deduplicated upon upload
- Zoom uploads will all have upload time zones set to UTC; this is the time zone set by Zoo
You do not need to keep Everlaw open when performing a cloud upload. That restriction only applies to local uploads.
Review Zoom data
Data uploaded from Zoom includes Meeting documents and their associated cloud files, and Profile documents. The following sections describe how to review these document types.
Meeting documents
Meeting documents are PDF files that contain basic information on the meeting, such as the name of the meeting, time, participants, and host. Here is some information about reviewing Zoom Meeting documents:
- A Meeting document is created for all Zoom meetings. The Meeting document contains the name, date, host, and a list of the participants. To search for Meeting documents, select Meeting under the Type search term.
When you review a Meeting document, the names of the hosts and participants are identified as linked documents in the context panel. You can navigate to the Profile document from linked documents for participants and hosts that were uploaded as custodians.
The Meeting document is the parent document of any video, audio, transcripts, in-meeting chat, or closed captioning files.
We recommend grouping Zoom data by attachments in the search results table and using the file path explorer in the context panel of the review window to navigate to attachments.
- All source metadata fields for Zoom data are collected in UTC. All Zoom date and time Everlaw metadata is converted to your project’s timezone
Profile documents
Profile documents are PDF files that contain information about your Zoom custodians.
Here is some information about reviewing Zoom Profile documents:
- All uploaded Zoom custodians have a Profile document that includes their name, email, profile picture, and a list of the meetings they hosted and attended.
- In the context panel of a Profile document, the linked documents context links to all Zoom meetings the user hosted or participated in.
- If the user has a profile picture, it is uploaded as an image attachment to the Profile document.
Remove Everlaw from your Zoom applications
If you're done uploading data from Zoom to Everlaw, you can remove Everlaw from your Zoom applications. Follow Zoom's instructions to remove an app.