Organization Admin: Database Fields

Organization Admins and Legal Holds Organization Admins can store important information about databases and matters, such as billing information or practice area, in database fields. These fields are visible to all Organization Administrators and Legal Holds Organization Administrators, and you can make them visible to users on your projects and databases. 


Throughout this article, these fields are referred to as database fields. When the fields are applied to legal holds matters on the Legal Holds page, they are referred to as matter fields.


The following requirements apply to working with database fields on Everlaw:

  • To access database fields, your organization needs to be on an annual subscription and have access to the Organization Admin page.
  • To create database fields, you need to have Org Admin permissions. 
  • To edit the values for database/matter fields, you must be an Organization Admin or Legal Holds Organization Admin. To learn more about this, visit the article section Manage Legal Hold Organization Admin Permissions.

Create, edit, and delete database fields

Organization Admins create and manage database fields from the Database Fields tab of the Organization page. To access this tab, go to your Organization page . From under the Projects & Users tab, select Database Fields.

database fields.png

This page lists all existing fields, their field type, if they are a required field, and the visibility settings.  From here, you can see existing fields, create new fields, and edit existing fields .

insert image.

To create a new fields:

  1. Select +Add new field in the top right corner. This opens a panel to fill in the information about the field.
    create custom field.png
  2. Enter a field name.
  3. Select the visibility of this field under Visible to. A field can be visible to:
    •  All users 
    • Database and Organization Administrators
    • Organization Administrators and Legal Hold Organization Administrators only.
      Note that, to be visible to Database Admins or to all users, a field must additionally be pinned, which is covered below.
  4. Select the Field type. A field’s type dictates what values that field can take on. The options for field type are:
    •  Date
    • Multi-select drop down: allow databases to take on multiple values from a preset list
    • Number
    • Single-select drop down: allow a single value from a preset list
    • Text.
      When creating a Multi or Single select field, you will be asked to populate the preset list that users can choose from. Text fields can take on freeform text.
  5. [Optional] Select Required field to require that anyone creating a database or matter fill in a value for this field. 
    If databases already exist and you edit a field to make it required, no changes can be made to the existing database field values until this required field is set.
  6. Select Submit.

To edit  an existing field:

  1. Select Edit in the row for that field.
  2. Make the changes.
  3. Select Submit.

To delete an existing field:

  1. Select Edit in the row for that field.
  2. Select Delete field. This opens a confirmation dialog.
  3. Type the name of the field.
  4. Select Delete.

Pinned Fields

Organization Administrators can pin up to three important fields to display their values wherever the database name is displayed. 

Users on a project will see any field values that are both pinned and that have their visibility settings set to All users. These field values are displayed underneath the project name on the project selection drop down.

pinned field.png

To pin a field:

  1. Go to your Organization page . From under the Projects & Users tab, select Database Fields.
  2. Select the pin button next to the field.

    A preview of the pinned fields is shown at the bottom of the screen.

To modify the order in which the fields are displayed, drag  and drop names of the fields into the order you prefer.

Bulk Update Fields

To bulk update the field values for multiple databases at once, you can import a CSV with your desired field data. 


The importer can not create new database fields, nor can it create new single and multi choice field options. Please ensure that all fields are created before importing.


You cannot bulk-update values for matters


Prior to updating or creating a CSV, follow the  Tips for a successful upload at the bottom of the import dialog to make sure your CSV is formatted correctly.

To bulk update values for database fields:

  1. Navigate to the Projects & Users tab of the Organization page.
  2. Select Import custom field data (CSV) in the top right corner.
    import custom field.png 
  3. [Optional, but recommended] Select Download CSV template. The CSV template contains a list of all databases in your organization, with a column for each database field populated with existing field values.  You can fill out this template to use for the bulk update. 
  4. To upload your CSV, select Browse to navigate and select your file, or drag and drop the desired file into the box.
  5. A dialog tells you which of your database names and fields were mapped, and which were ignored. Names and fields are ignored when their values in the CSV do not match what's in Everlaw.
  6. [Optional] Select Edit advanced settings to specify how your CSV file will be used to update fields. There are options for empty cells and for multiple-select fields.dbfields_advanced.png
    • Empty cells: choose whether an empty cell in the CSV represents a value that should not be updated (ignored) on Everlaw, or if an existing value should be deleted from Everlaw
    • Multiple-select fields: choose whether a new value(s) in the CSV should replace the existing value(s) or if it should be added to the current value(s) for that field
      When you're done, select Save.
  7. Select Submit.

Edit Database Field values

Organization Administrators can edit the database field values from the Projects & Users tab. To edit the field values for a given database from the Projects & Users tab:

  1. Navigate to the Projects & Users tab on the Organization Admin page. 
  2. Click on the row of the database you would like to edit. This opens a side panel with information about the database.
  3. Select Database details. This opens a panel with information about the database.
  4. Select Edit custom field data
  5. Edit the values for any fields you'd like. If a field is required, and does not yet have a value, you will not be able to save any edits without giving the required field a value.
  6. Select Save.

Organization Administrators and Legal Holds Organization Administrators can edit the database field values from the Legal Holds tab. To edit the field values for a given database or matter from the Legal Holds tab:

  1. Navigate to the Legal Holds tab on the Organization Admin page. 
  2. Select the three-dot menu of the database or matter you would like to edit.
  3. Select view/edit custom database/matter fields. This opens a dialog panel with the fields.
  4. Edit the values for any fields you'd like. If a field is required, and does not yet have a value, you will not be able to save any edits without giving the required field a value.
  5. Select Save.

Database Sizes

You can filter the table on the Database Sizes tab of the Organization Admin page by any non-date database field value. You can also change the view of the table to be organized by a specific field. 

Filter and export by database field value

To filter, type the value you want to filter by into the text entry box next to Filter.
The table will filter down to just those databases with a value for any field that matches your entry. 

To export the filtered view to CSV, select the export button above the table and configure your export. You can choose to include database fields. The resulting CSV export reflects the filtered table. Learn more about your configuration options in our article about database sizes.

View and export by database field

You can view this table based on a database field. When you do so, the table sums the size of all databases with a particular field value and shows a breakdown of size by field value.

To view by database field, select the box next to View by, and choose which field to view the table by.

To export a CSV of the table organized by this field, select the export external-link.pngbutton to configure your export. The resulting CSV includes a column with a row for each field value, along with columns displaying the summed value for each database with that value for that field, for the columns you selected to export. Learn more about your configuration options in our article about database sizes.