Organization Admin: Dashboard Tabs

This article covers organization admin functionalities, which are available to certain users with contracts covering unlimited database creation. 


Video overview of the Organization Admin dashboard:

This article covers the functionality of the various tabs on the organization administrator page. This page is only accessible for users with an annual, organization wide contract. Please contact your account representative or if you are not sure if you qualify.

You can access the Organization Page by clicking on the diamond icon with an “O” on the upper right of your screen, near your name.

Projects & Users

The Projects & Users tab is the hub of larger project and database management. From this tab, you are able to manage users, create databases, rename projects, export projects, suspend projects, and request project deletion. Please see our organization and project administration documentation for more information on each of these functionalities.

For information on adding and setting up a new database, see this help article.

The Projects & Users tab is used to view all of the projects and users that are associated with your organization. This page is split into the Projects view and the Users view. When you first navigate to this page, you will be taken to the Projects view. On the left side, there is a list of projects belonging to your organization. These cases may or may not include you as an organization administrator, but they are “owned” by your organization. For example, if you are on a multi-plaintiff case that was started by another organization, it would not appear in this list. Conversely, if a project is part of your organization even if you are not on it, it will appear in that list. You can filter projects by typing into the filter box next to where it says “Projects.”

If you select a project, you will see the full list of users on that project. To see a list of all users added to projects in your Everlaw organization, switch to the Users view by selecting Users at the top of the page. 

users table.png

To remove a user from your organization, click the "X" icon on the right side of the user’s name.


This will remove the user from all projects owned by your organization that you have access to, as well as the organization itself. As part of removing the user, you can share their work product with users who have Project Admins permissions on each project they are being removed from.

remove users.png


To navigate to a project, click on the gear icon to jump to the project’s settings page. If you do not have Project Administration permissions on a given project, the icon under project navigation will be greyed out.

Search Across Projects 

Organization administrators can simultaneously search across all projects to find hits for any given search criteria. The tab, found under Projects & Users in the organization admin page, contains our normal search interface but with a more general search term set to better account for finding hits across all projects. After building a search on the query builder, clicking “Search” will open up a corresponding results table that displays rows of every project you have access to and its corresponding search hits. 


To learn about Search Across Projects in more depth, please refer to this article.

User Identifiers

This tab will allow organization administrators to create and manage user identifiers, which can be applied to users on projects owned by your organization. To learn more about creating and managing user identifiers please read this article.

Security Settings

From this tab, organization administrators can configure and enforce organization-wide security settings. This tab is also where SAML single sign-on options and associated domains can be managed. To learn more about organization-wide security settings, please see this article

Database Sizes

On the Database Sizes tab, you can see a list of all of your databases and their sizes. You can also see their associated projects by clicking the caret next to their names. If all projects within a database are suspended or deleted, the database row will also display that flag under deletion/suspension status.

The boxes across the top of the page contain billing information. The left box shows peak billable size, the peak sum of billable data across all databases in the organization for a given month. Active refers to the peak size of data stored in review projects, while ECA refers to the peak size of data stored only in ECA projects. The box on the right shows the last recorded size for the month you are viewing, which will be the current size if you are viewing the current month. You can use that information to help anticipate your bill for next month. Viewing a past month will show the billable size for that month. Data suspended or deleted midway through the month will always contribute to the active size total. 


On the top left, you can choose a specific billing month or navigate between months using the arrows. You can also filter databases by name or database fields using the filter box above the table. 

You can click on the export icon on the upper right of the table to configure a CSV export. Choose whether to export database or project sizes and which columns to include in your export.

By default, all available columns will be selected and include size information by data type (active/ECA, peak/current, native/processed/produced), as well as additional information like status, counts of datasets, and last login. If your organization has database fields, you can also include these as columns in the CSV export when exporting database or project sizes, or export a filtered view. A description of each exportable column is detailed below: 

  • Name - The name of the database/project
  • id - The unique identifier of the database/project. The values in this column are integers
  • Created - The date the database/project was created in YYYY/MM/DD format
  • Last Status Update - The date of the last update to this database or project’s status
  • Status Update Type - If this database/project has been deleted or suspended, this column will show what the change was. These values can be DELETED or SUSPENDED
  • Billing State - This column will show what the billing status of the database/project is. These values can be ACTIVE or SUSPENDED
  • Peak Active Processed Size (GB) - The total peak size in gigabytes of the documents processed in Everlaw that exist on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were processed on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Peak Active Produced Size (GB) - The total peak size in gigabytes of the documents produced in Everlaw that exist on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were produced on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Peak Active Native Size (GB) - The total peak size in gigabytes of the native documents that exist on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were uploaded on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Current Active Processed Size (GB) - The current active size in gigabytes of the documents processed in Everlaw that exist on this project/database. Again note that this includes documents that were processed on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Current Active Produced Size (GB) - The current active size in gigabytes of the documents produced in Everlaw that exist on this project/database. Again note that this includes documents that were produced on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Current Active Native Size (GB) - The current total size in gigabytes of the native documents that exist on this project/database. Again note that this includes documents that were uploaded on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Peak ECA Processed Size (GB) - The total peak size in gigabytes of the documents processed in Everlaw that exist on ECA projects on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were processed on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Peak ECA Native Size (GB) - The total peak size in gigabytes of the native documents that exist on ECA projects on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were uploaded on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Current ECA Processed Size (GB) -  The current active size in gigabytes of the documents processed in Everlaw that exist on ECA projects on this project/database. Again note that this includes documents that were processed on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Current ECA Native Size (GB) - The current active size in gigabytes of the native documents that exist on ECA projects on this project/database. Please note that this includes documents that were uploaded on other projects in the database and added to this project
  • Billable Active Size (GB) - The total billable size of non-ECA documents on your project or database
  • Billable ECA Size (GB) - The total billable size of ECA documents on your project or database
  • Count of Processed Datasets - The current number of processed uploads that have taken place on this project/database. The values in this column are integers
  • Count of Produced Datasets - The current number of productions that have taken place on this project/database. The values in this column are integers
  • Count of Native Datasets - The current number of native uploads that have taken place on this project/database. The values in this column are integers
  • Is ECA - This column has been renamed from “Is Eca.” This displays if the project/database is ECA. This value can be TRUE or FALSE
  • Last Login - The date of the last login by any user on the project in YYYY/MM/DD format
  • Is Partial - This column displays if a project is a partial project. These values can be TRUE or FALSE (Project exports only) 
  • Org Id - The unique identifier of the organization that the project is in. The values in this column are integers  (Project exports only) 
  • Org Name - The name of the organization that the project is in (Project exports only)
  • Database Id - The unique identifier of the database that the project is in. The values in this column are integers  (Project exports only)  (Project exports only)
  • Deletion Requested - The date of the last deletion request for this project in YYYY/MM/DD format (Project exports only)

Everlaw AI

You can read about the Everlaw AI dashboard in our article about Everlaw AI permissions and tracking.

Legal Holds

On this tab, you can create and track hold notices and data preservations. You can learn more from our Legal Holds articles.

Processed Uploads

Organization Admins can upload processed data directly from the Organization Admin Page.

  1. Select “+ New Upload” to open a dropdown menu where you can select “Upload document sets with load file."
  2. Next, drag and drop the unzipped folder containing the load file and image/text/native files into the uploader.
  3. This will open a dialog where you will configure your upload database, upload name, and authorizing user. This step determines which database your data gets uploaded into, so take care that you are selecting the right one.
    • If you would like to give the upload a different name than the name of the folder you dragged in, you can change the name now. 
    • Then, select the name of the user authorizing the upload. This is a safety check to make sure that the documents are being uploaded to the correct database, and can also be used as an audit trail to see who has provided and/or approved various uploads. If there is no user who has requested the upload, you may override this step by providing an authorizing organization or a free form note. 

For information about uploading processed data into Everlaw, please consult this article.


File Transfers

On this tab, you can see a list of file transfers of processed upload submitted by users  on individual projects that are owned by your organization. You can filter by project, and choose what status you are interested in looking at. For example, you can view all uploads in the “Received” stage to see uploads you may not have begun uploading using the full Processed Uploads tool in the tab above.

Please note that the statuses for these uploads must be adjusted on the individual project pages. Completing the upload on the Processed Uploads tab will not change the status.


Cloud Management

On this tab, you can set cloud management permissions managing an Everlaw organization's connection to cloud organizations. This supports some cloud to cloud data transfers to Everlaw. You can learn more here about cloud management administration.  


On the Tasks page, you can see a list of all active and finished tasks on projects owned by your organization. This includes all tasks which run on any of the projects belonging to your organization, including batch actions like assignments, adding documents to binders or batch coding documents, single actions like exports and binder deletions, and project exports from the Organization Admin page.

You can see the time the task started, the user who started it, a description of the task, its progress, and an ETA. If the ETA is listed as “Queued,” the task has not yet begun but will start when the system is freed up to work on it. Under “Action”, you can choose to pause or abort the task. Please note that if the task can be completed in stages, like batch coding documents, aborting the task will just prevent future documents from being coded. It does not remove the code from the documents that were already affected. If you would like to undo the coding decisions, you can do so in the Finished Tasks section. For tasks like exports, aborting the task will prevent you from being able to use the export.

Finished tasks can be filtered by project name, user, or description within a chosen date range. Under Description, there might be a blue “i” icon. This indicates there is more information you can expand by clicking. In most cases, it is a list of missing files in an export. If an entry has an icon under the Undo column, you can undo the finished task. To access more information about your finished tasks, such as task start time, completion time, and task duration, click on the three dot menu icon under the More column and select “See details”.


Current User Activity 

On the activity tab, you can see all current activity by users in your organization on projects that are owned by your organization. For certain objects like searches and documents, you can click on the linked label to be taken to that object. Any event that has happened within the last ten minutes will be displayed here.


User Access History

The User Access tab on the Organization Administrator page allows you to see the user access history of your organization, as well as any project your organization owns. From this page, you can view who has been granted access to a particular project, which groups they were added to, as well as which users have been removed from the project.

To view the access history of a particular project, simply type the project name into the search box at the bottom of the page and hit Enter on your keyboard. Please note that you may need to scroll past activity listed on the page to view the search box.


API Keys

The API Keys tab on the Organization Administrator page allows you to generate and manage API keys used to securely connect to custom applications leveraging Everlaw’s Application Programming Interface (API). To learn more about Everlaw’s API and managing API keys, please see this article.

Multi-matter Models

The Multi-matter Models tab on the Organization Administrator page allows you to leverage your organization’s previously trained predictive coding models to find relevant documents in brand-new, similar matters. Learn more about Multi-matter Models.