Users can collect data straight from Asana Workspaces for ingestion and processing via Everlaw's cloud connection to Asana. While using this cloud connector, you can specify the objects, user(s), and date range of the Asana data you would like to collect.
When the files are on Everlaw, they are organized for review, with documents for each team, project, task, and message.
To create the connection with Asana, you must:
- Have access to a valid Asana service token, which is only available on Asana Enterprise accounts
- Be either an Organization Admin or Cloud Admin. Learn more about these permissions in our article on Organization Admin: Organization and Project Administration.
To complete an upload using the cloud connection between Asana and Everlaw, you must:
- Be designated by an Organization Admin or Cloud Admin as a delegated uploader from the Organization home.
- Have Database Upload permissions
Everlaw's cloud connector for Slack is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.
Data security and privacy
When users are designated as uploaders from the Organization home, they are granted full access to an Asana workspace's data when uploading via cloud collection. Listed users do not need to be part of the Asana workspace to collect data.
To learn more about how Everlaw handles third party data, please consult our privacy notice.
Types of data
Using the cloud connector, you can collect messages, tasks, and/or teams objects. On Everlaw you can review these and their attachments.
Obtain and authenticate your Asana service token
Before you can form the cloud connection to Asana, you must generate an Asana service token and store it in Everlaw.
Generate your service token in Asana
Service tokens can be generated and administered from the “Admin Console > Apps > Service accounts” page in Asana. Your Asana account must be on the enterprise tier to have access to Service tokens.
Authenticate and store the token in Everlaw
Once you have the token, you need to store it in Everlaw. To store the token in Everlaw:
- Go to your Organization home
- Go to Cloud Management > Asana.
- Select + Add Asana workspace
- Enter your Workspace ID and Service token.
- Select Authenticate. If both values are valid, the Asana workspace is added to the table and the token is stored securely in Everlaw for use.
Once you have stored your token, you can delegate the token for use by users who you know will be performing uploads from Asana. To delegate the token to a user:
Select the person button
to add users to the Asana organization
- Input the service token to authenticate.
- On the table that appears, select the user(s) in your organization you wish to grant access to and enter the email address associated with their Everlaw account.
- Select Grant access. These users will now be listed on the table and, if they have database upload permissions, will be able to upload data from Asana into Everlaw.
To revoke access for a particular user, select the “X” in the corresponding row.
To remove the token altogether, select the X associated with a given workspace.
Alternatively, you can also revoke the service token from your Asana admin console, which will render the token invalid for authentication purposes even if it remains stored in Everlaw.
To learn more about Cloud Management Admin permission, see this article.
Upload Asana data to Everlaw
In the upload wizard, you select the Asana objects, users, and date range you want to upload. Once you've made these selections, you upload the data through the native upload process.
To do an upload:
Go to Data Transfer
> Uploads. This takes you to the uploads page.
- Select Native Upload. Then select Start upload.
Under Collect from cloud application, select Asana.
Choose which Asana objects to include in the upload (messages, tasks, or teams). Everlaw automatically collects all attachments to exported objects, as long as those attachments are stored in Asana.
- Select Continue to move onto the Users step.
On the Users step, select the users whose tasks and messages you want to upload. This will upload the tasks and messages assigned by, assigned to, created by, and commented on by each user you select. If you don’t select a user, all users’ data will be uploaded.
The users step only applies to Messages and Tasks data. Teams data is not filtered by user or data range, and, if selected in the previous step, all Teams data is uploaded. -
On the Date range step, enter the beginning date in From and the end date in To. Objects created and modified in that date range will be uploaded. If you don't select a date range, you will upload objects from all dates.
The date range step only applies to Messages and Tasks data. Teams data is not filtered by date range and, if selected previously, all Teams data is uploaded. - Select Next.
You are taken to Everlaw’s native data upload wizard to complete the upload. When you finalize the upload, Everlaw sends a request to Asana to export the desired items, and processes the data for review once the export completes.
If the service token for an Asana Workspace is no longer valid, you will receive a warning and will not be allowed to proceed with the download. In addition, a warning will also appear on the Asana Cloud Admin page, along with the option for a Cloud Admin to replace the invalid token with a valid one.
For more information about these upload settings, read this section of the Native Data Uploads article. Here are some additional notes about uploading from Asana:-
You must create PDF images (the default) as part of your upload configuration so the data can be properly processed for review.
- The default custodian for Asana objects is the selected Workspace. On the Custodians step of the upload, you can customize the custodian.
You must create PDF images (the default) as part of your upload configuration so the data can be properly processed for review.
You do not need to keep Everlaw open when performing a cloud upload. That restriction only applies to local uploads.
Review data from Asana
Everlaw creates documents for review based on the exported Asana objects:
Teams: A profile document displaying information about a given team
Messages: A chat document displaying information about a given message
Tasks: A project management document displaying information about a given task
Projects: A project management document (one for each unique project identified in the dataset) displaying information about a given project
Asana documents can have the following relationships to each other:
- Teams can contain projects
- Projects can contain tasks and messages, and belong to teams
- Tasks belong to projects, but can also reference other tasks as parents or dependencies
- Messages can be part of standalone conversations or be part of projects and teams
In the review window, these relationships are captured in the linked documents context of the context panel:
- Backlinks are other objects in your dataset that contain the object you are viewing. For example, if the backlink section has a group called “member and project”, all the objects listed in that section have a “Project” or "Member" field that contains the project object you are viewing.
- Outbound links are references to other objects within the object you are viewing. For example, if the outbound link section has a group called “Task”, all the objects listed in that section are tasks that are contained in fields of the object you are viewing.
To learn more about the linked documents context, see this article.
You can view attachment relationships via the attachment context. This context allows you to easily see and navigate both attachments to objects and parent objects to attachments.
Search for Asana documents
One way to organize review of Asana tasks is to search for projects, and then use the outbound linked documents context to view all the tasks under a given project.
This search can be run by searching for “Type: Project Management” and “Mime Type: application/”.