Depending on your permissions, you can add custom metadata values or work product to documents in your upload on the "Additional options" step. To add work product, click the "Select work product" button. A panel will pop-up from the bottom of the page with available options, which are dependent on your project permissions.
Once you've made your selections and clicked "Apply", the work product area of the page will show a summary. You can easily delete or edit your selections from here. If you are uploading documents to multiple projects, please note that work product will only be applied in the project you are uploading from.
To assign custom field values, check the "Assign custom values" option. This will open a table where you can select metadata fields and assign values to them. You can select any editable metadata field in the project. If you are a project admin, you can also create new editable fields from this table.
If default custom fields have been set up in your project, the "Assign custom values" option will be pre-selected and the table will be pre-populated with a specified list of fields. These fields are ones that your case administrator wants to highlight for all uploads, but you are not required to assign a custom value.
Only fields that have a value assigned on the table will be applied to the documents. Unlike work product, custom field values will be assigned to documents in all projects the documents are uploaded into.
keywords: pre load codes