Advanced Settings for Uploads

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Upload Notifications

Database administrators can configure native upload notifications for any projects that they are added to in the database. To do so, go to the uploads page of the project by clicking the Data Transfer menu and choosing Uploads.


Then, click Advanced Settings in the left sidebar under Uploads. From here, you can toggle completion notifications, specify upload notification recipients, and set time cutoffs for native uploads and file reruns.


By default, a user creating a native upload will receive a notification upon its completion. You can toggle these notifications on or off under Default recipients.

You can add specific groups, individual users, or organizations under Additional recipients. To add a new recipient, type the user, group, or organization name in the “Add recipients” field, select their name from the dropdown, and click Add. To remove a recipient, click the X under the Remove column.


Users on this list will receive a notification in their Message Center each time a native upload has completed. The body of the notification includes the document count, billable size, and error count of the upload, as well as an attached upload card.


If you would like to receive email notifications as well, you can navigate to the “Settings” option in the bottom left of the Message Center and check the box next to “Completed uploads”.

Time Cutoff

By default, upload notification recipients will also receive a message in their Message Center any time a native upload is reprocessed or undergoes a file addition. By using the time cutoff option, you can state that you only wish to receive email notifications for reprocessed documents or additions that take longer than a specified number of minutes. If this option is exercised, upload notification recipients will only receive messages for reprocessing or additions that have not completed by the time the cutoff time has passed.


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Custom metadata fields

Administrators can configure default custom fields. Default custom fields are metadata fields that are always shown on the "Additional options" step of an upload. This functionality is useful if certain fields should be highlighted during native or processed upload. For example, you may want to encourage uploaders to supply vendor job IDs or collection date information, if available. 

Any editable field in the project can be made a default field. Users who are project admins can also create new editable fields from this page. To learn more about editable fields, see this article.


Note that this option only pre-populates the metadata table with the chosen fields. Uploaders are not required to fill out default fields, nor are uploaders restricted to only the default custom fields you specify here, as any editable field in the project can be selected during that upload step. 


Default fields are a per-project setting. If there are multiple projects in a database, each will maintain its own list of default fields. 

Decryption Keys

Everlaw supports decrypting emails sent with Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) encryption enabled. Users with Database Upload permission can upload an email account's private key to decrypt these emails during Everlaw processing of native files. The decryption keys are stored on Everlaw and applied to all uploads across a database.

To manage your decryption keys, navigate to Advanced Settings from the left sidebar of your Uploads page and scroll to the bottom of the page.


To add a new decryption key click the green “+ Add a new decryption key” button at the top right of the table. You will then be prompted to select your key file from your file system. Everlaw supports both P12 (.p12/.pfx) and PEM (.pem/.key) formats. Once you have selected your key file, a dialog asking for the ‘Key name’ and ‘Key password’ will appear. The key name allows you to give the key a title for future reference on Everlaw. The password is the password used to open the key file. Some files may have a predetermined key name. In these instances we will not ask you for a name.


Once you have uploaded the key, you can edit the key name using the pencil icon adjacent to the name.


After you have uploaded your decryption keys, your uploaded native data will use decryption keys during processing.

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