Message Center Overview

The message center is your hub for communication on Everlaw. Here, you can correspond with individual colleagues or groups, share Everlaw objects and documents, receive platform notifications, and reach out to Everlaw Support. To can access the message center at any time, select the envelope in the navigation toolbar.



The message center is project-specific. You can only access the messages sent within a given project within the message center of that project, not from any other project. Settings for the message center are also-project specific; preferences set in one project do not affect the settings in any other project that you have access to.

Message center folders

Similar to your email, the message center sorts your messages into folders. When you craft a new thread, that thread filters into your Sent folder, and only appears in the Inbox folder after you receive a reply to that thread. Everlaw filters your threads by the following categories:

  • Inbox
  • Unread
  • Favorites
  • Sent
  • Message types
    • The Message types folder has three subfolders: User messages, Support messages, and Platform messages. These subfolders filter messages between you and your colleagues, messages with Everlaw support, or notifications from Everlaw, respectively.

Start a thread

To send a message and create a new thread:

  1. Select  + New message in the upper left corner of the message message.jpg
  2. Choose your message recipients from the dropdown menu. Recipients can be an individual user or users, a user group, or a project role. For example, to message admins on your project, select All project admins under project roles.
  3. [Optional] Choose an optional subject line for your new thread.
  4. Write your message. Replies to your message are be contained in a thread named after the subject line. 


    You cannot send images in Everlaw messages.

Messages can also contain objects like searches, drafts, or binders. When you share an object, the share dialog appears, and you can choose recipients and craft a message. Everlaw fills in a subject line, which you can edit by selecting the pencil. 


Learn more about sharing objects

Message threads

You can use the following background color schemes to quickly identify the viewed status of the message threads in your inbox: 

  • Threads highlighted in light blue are currently being viewedselected message.jpg
  • Threads with white backgrounds and bolded text have at least one message not yet viewed by you
    unread message.jpg 
  • Threads with light gray backgrounds do not have any messages not yet viewed by you
    read message.jpg

To expand a thread’s previous messages, select the thread in the inbox list. Here, you’ll be able to review all the previous replies sent to you. 

Message actions

You can select Reply or Reply all at the bottom of the thread to reply to the most recent message. Select Forward to forward the entire message thread to new recipients. 


All messages in the thread have a three dot menu with more options.

message 3 dot.jpg

This menu allows you to:

  • reply to a message older than the most recent message
  • forward the message thread up until a certain message
  • mark a message as unread
  • delete a message from your view
  • split the message thread into a new thread. Splitting one thread into a new thread allows you to preserve message history while selecting new recipients and a new subject line. 

Inbox actions

You can select individual threads or a group of threads in the inbox list to:

  • favorite or unfavorite threads
  • mark threads read or unread
  • delete threads.

To do so:

  1. Select the message(s) you want to act on.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Select the action you want to take.

Advanced search

In addition to narrowing by selected folder, you can type into the search bar to search for particular messages. By default, your search filters message recipients, senders, attachments, subject lines, and message content across messages and threads. To limit searches to a particular field, use the following sequences before your search: 

  • to:
  • from:
  • attachment:
  • subject:
  • text:

Spaces separate searches unless contained within parentheses. For example, “text: peanut butter” returns results for “peanut” and “butter” while “text:(peanut butter)” only returns search results for “peanut butter.” Wildcard, fuzzy, and proximity searches are also possible in the message search. To cleae your search results, select Clear search results underneath the search bar.

search messages.jpg

Message notifications

By default, you receive a notification email every time you get a message in the Everlaw platform. The email displays the body of the message unless restricted in Project Settings. From your email inbox,  you can directly reply, reply-all, and cc other project users in the thread. Replying to the email has the same result as replying to the message from inside the Everlaw message center. 

Within email notification messages, you can see the name of any attachment sent, but you must log in to Everlaw to open attachments. 

You can customize the email notifications that you receive. To do so:

  1.   Select Settings in the bottom left of the message center.message settings.jpg
  2. De-select any box(es) for notifications you do not want to receive.
  3. Select Save.

Export message threads

To export all your messages, select export in the bottom left of the message center. A CSV (comma separated value) file is generated with details about your messages, organized by thread. You can download the file from the task completed card, or from the appropriate card on the homepage, under the Batches & Exports column.