Requesting an Everlaw Managed Export


Upon request, Everlaw can provide a complete and managed export of all project data for offline storage. Each managed export will incur a one-time fee determined by the data size of the export. If physical media is requested, there will also be a shipping and handling fee.

To request an export, please submit an Everlaw Managed Export Request form. This step will initiate a formal request and estimate.


Types of Exports

Export Type Description Default Project Files Included Partial/Review Project - Files Included Review Work Product
Full Project Export of selected project(s) Yes As requested Yes
Full Database Export of all projects in the database Yes As requested As requested
ECA only Export of complete ECA project only Only natives and load files No All Binders and Promotion Codes
Full ECA Export of complete ECA project and export of the Review and Partial projects in the database Only natives and load files As requested As requested
Targeted Requested export of a specific dataset within a given project As requested As requested As requested

For more information on what may or may not be included in an export, please refer to our Exporting to Zip article. 


Expected Cost

Each managed export will incur a one-time professional services fee determined by the data size of the export. In addition, if physical media is requested for the export, a shipping and handling fee will be included. 

To receive an estimate for the request export, please submit an Everlaw Managed Export Request form. Everlaw will always seek approval for any charges prior to performing the work and will notify the requestor should there be any adjustments to the cost. 


Estimate will be broken down into: 

  • Professional Services Fee 
    • Please note that some export tasks may require additional work that falls outside of our standard export procedures. For those export tasks, there may be additional costs in addition to the export cost.
  • Physical Media Cost
    • Exports can be requested on a physical hard drive. All hard drives are billed at cost and prices are subject to change. 

  • Shipping 
    • If a physical export was requested, shipping will be billed at cost. Everlaw leverages United Parcel Services (UPS) 2 Day Standard Shipping for all shipping within the US. Prices are subject to change. 
    • Unless otherwise specified, export shipping will occur within 24-48 hours of completion. 

Receiving your Export 

Managed exports will include all requested documents and review work, if requested. Everlaw will not retain any information from the export or the export contents themselves. It is recommended that reliable storage arrangements are made for data that may need to be re-uploaded in the future. 

Should you wish to re-upload this data to Everlaw at a future date, you will need to create a new project and upload the data from offline storage. Re-uploaded data will not retain any document history, access logs in productions, and project level user history. 

When re-importing an Everlaw export, keep in mind:

  • You will need to modify the prefix of documents with the “#” prefix as “#” is reserved for native data. 
  • The rest of the re-import should follow standard processed upload procedure.
  • To re-import any work product from your Everlaw export, please follow our guide.


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