Importing Codes and Other Review Product

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You can use the import feature in the Codes tab within Project Settings to import review work, and to import categories and codes. You must have Project Administrator permissions to import work product, categories, or codes.

The import feature is helpful when you'd like to migrate review work from one Everlaw project to another, or into Everlaw from another review platform. You can also use the import feature to transfer review work from original documents on one project to their produced counterparts on another project. 

Review work applied in one project is not automatically applied to documents across projects in a database. In other words, if the same document is in two projects, any ratings, codes, notes, etc. applied to it in one project are not reflected in the other. While you can copy work product from one project to another, in some cases you may prefer to import the review work instead—for example, if you have archived the project where the review work was applied.


Importing work product

Before you can import work product, it must be in a CSV file.

If you are importing from another Everlaw project, you can export your work product from that other project as a ZIP file or as a CSV file anywhere you see the export icon. You can also import work product from another platform if it has been exported from that platform as a CSV file.

If you already have the work product in CSV form, skip to performing the import, below.

Obtaining work product from a ZIP Export

Identify the documents with the work product that you would like to export. Then, create a ZIP Export that includes the documents you want to transfer data from. When configuring your ZIP export, select Review work product. The resulting ZIP file will include a CSV with all review work product on the selected documents. This includes notes, ratings, binders, codes, user-editable metadata, and Storybuilder data. Please reach out to for assistance in importing this work product CSV.


Obtaining work product from a CSV Export

Identify the documents with the work product you would like to export. Then, create a CSV export that includes the documents you want to transfer data from. In the dialog where you configure the CSV export, at minimum you must select the "Bates/Control #" and "End Bates/Control #" fields. Then, select to export other information depending on your needs:

  • Under "Select fields",
    • For notes or redactions, select "Annotation Data" under "Grid Columns" 
    • For binders, select “Binders” under “Grid Columns”
    • For rating, select “Rating” under “Grid Columns”
    • For codes, select "Exported Codes" under "Special Columns"
      • This ensures that codes are exported in the correct format for import.
      • However, you must rename this column to "Codes" before you import (details below).
    • For notes, select "Note Text" under "Grid Columns"
      • If you would like to import note text as review work that you have done offline (on Excel, for example), or on another review platform, you can do that here. The exact text you enter under "Note Text" will be imported as your note. 
  • Under "Select Categories & Codes",
    • For codes, select specific codes or categories you plan to transfer. If you want to transfer all codes, select "Coded" and "Coded Under".
      • This ensures that the codes you want are added to the "Exported Codes" column in the correct format for input.
  • For Storybuilder data, you must export your documents in a ZIP export.


If you are exporting codes, you will need to take extra steps to prepare the CSV File for import:

  1. Open the file in a program like Microsoft Excel.
  2. Change the column header "Exported Codes" to "Codes".
  3. Delete the remaining columns of specific codes or categories, includes "All Codes" and "All Categories" if included.
  4. Save this file as a CSV.

Obtaining work product from another system

Review work product from other platforms can be imported into Everlaw in the exact same way as importing work product between projects on Everlaw. The import data must be in a CSV file and must follow the same naming and structure as an Everlaw CSV export. Otherwise, the import will fail and an error message will be returned.

Specifically, the CSV file must contain columns for:

  • Bates/Control # or Begin Bates

and can optionally contain columns for each type of review work, including:

  • Codes
    • Each code needs to be paired with a category, separated by a DC1 delimiter, e.g. Responsiveness[DC1]Not Responsive.
    • If there are multiple codes in a document, each category/code pair needs to be separated by a DC3 delimiter.
  • Rating
  • Note Text

There is an example Everlaw CSV template linked at the bottom of this article. You can use this Everlaw CSV template as a model of how to structure outside data.

You can also request Everlaw to import your review data as codes for you. This would incur data manipulation charge at $140 per hour. The amount of time required will depend on the size of your dataset and the complexity of your coding sheet. 

Creating your own CSV

Some use cases may require you to create your own CSV. For example, if you want to transfer review work from an original document in one project to a different document—such as a produced document—in another project, you'll need to do some CSV manipulation to include the identifying fields in the file you'll be importing. (Note that review work can be migrated from original documents to produced documents during production. However, if you want the review work added to produced documents that are in a different project, you'll need to perform an import.) Here's how:

  1. Create an export that includes the original documents you want to transfer data from and any review data you want to transfer.

  2. Create an export that includes the produced documents you want to transfer data to and the field “Produced From". This will serve as a mapping file in Step 3.

  3. Prepare a CSV file for import by replacing Begin Bates in the first CSV file with the Begin Bates from the second CSV file.

  4. Import the data using the CSV file created in Step 3. 

Performing the import

Once you have your work product CSV, navigate to the project that you want to import the data into. Go to the Codes tab within Project Settings and click "Import codes and more" in the top right corner.


Open the file selector and choose your work product CSV. (Note there is a 70 MB cap on the CSV size; split your import CSV into multiple files if needed.) Click the 'Continue' button. The following dialog will appear: 

Screen Shot 2024-04-05 at 2.38.20 PM.png

The box displays all the detected Bates prefixes. If you don’t want to import data for documents that fall under a particular Bates prefix, delete the prefix from the list.

If you are importing coding, and the codes you are attempting to import do not exist in the project, you must check the ‘Create new codes’ box. This will also add any new codes and coding categories to the coding sheet. The appropriate binders will also be created if binder information is included in the import file. Please note that if you are importing freeform codes that already exist in the project, any existing values will not be overwritten by the import. The import will only write in values for freeform codes with no values.

Similarly, if you are importing metadata fields that don't exist in the project, you must check the 'Create new metadata fields' box in order for them to be created in the project. 

Click Import. Importing work product runs as a batch update, and you can monitor the progress of the update on the homepage under the Batches and Exports column. If there is an error, the homepage batch action card will provide a link to details of the error.

Importing review work is additive. For example, if a document is already coded as Review Status: For Further Review and you import a code of Review Status: Responsive, then after the import the document will have both the Responsive and For Further Review codes. The exception is if the category is marked as mutually exclusive. In this case, the imported code will be added and any existing codes from the category will be removed.

Importing categories and codes

You can also use an import as a way to create new categories and codes. In the Confirm import options dialog, check the 'Create new codes' box. Then, any entry in the Codes column of your CSV will automatically create any codes, and their categories, if they don't exist already.

Note that you must assign these new categories and codes to particular documents during import in order to create them.


You can click Download CSV Template to ensure that you're using the proper CSV configuration for import. You shouldn't have to use this if you are exporting from CSV or exporting from ZIP, but it may be a useful reference if you are manually creating a CSV or if you are manipulating an export from another review platform.


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