You can export document sets to make them accessible outside of Everlaw. Use this article to learn about the different ways you can export documents and how to do each type of export.
Tip: You can walk through the export process in-platform by selecting "Walk Me Through" in the bottom right of your screen and choosing Export Results or Documents under Export.
Note: Exporting documents is not the same as creating a production. To learn more about creating productions on Everlaw, please see the productions section of our help center.
Access the export menu
Select Export in the toolbar of the results table to export documents.
You have the following export options:
- ZIP (can include full project data)
- Production (initiates a production if you have permissions)
Exporting to CSV or PDF generates a CSV file, or a series of PDF files, that reflect the documents contained in the results table. Neither option is the same as a production.
By default, every document in your results table is selected in your export. To exclude documents, deselect the checkboxes for the documents you do not want to export. You can also deselect all documents by clicking the top checkbox.
If you export documents and then delete them, the full export (including the deleted documents) can still be downloaded from its card on the home page. The card disappears from the home page after 28 days.
Export to CSV
CSV exports are useful for generating reports. CSV exports respect the sorting and grouping of documents in your results table.
In the export menu, you select metadata fields and review work to include in the exported CSV. The Export fields for # documents lists the fields you have selected for your export.
Fields selected for your export are highlighted in yellow. The fields in your results table view are selected and highlighted in yellow by default.
Select a field to add it to your export. The background turns yellow and the field name is added to the Export fields
- You can export any Everlaw metadata fields and user-editable fields available on your project in the Metadata Columns section. You can also export Prediction Columns, which exports prediction scores for the model you select.
- By default, datetime fields retain and append the project timezone in the exported CSV. Under Timezone options you can choose the time zone of your datetime values and whether or not to append the time zone. You can also choose the date and time format.
Select individual categories and/or codes to be exported to CSV. If selected, the individual code or category name will be listed as the column header in the CSV. For category exports, the cells include the name of the code(s) within that category that are applied to the document, or the cells are blank if no codes in that category are applied. See the example of the “Accounting” category exported below. The category "Accounting" was exported. These documents do not have any codes applied under the category “Accounting”
In the example below, the documents were coded as Accounting: Arthur Anderson. The category "Accounting" was exported:
If you've selected a category or code to export, and a code is applied to that document, the associated cell in the CSV will list the name(s) of the category and the code(s), in the format "Category: Code." If no relevant coding is applied to the document, the cell will say “null.”
Once you have established these criteria, select Export to CSV. A task will be created that can be viewed on the homepage and, once completed, can be downloaded from the associated card.
Here is some more information about creating a CSV export:
- To remove a select field from your export, select it again. The background turns white and the field name is removed from Export fields
- The Select All button selects all the metadata fields
- The Select None button deselects all the metadata fields
- You can expand the aliased fields. Aliased fields are defined by case admins and are a consolidation of multiple fields under one "aliased" name.
- You must give your export a name
- The order of the fields in your CSV export matches the order of the columns in your results table. Fields added to the CSV export that are not displayed in the results table will be listed after the table fields in the order that they are added to the export.
- The Bates/Control # fields will always be in the first columns in your export, regardless of whether they are in the results table.
- If you choose to export row numbers, the row number column will automatically be the first column in the export, before the Bates/Control # fields.
- Note: to export Storybuilder data, you must export a ZIP. For information on ZIP exports, read the ZIP exports section of this article.
Export to PDF
PDF exports are useful for generating offline binders. On Everlaw, PDF exports use the existing image files of documents. Therefore, documents without images are represented by a blank page with the Bates/Control # listed.
To export to PDF:
- Give the export a name
Select one of two options: a single PDF that includes all documents, or a ZIP file of individual PDFs for each document or group of documents.
A single PDF includes a hyperlinked table of contents, PDF bookmarks, and respects the sort and grouping relationships reflected in the results table with row numbering matching those in the results table.
- For example, the first parent is numbered 1.0 and its attachment is numbered 1.1.
- There is a 2 GB cap for single PDF exports. If you try to export a PDF that is greater than 2 GB, you will receive an error at the end of the task.
A ZIP of individual PDFs will by default, result in individual PDFs for each document, named after their Begin Bates.
- To maintain the sort and grouping order of documents, select Preserve sort order in file naming. This adds its row number at the start of the file name.For example, the first parent might be named 1.0_ABC001.PDF and its attachment would be named 1.1_ABC001.PDF.
- Alternatively, you can choose to export document groups as single PDFs. If you select this option, there is one PDF per document group or family as opposed to one PDF per document.
There is a 500,000-page cap on zip exports of PDFs. Additionally, if any of the individual documents result in a single PDF that is larger than 2 GB, you will receive an error at the end of the task.
A single PDF includes a hyperlinked table of contents, PDF bookmarks, and respects the sort and grouping relationships reflected in the results table with row numbering matching those in the results table.
- You can stamp Bates numbers on the exported documents. If the documents you plan to export are already correctly Bates stamped, you do not need to select this option. If you would like to stamp documents that have not yet been produced, and/or that have been assigned a different Bates number after upload, select this option. You can additionally choose to only stamp documents that have a # or EVER prefix.
If you stamp a Bates or Control number on documents that have not been produced, additional space is not provided for the stamp, and document content may be obscured. - Select Next.
Choose the separate slipsheets that will accompany every document in your export.
Bates separator sheets
- A page before each document indicating its Bates range.
Annotations sheets
- Annotation sheets are pages before each document that shows selected review work and annotations. These can include highlights, notes, and redactions. A highlight or redaction will only be listed on an annotation sheet if it has a note attached. You also have the option to include Storybuilder details like description and relevance on your annotation sheets.
- If you choose to include highlights and redactions, those will also appear on the face of your documents regardless of whether a note is attached. Note that redactions on un-produced versions of documents are transparent (not burned in); you must export the produced version of a document to see it with redactions burned in. If you don’t have proper permissions to view these annotations, they will not appear on the PDF exports.
Metadata sheets
- A page before each document including selected metadata for that document.
- A column describes the category of metadata field
Bates separator sheets
- Once you've made your selections, select Export to PDF. A task is created that can be viewed on the home page, and once completed, the file can be downloaded from the associated card. Note that the card under Batches & Exports will expire after 28 days.
Export to ZIP
ZIP exports are in standard load format, including text, image, natives, load files, and review work of the documents.
For more detail on this export type, see this help article.
Initiate a production (by permission only)
Required permissions: Project Administrator or Admin permissons on Productions.
You can initiate productions from the Export menu. All documents that are selected in the far-left selector column will be included in the production. When you select Production, you are redirected to the first page of the productions wizard.
To read more about creating productions in Everlaw, please see our productions article.
Exporting from ECA projects
In an ECA project, users with Database Administrator permissions can batch export natives through the database settings page. Users can also export natives from the results table by selecting Export-->ZIP. Exporting images and texts will require you to promote the documents to the review project and export them from there.
To learn more about other features that are available on ECA projects, please see this help article.