Any user can receive individual assignments, which are sets of documents designated for review. If you are allocated documents in an assignment, you will receive a notification in your Everlaw message center with the assignment. You will also see a light blue card representing the assignment on your homepage. Please note the difference between individual assignments and assignment groups: while any user can receive individual assignments, only groups with the proper permissions can create and administer assignment groups.
Assignment cards
Each assignment card contains the following properties:
- The name of the assignment group
- The total number of documents contained in the assignment
- A progress bar showing you how far you’ve progressed in an assignment
Click the assignment card to go to a results table of the assigned documents.
From here, you can review documents as you would normally. For information on the review window, click here. If the assignment group administrator has specified a particular review window layout, you'll see that layout when you open your assignment through the assignment card.
There are other actions you can take on each assignment card:
Favorite: Click the star in the bottom right hand corner to favorite the card. In addition to appearing in your Assignments column, favorited assignments will appear in the Favorites column in the far left of the homepage. You can use this to identify and curate the assignments you should be paying attention to.
View review criteria: Click the checklist icon to view the search logic of your review criteria. This is the requirement for any document to be considered "reviewed" and count toward your completion progress.
View unreviewed documents: Click the document search icon to go to a results table of the assigned documents that have not yet met the review criteria.
Send message: Click on the initials of the assignment group recipient in the top right-hand corner to send them a message.
View unreviewed documents in your assignment
If you have Receive permissions on an assignment, you can find unreviewed documents in your assignment by clicking the “View unreviewed documents” button in the bottom left-hand corner of the assignment card.
You can also do a search using the “Assigned” search term to filter your documents by those that are unreviewed. Click the Assigned search term, then select your particular assignment. In the parameter next to the assignment, select “Not Reviewed.”
If you are in the results table of your assignment, you can refine it by just the unreviewed assignments. Click “Refine” in the upper right-hand side, and then filter by “Not Reviewed.” That will return only those documents where review is not yet complete.
View review criteria of your assignment
It is important to check the review criteria of your assignment. If you do not satisfy the review criteria when rating and coding a document, that document will not count towards your progress through an assignment. The assignment review criteria can be changed at any point, so if there is an unexpected change to your progress level through an assignment, it is probably due to a change in the review criteria.
In the example below, the review criteria is "documents with any rating AND any code."
Self-assigning documents
When an assignment group administrator creates an assignment group, they can choose to allow reviewers to self-assign documents. This means that if you finish your initial assignment, you can check-out a new assignment batch from the pool of unassigned documents.
To see a list of assignment groups that you can self-assign documents from:
- On the homepage, click the plus icon at the top of the Assignments column
- Each available assignment group will be listed alongside the checkout icon; click on the relevant group
- A confirmation will appear. Depending on the assignment group settings, you may receive a new assignment of predefined size, or you may be required to decide how many documents you want to claim. If there is no predefined batch size, then Everlaw will default the batch size to 200 (or the maximum document count available if less than 200).
- Click the blue “Claim” button
- A task will begin, and a notification in the bottom right-hand corner will inform you when the task is complete.