Default Search Groupings

Default search grouping allows Project Admins to specify the initial grouping settings for select document review sets and all new searches created in the project. If your review team generally needs to review documents grouped in a certain way it may be beneficial to configure your project's default search grouping. 

For example, if your team needs to review documents in the context of their entire attachment families when running a search, you can configure your search page to include this setting as the default.

This article explains where default search grouping is applied in projects and how to configure a new default search grouping.


By default, all new projects have this setting enabled and set to group by attachments without grouped non-hits. This orders documents in the results table according to their attachment family and does not pull in associated documents that do not meet the search criteria. It visually groups together members of the same attachment families that meet the search criteria in the results table and ensures that they are directly sequential, even when their Bates/Control numbering is not sequential. 


You must be a Project Admin to configure a project's default search grouping. 

How it works

The default search grouping setting for a project is applied to:

  • Searches built on the Search page
  • Results tables accessed via the following common points of entry for review:
    • View all documents button on the homepage
    • Existing binders (that don’t have a different grouping applied on the underlying search)
    • Native upload and processed upload cards belonging to the homepage’s Document sets column
    • Data Visualizer accessed through the navigation bar
    • The Create new assignment dialog

A project’s default search grouping is not applied to:

  • Production cards belonging to the homepage’s Document sets column
  • Other entry points to the results table (e.g. clicking on blue linked numbers from Clustering or STRs)
  • Searches created prior to enabling the setting

What happens when a user customizes a grouping?

Users may choose to customize the grouping for an individual results table at any time by selecting Settings from the results table’s toolbar. 

When a user customizes the grouping in the results table of a binder or upload card, or in a results table accessed from the View all documents button, a new search card is automatically created on the home page with that custom grouping applied.

The original object (i.e. binder or upload card) or all documents results table, however, remains present and unchanged. They can still be accessed as they were from the home page.

Configure a project's default search grouping

To set your default search grouping:

  1. Go to Project Management  > Project Settings. This takes you to the Project Settings page.
  2. Select General.
  3. If not already enabled, switch on Default search grouping.
  4. In the Grouping field, choose one of the following options as your default grouping:
    • Attachments 
    • Email threads
    • Chat conversations
    • Email and chat conversations
    • Exact and email duplicates
    • Near, exact, and email duplicates
    • Versions

    For more information on these options, visit Deduplicate, Sample, Group, and Remove Search Hits Via "Search settings" – Grouping.

  5. [Optional] Select the Remove from group field and choose whether you'd like any documents removed from grouping by default.


Some grouping options pull in associated documents, even if the documents may not meet the search criteria. For example, if you group by attachments, documents attached to those documents that meet the search criteria are pulled into your results. 

Project templating

Default search grouping may be copied to a new project by using a template to create a new project. To learn more about using a template to create a new project, visit Projects.