Upload Native Data to Everlaw

Everlaw has a cloud-processing system that automatically processes and ingests native files into the platform. Documents processed on Everlaw go through de-NISTing, deduping, OCR, AV transcription, and language detection, as appropriate. Additionally, Everlaw generates text, metadata, and PDFs (if requested) for your native data.

A native upload can contain one file, or multiple files. For more information about preparing your files for upload, please see this article

You can use this article to:

  • Guide you step-by-step through a native upload 
  • Learn about managing native uploads once they are on Everlaw

To read more about uploading documents on Everlaw, please refer to the articles in our Uploads section.  

Create a native data upload

Required permissions 

To upload data on Everlaw, you must be a Database Administrator, have Upload permissions on the database, or be an Organization Administrator.

Step 1: Access the Uploads page

To access the Uploads page:

  1. From the homepage, go to Data Transfer > Uploads.
  2. Select Native. 
  3. Select Start upload.NativeUpload1-new.png
  4.  Drag and drop your upload into the box, or select Browse to select files from anywhere on your computer.
    • Please see this article for information on how to prepare your files.

Upload via cloud-based apps

At the bottom of the screen, you will see options to upload directly from the following apps: 

You can also upload via popular cloud based storage apps: 


Not all of these cloud-based apps are available to connect in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.


Below are some specifications to help you prepare your uploads from specified apps.

Google Drive:

  • If you want to upload a file that was shared with you, you can search for the filename in the file-picker pop-up.


  • Your upload must be from your organization's or your personal dropbox; the connector does not support shared links.


  • You need to specify whether you are uploading files or folders
  • Documents shared with you/your organization can be uploaded through the connector. To be uploaded, shared documents must be present in the Shared tab of Sharepoint's file picker. Documents you can access, but that are not present/accessible from the Shared tab, cannot be uploaded through the connector.
  • If you want to upload a file that was shared with you, you can search for the filename in the file-picker pop-up.


  • You will need to specify whether you are uploading files or folders

For all uploads completed via cloud connector, any top-level folder uploaded via cloud storage source will be compressed and displayed in Everlaw as a container file.

Select an app to begin uploading your documents.  

Once you select an app, you will be asked to log in via a separate dialog box. If you do not see this dialog box, check your pop-up settings. After logging in, you will be able to select your files directly from the app's platform. Once you hit enter or submit within that app, you will be taken to the next step in the upload process.

Upload via direct link 

Direct links are URLs that point straight to a file without any password protection. Essentially, if you paste a url into your browser, and your browser starts downloading a file instead of loading a webpage, you have a direct link. You can convert a Google Drive link into a direct link by amending it:

You can also select Direct Link to copy-paste a direct download URL. If you have a URL that, when you enter it in your browser, initiates a download without needing to enter in login credentials, you should be able to paste that URL in the Direct Link field.

Once you’ve made your selection, a wizard will appear where you can specify settings for the upload:

Step 2: Dataset details

In this step, you specify the configuration for your upload. By default, your upload settings will be inherited from the last upload in this database. 

  1. Name: You are required to give the dataset a unique name. The name (and date of upload) will appear as the name of the associated uploads card on the homepage, which you can rename later if you have upload permissions. 
  2. Deduplication: Upon upload, you have the following options:
    • Global: Deduplicate against all of the existing documents that have been natively uploaded in your database.
      • Everlaw does not deduplicate against Processed uploads.
    • By custodian: Deduplicate against all of the existing documents by custodian. 
      • This means that if two duplicates have different custodians, they will both be uploaded. Conversely, if a document has the same custodian as another duplicate document that already exists on the platform, the duplicate file will not be uploaded.
    • None: No deduplication.

    Even if you choose to deduplicate globally, Everlaw will preserve a record of the deduplicated document in the All Custodians and All Paths fields that are populated for the existing document on the database. This means that if a document with custodian Sam  is deduplicated against a document with custodian Jenny, the existing document on the database will now list both Sam and Jenny in its All Custodians metadata.

    To learn more about the definition of duplicates and how upload deduplication handles documents (and families), visit this article on duplicates.

    • Note: Google files (e.g., Google Documents, Google Sheets) will not get deduplicated in the same way as other file types, because they undergo their own conversion process within Google. 
  3. Passwords:  If any of your files/folders are password-protected, input the password(s) into the password box (one password per line) to enable Everlaw to image and extract text based on your processing options. Inaccessible files will not be processed. The native view will not be available for password-protected documents on Everlaw.
  4. Advanced Settings (language and location, image details, and decryption) can be viewed and edited by clicking the caret icons under Advanced Settings, which are collapsed by default.
    • OCR Language: This step allows you to specify particular languages for Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
      • OCR is automatically run on TIFFs, PDFs without embedded text, and PDF pages with fewer than 50 embedded non-whitespace characters.
      • Image files like JPGs and PNGs that do not typically to have text are not OCR'd upon upload, though OCR can be forced as part of reprocessing.
      • By default, OCR language detection is set to Autodetect.
        • Autodetect can extract all Latin-alphabet languages (such as French and German) as well as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK). If your document has a combination of these aforementioned languages, Autodetect will also be able to OCR them automatically as long as there is only one language per page. Autodetect will not reliably OCR multiple languages within one page.
          • Select Autodetect if your upload includes multiple documents, each in different languages.
            • However, this means that non-Latin, non-CJK language documents will not get properly OCRed. For example, if one document is entirely in Arabic (non-latin, non-CJK language), and another is in French (Latin language), then only the French document will be properly OCRed. In this situation, you can separate those documents into different uploads so that you can select the appropriate OCR language setting for each, or, after processing, select specific subsets of documents from the results page for reprocessing with a different OCR language.
        • You can also select a single language to target for OCR. In this mode, OCR will only detect that language and English. There are two scenarios where you would want to select something other than Autodetect:
          • If all your documents are not in a Latin-alphabet language or CJK (e.g. Russian, Greek)
            • In this case, you must select that language from the dropdown menu in order for OCR to work for that document.
          • If the quality of your scanned document(s) is low, and you know there is only one language in the document (in addition to English)
              • This improves the quality of OCR, but only for that language and English. It will prevent the detection of any other languages in that document, so you should be sure that the document only has only one non-English language before selecting that option.
        • You can also use the OCR language field to specify transcription of Spanish files with extractable audio. Select Spanish from the OCR language dropdown. You cannot transcribe Spanish files and OCR other documents with non-English languages in one upload. You can always reprocess Spanish media files and transcribe them in Spanish once they’re uploaded.
    • Default Timezone:
      • The selected timezone is assumed for any datetime metadata lacking an explicit timezone. Metadata without an explicit timezone will be given the selected timezone on Everlaw.
      • Email headers printed at the top of PDF images generated during processing show datetimes in the selected timezone.
    • Image Details

      • Create PDFs:  By default, Everlaw creates PDF images for all files in an upload, and placeholder images for file types that don’t image well (like spreadsheets). You can choose:

        • To image the file types that don’t image well
        • Not to image any of the files in an upload.
      • In addition to Excel files, the following file types are not be imaged by default, and instead are given a placeholder image:
        • LibreOffice Calc
        • Empty files
        • Container files
        • iWorkNumbers
        • QuattroPro
        • .txt files that are greater than 1 MB
    • Page Size: Everlaw generates PDFs in the selected size for documents that do not have a described size. Documents with an explicit size (e.g. PDFs, word documents, and images) will remain in their original sizes. Emails do not typically have a described size, but if they do, they will remain in their original sizes on the platform. Documents exported, printed or produced from Everlaw will respect the size of the pages on the platform.
    • Email image attachments: There are three options for deciding whether image attachments should be displayed inline, or treated as separate attachments:
      • If you would like every image in the email to be displayed inline within the PDF, you can choose Inline all images found in emails.
      • If you would like email image attachments to be extracted as children of the parent email, select Extract all images found in emails.
        • Note: images that are explicitly inlined (eg. pasted into the email body) will not be extracted. 
      • If you choose smart determination, then Everlaw will dynamically determine which images are likely to be attachments, and which ones are (or are intended to be) inlined images (e.g., signature icons). Factors influencing this smart determination include an image's dimensions, overall size, and content ID. 
    • Hyperlinked images: When this option is selected, Everlaw attempts to fetch linked images that appeared in the body of the email to the original recipient. The image presented is the image located at the URL at the time of processing, which is potentially different from the image at the time the email was sent.
      If the original (native) email contains a link to an image, but the image itself was not displayed  when the email was originally sent, the image will not be fetched and displayed by Everlaw upon processing. Instead, the link will be present in the body of the text, just as in the original email.


      Fetching hyperlinked images is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.

    • PowerPoint speaker notes: By default, speaker notes of .pptx, .ppt, and .pps files will be included in the PDF file with their original formatting—the "Notes Page" view in the PowerPoint application. Notes with overflow text will continue onto the following page. To optimize for slide legibility, users can choose to “Include speaker notes with optimized formatting,” which scales the slides, makes the page orientation landscape, and displays the speaker notes text under the slide. Each PDF page will contain the corresponding slide number, and overflow note text will continue on the following page. With this option, any customization of the “Notes Page” view in PowerPoint, such as the addition of headers and footers, will not be reflected in the PDF or text files. When the option to exclude speaker notes is selected, the slide will be full page in the PDF file with no notes present in the PDF or text file. Speaker notes will still be included in the native file and searchable via the Speaker Notes metadata search term.
  • Decryption Keys: Everlaw can store private keys used to decrypt S/MIME encrypted emails. To learn more, read this article. You can follow this link to manage your decryption keys on a new tab.

Step 3: Select custodians

The custodians step allows you to specify what custodian value to associate with the documents you’re uploading. You can specify a default custodian for all documents in an upload and/or set custom custodian values for particular files or folders. If your data belongs to multiple custodians, please read this article to learn how to prepare your data accordingly before uploading.

To set the custodian(s):

  1. [Optional] Input the custodian name into the default custodian box at the top of the table. If your project already has custodians from legal holds or previous uploads, you can also select one from the dropdown list.
  2. To set custom custodian values for particular files or folders, find the file/folder on the table. You can either input the custodian name into the custodian box or use the pencil icon next to each file/folder on the table to autofill the custodians using file/folder name
    • Alternatively, you can click the "Autofill all visible custodians" to autofill all custodian values in the table based on visible file/folder names. The custodian value for non-visible files (i.e. files that are hidden because the parent folders are collapsed) is assigned based on the closest visible parent.  
      • Files that have a black caret in the far left can be expanded to display the individual sub-folders/files they contain. Click on the caret icon to expand or collapse.
    • If there is a default custodian, it will be overridden for that particular file/folder with the custom value.
    • You can use the pencil icon next to each file/folder on the table to autofill the custodians using file/folder name. 

In the example above, the number (3) next to the autofill button indicates the number of visible files in the table and the corresponding number of custodian values that will be transferred based on file name. Clicking the autofill button will transfer these values to the custodians field for the respective files, in this case “Sample Upload.zip”, “Alice”, and “Bob.” Files collapsed under the “Alice” and “Bob” folders will inherit “Alice” or “Bob” as their custodian values. 

You can use the Clear all button to delete custodian values for all files, regardless of whether they are visible in the table. If there is a default custodian added, all custodian values will be changed to the default value.

Step 4: Upload into partial projects

Aside from uploading the documents into the current project you’re on, you can also add the documents to any partial project you have the Partial Project Document Management permission on.

  • Documents are always added to all complete projects within the database
  • Documents are always added to the project from which you have accessed the uploader
  • There are no billing implications for adding data to multiple projects within the database

To select or deselect a project to add these documents to, click on the checkbox. You cannot deselect complete projects.


When you deduplicate your upload and then choose to upload documents to a partial project, it's possible that a document in your upload is a duplicate of an existing document in your database, but that existing document is not yet part of the partial project. When this happens, the existing document is added to the partial project.

To help you better identify such documents, Everlaw creates a new binder called "Deduplicated docs from dataset [Name]" in the affected partial project. This binder contains documents that (1) were not part of the partial project prior to the upload and (2) are now part of the partial project because they are existing versions of deduplicated documents from the upload. 

Step 5: Additional options

This step allows you to apply work product (ratings, codes, binders, notes, etc.) and custom metadata values to documents in your upload. For more information, please see this article on applying custom fields and work product during upload

Step 6: Summary

The summary step provides an overview of your upload, including configuration settings, projects being uploaded into, applied work product, and applied custom values. 

When you have confirmed that the details look good, select Upload.


Step 7: Transfer and Processing

Once you click Upload, your data begins transferring to Everlaw. The upload details overlay appears on the Transferring tab and shows you the status of the transfer. From the overlay, you can add additional documents to the upload by clicking on the + Add files button.

Important: You can close the overlay, but must stay on the Native Data Uploads page. Your file transfer will be interrupted If you leave this page. Once the transferring step is complete, you can leave the page.


A status card is added to the Native Data Uploads page corresponding to your upload. Once processing starts, a time estimate appears on the status card to indicate approximately how long it will be until processing is complete. 

As processing continues, you can start reviewing completed documents. Once all your files are successfully processed, the status card has a document icon with a green checkmark . Select the icon to go to a results table of your processed documents.  


Native uploads are each assigned a control number, indicated by a # prefix.


To learn how to view upload status, delete, rename, and take other actions, please see the Managing native uploads section.

Troubleshooting errors 

For a comprehensive guide on troubleshooting errors, please see this article on native upload errors.

View and manage native uploads

Uploads appear as cards in the Native Data Upoads section of the Uploads page. Upload cards are organized by month and ordered by date uploaded, with the most recent uploads at the top of the page.


You can filter upload cards by any combination of name, month of upload, or custodian.


Upload card


On the upload card you can see:

  1. The upload name, which can be edited by clicking on it.
  2. A description of the upload, which can be edited by clicking on it
  3. The upload date.
  4. The total number of documents from this upload currently in the project. Note that If you delete these documents from the database, remove them from the project, or add more files to the upload, the number will be updated accordingly. Clicking on this number will open a results table with the documents in the upload.
  5. The number of documents that resulted in processing errors in either the examine, PDF, or text phases of processing. Clicking on these numbers will open a results table with the errored documents. Similarly, the number here will also be updated if you delete the uploaded documents or add files to the upload. 
  6. The user who created the upload. Hovering over the user badge will display the full name of the user and allow you to easily message the user. 

If the upload is still processing, you will also see status and progress information about the ongoing processing.


View upload configuration settings

To see a summary of the configuration settings used to process the documents in an upload:

  1. Select the three-dot menu
  2. Select View configuration


Delete an upload

To delete an upload:

  1. Select the three-dot menu
  2. Select Delete from database. You will be asked to confirm this action in a separate dialog.
    • Note:  deleting an upload deletes the documents in the upload from all projects in the database that the upload was added to, including those that you may not be part of.
    • Note:  All review work associated with those documents is lost. This option is only available to users with the Delete permission

Add documents to an upload

For organizational purposes, it can be helpful to add additional files to an upload after the initial upload is complete. For example, you may want to keep all files from a single custodian in the same upload, even if documents are received in a rolling manner. Or, you may want to ensure that certain documents are all processed in the same way upon upload.  

You can add additional documents to an existing upload by associating a new source file to that upload. To do so: 

  1. Select View report on the upload card or View upload details under the three-dot menu icon.
  2. Navigate to the Transferring tab
    • On this tab, you can see and download existing source files, and add new ones. Local files uploaded together will be grouped under a Local upload category in the upload details card. Each source file represents a discrete document collection that was added to an upload.
  3. To add a new source file to an upload, select Add files.
  4. Select the location of the file (local or cloud).
  5. Follow the instructions in the dialog to complete your addition of a new source file. 
    • Because the new source file is being added to an existing upload, document(s) in the file will be processed according to the configuration settings of the initial upload. There may be some exceptions to this rule depending on the source of the file, which will be reflected in the modifiable fields you can set as you complete the steps to add a new source file. 

View upload details

An upload details report is available to monitor and review the details of an upload. You can access the report in two ways: 

  • Select View report at the bottom of the upload card (which will be called View progress if the upload is not yet complete) 
  • Select View upload details under the three-dot menu icon.


An upload to Everlaw goes through two general phases: (1) transferring the upload file(s) to Everlaw for processing and (2) the processing itself. These phases are reflected in the tabs at the top of the upload details report. As an upload progresses, each tab becomes active as the corresponding upload phase is reached. Once the upload is complete, the Upload report tab becomes active.

Upload details: Transferring tab

While a transfer is in progress, you can visit this tab to monitor the progress of the transfer. 

Once a transfer is complete or in an error state, you can visit this tab to:

  • See the success or failure status of the transfer
  • See the source file(s) associated with the upload. You can also add new source files from this tab (see the Adding new documents to an upload section above for more information)
  • Download any of the source files
  • See the list of custodians assigned to the upload by clicking on "Show custodian assignment"

To troubleshoot transfer errors from an Office 365 upload, please visit this article.

Cloud upload configuration

When you perform native cloud collections, the collection configuration is saved and displayed on each group of sources. For example, in a Slack upload, information about the custodians, workspaces, channels and date range of collection can be viewed during and after uploads.


For cloud upload sources, you can view the collection configuration. To do so:
  1. Expand the arrow icon below the upload source
  2. Select Show cloud configuration to view the cloud collection configuration.


Note: Performing another cloud collection with the same configuration is not guaranteed to collect the same files since the cloud files may have changed in the meantime. For example, if OneDrive files have since been deleted, they might not be collected if you perform a subsequent collection with the same parameters.
In the case that multiple cloud sources are added to an upload card, the collection configuration for each source can be displayed in the same way by expanding and clicking Show cloud configuration. To learn more about adding files to an upload, see the previous section on adding additional files.


⚠️ Note: Cloud upload configuration was added on the release starting Feb 3, 2023. Only cloud uploads made after the release will have the configuration displayed and uploads made before this date will not show the collection configuration (custodians, date range, etc.).

Upload details: Processing tab

During processing, you can visit this tab to see:

  • The processing status for each document included in an upload
  • Summary counts of documents:
    • That have completed processing
    • Being processed
    • Still queued for processing.


  • The table on this tab displays all documents that are currently being processed, along with the control number, processing status, size, and file name/path of those  documents
  • This view updates every 5 seconds and is sorted in descending order of time since processing started on the files (files that take the longest to process are at the top).
  • Additional information is provided on the type of processing the files are undergoing. If there are more than 100 files being processed at the same time, the table shows the details of the longest running 100 files.

The processing steps and file types that have these steps are as follows:

Processing step File types
Processing All
OCR PDFs, TIFF files and other image files
Transcribing/Transcoding Audio/video files, any file with audio

Upload details: Upload report tab

The upload report tab includes a breakdown of various aspects of your upload and a visualization of the filetypes included in your upload.


To download this information, you can:

  • Select Download detailed report, which downloads a CSV with information about each document in the upload
  • Select Print upload report, which generates a PDF version of the exact view you see while on the upload report tab

Taking each section of the upload report in turn:

Upload size

This section shows:

  • The size of the source file(s)
  • The size and count of deduped and deNISTed documents
  • The billable size of the upload documents. 

Select download deduped info report for information on deduplicated documents. This report shows: 

  • Original Path: Native path for the "original" document (for each set of duplicates, the single instance of the document that was uploaded to Everlaw)
  • Original Bates: Begin Bates numbers for the original documents
  • Duplicate Path: Native path for the deduplicated document associated with the original document


If there are multiple duplicates for one original path, a row is included for each duplicate. This means that multiple rows can have the same original path and original Bates values.


This section shows the count of each type of file processed in the upload and added to the project. It excludes documents that were deduped or deNISTed.

  • Select any of the counts to open a results table with all documents in the project of that type. 
  • The pie graph visualization on the right allows you to get a quick sense of the relative proportion of document types in the upload, as well as a quick way to access all documents in the upload.

Documents with issues

This section shows the number of documents that registered errors during processing, broken down by processing stage. You can review these errored files by clicking on any of the counts.

Flagged as malicious

After files are examined, converted to PDF, and OCR’d to create searchable text files, native files are scanned for viruses or other malware. The total number of documents that have a virus or malware will be flagged and identified here. You can click on the count to open a results table with these documents. These documents are safe to review on Everlaw, but you  be cautious about downloading them to your personal computer or local environment. For more information, please see this article on identifying and troubleshooting native upload errors.

OCRed and Imaged

The final section displays counts for the total number of pages either OCRed or imaged as a result of processing. You can access the underlying documents by clicking on the counts.

Cross-upload reports

Cross-upload reports allow you to download information about multiple uploads.

There are two types of cross-upload reports:

  • A per upload report for each selected upload
  • A per document report for each document in the selected uploads

By default, the report will span all uploads. However, you can specify a smaller subset of uploads or documents by using the filter boxes. Once you’ve filtered your uploads:

  • The upload report will only include information about the uploads captured in the filter
  • The document report will only include documents in the uploads captured by the filter. If a custodian filter is used, the documents will be further filtered such that only documents with that particular custodian value will be included.

To download these reports:

  1. Select Download reports. 
  2. Select the type of report.


A task to generate the report starts. You can monitor the status of the task – and download the resulting reports – on the Batches and Exports column of the homepage

Uploads and documents that are still in progress or are being reprocessed are not included in the report.

  • Per-upload report: generates a CSV that has 1 row for each upload (taking into account filters). The included fields are:
Field Name  Explanation
Upload id Unique number identifier for an upload 
Upload name Name of the upload 
Upload date Datetime of the upload in UTC 
Upload description Description of the upload
Project name(s) Name(s) of the projects the upload is associated with
Project id(s) Unique identifier(s) of the associated project(s)
Uploader Name of the user performing the upload
Custodian(s) Custodian(s) associated with the upload
Associated with Everlaw legal hold Whether the upload is associated with a legal hold in Everlaw
Name of legal hold Name of the associated legal hold
Upload source(s) The local or cloud source(s) of source files in the upload
Size of source(s) The summed size of all source files associated with an upload
Default timezone Default timezone configuration set upon upload
Begin date filter(s) The start datetime of any filter used to retrieve the source file(s) in UTC. The number of values in this field should correspond to the number of values in the "Upload source(s)" field, and can be mapped to the appropriate source by order. 
End date filters(s) The end datetime of any filter used to retrieve the source file(s) in UTC. The number of values in this field should correspond to the number of values in the "Upload source(s)" field, and can be mapped to the appropriate source by order. 
PDF image setting Image setting configuration set upon upload
Hyperlink images Fetch hyperlinked image configuration set upon upload
OCR language setting OCR language configuration set upon upload
Page size setting Page size configuration set upon upload
Inline image setting Inline image configuration set upon upload
Deduplication setting Deduplication configuration set upon upload
Size of deNisted documents The file size of the documents deNisted during processing
Count of deNisted documents The number of documents deNisted during processing
Size of deduplicated documents The file size of the documents deduplicated during processing
Count of deduplicated documents The number of documents deduplicated during processing
Total number of documents post-processing (current) The number of processed documents from the upload. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of attachments (current) The number of processed documents from the upload that are attachments. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of password-protected documents (current) The number of processed documents from the upload that were password-protected. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of OCRed pages (current) The number of OCRed pages across all the documents from the upload. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of imaged pages (current) The number of imaged pages across all the documents from the upload. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Internal control number ranges (current) The control numbers assigned to the documents in the upload. If there are consecutive assignments, the range will be reported as [start of range] - [end of range].

If there are more than 20 separate ranges associated with an upload, the min and max numbers will be reported instead as: [min control number] ~ [max control number]. Documents in the upload are guaranteed to fall within this min-max range, but the range could also include control numbers that are not assigned to documents in the upload. 

This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions. 
Number of documents with processing errors (current) The number of documents in the upload that had processing errors. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of documents with examine errors (current) The number of documents in the upload that had errors at the examine stage of processing. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of documents with PDF errors (current) The number of documents in the upload that had errors at the PDF image generation stage of processing. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of documents with text errors (current) The number of documents in the upload that had errors at the text stage of processing. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of documents with container errors (current) The number of documents in the upload that had container errors. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of documents flagged as malicious (current) The number of documents in the upload that were flagged as malicious during processing. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Number of password-protected documents that cannot be opened (current) The number of password-protected documents in the upload that could not be opened during processing. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
* Document count by type 1 column for each document type. These fields are based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
Billable size (current) The billable size of the documents in the upload. This field is based on the current state of the database, and will reflect any subsequent document deletions.
* Document set links Links back into the platform for: documents in the upload, documents with missing passwords, documents with examine errors, documents with PDF errors, documents with text errors, documents with container errors, and documents flagged as malicious. 


  • Per-document report: A CSV with 1 row for each document in the upload(s), including those that were deduplicated or deNISTed. The included fields are:
    • Document id (Control #) - This is blank for Deduplicated or DeNISTed files
    • Upload dataset name - This can be changed by renaming the upload card
    • Upload dataset id - This is fixed regardless of changes to upload dataset name
    • Upload date (UTC)
    • Filename
    • File path
    • Extension
    • Custodian - Blank if no custodian was assigned at upload
    • Processing/Production Flags - the current contents of the “Processing/Production Flags” Special Column, if any. (This is any of the flags available in the Uploaded document search term’s “flags” parameter.)
    • Processing error - true/false 
    • OCR - true/false
    • Reprocess date - The most recent reprocessing date and time if any
    • Reprocessed by - First and Last Name of user
    • Deduplicated - true/false
    • DeNISTed - true/false
    • Uploaded by - First and Last Name of user

⚠️ Note: Upload time and user tracking was added on the release June 3, 2022. Before this date, the fields Reprocess date, Reprocessed by, Upload date, Uploaded by are always blank for documents uploaded prior to June 3 as Everlaw did not previously store information for these fields. New sources added to these uploads will correctly show the uploading/reprocessing user and time in the report CSV.

Additionally, for legacy users without First/Last Names, their email or username will appear in the Uploaded by or Reprocessed by field instead.


Native data processing settings

Here are a few additional details about native processing on Everlaw:

  • The orientation of documents is preserved from its native version (e.g., a document that is in landscape orientation will remain that way upon upload)
  • Embedded files: Everlaw will extract all embedded files, including audio and video files, in a Microsoft 365 file (e.g., an Excel file embedded in a PowerPoint) and any file embedded in a PDF.
  • Emails containing URL links to other supported documents will be recognized. See the context panel article to learn more.
  • The children of container files are extracted with no limitation on depth. For example, a Word document attached to an email that’s attached to another email that’s in a Zip file that’s in another Zip file will be extracted.
  • Hidden columns in Excel are displayed.
  • Notes are extracted and presented in the PDF/Image view for Word documents and the Native view for spreadsheets.
  • Sometimes, you may try to upload an entire hard drive or a folder with personal files mixed in with system/software files. Some of these files have no user-specific content and can be removed upon processing. This process is called deNIST (removing NIST files). Any files that are on the NIST list will qualify for deNISTing automatically upon upload. Binary files, and virtually all containers, are not part of this list and will not be removed.

In addition, chat data is processed according to the following rules:

Chat formats subject to 100 messages/doc limit
  • Cellebrite
  • RSMF
  • Bloomberg
  • Hangout (JSON)
  • Teams (Purview HTML)
  • iChat/Messages database
  • WhatsApp database
Chat formats that process to one document per conversation
  • Teams (PST)
  • Teams (Cloud Connector)
  • Hangouts (MBOX)
  • Zoom
Chat formats that process to one document per day
  • Slack