If you have Admin permissions on Productions, you can configure production notifications. To do so, navigate to the Productions page via the Data Transfer dropdown in the top right corner of your screen.
Then, choose Notifications on the left sidebar under Productions.
By default, a user creating a production will receive a notification upon its completion and a user sharing a production will receive a notification upon its download. You can toggle these notifications on or off under Default recipients.
Under Additional recipients, you can add additional users, groups, or organizations to receive production completion or download notifications. To add a new recipient, type the user, group, or organization name in the “Add recipient” field and select their name from the dropdown. Next, select the notifications they should be receiving and click Add. To remove a recipient, click the X under the Remove column.
Users added to the list will receive their selected notification(s) in their Message Center each time a production has completed or a shared production has been downloaded. The body of the completion notification includes the Bates range, billable size, document count, status, and an attached production card.
The body of the download notification includes the download date, recipient name and email/link name, files downloaded, sharer, production expiration date, and an attached production card.
If you would like to receive email notifications as well, you can navigate to the “Settings” option in the bottom left of the Message Center, and check the box next to “Production activity”.